Totally organic growth

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i think you mean orgasmic

>totally butthurt you missed the gains
lmao stay poor faggot

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fake growth will bring real growth.
after real growth, whales will leave.
you should leave with the whales.

sell your all btc around 80k. it may go up to 100k but 80k is the safe spot.

If you remove bitfinex and binance from the picture it becomes pretty obvious that this pump is going totally manufactured. People are making money now that's true, but the majority of those will lose a lot more eventually.

It only takes a single exit scam and it's over.

yeah it is absurd
I am staying out of this shit
not gonna rebuy at 3k either

yeah seems like a big exit pump
been strapped in since 2017. but this is getting ridiculous.

Since Tether was created growth has been completely false. There is no institutional money here, only competing drug cartels and money launderers.


Even with the gains. This is going to be painfull after the crash. Another 2 years of bear market. We just needed to go slowly but we never learn.

institutional money wont touch this shitshow. takes them 5 minutes of research to see that BTC is a disaster waiting to happen. I have no idea how the government allows this ponzi scheme to go on. tons of people will get rekt.

I suspect that CZ the Master Chink pump the market.

He was keep saying that 2019 is the new 2017 and stuff before March.

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Why is monero dumping REEEEE

well, he holds 2/3 of all USDT so...

This is a suckers rally

can somebody explain to me how he can get away with this? running unregulated exchanges, printing your own money, running pump and dump schemes and even advertising them on twitter. I thought we had like laws and shit.

Tehter is just printing money for bitfinex! I'm not tursting them any more. RSR is the better choice in this case.

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You couldn't possibly fathom how insulting it is to the Chinese to call them "chinks". I hope you get a taste of your own medicine so you can truly feel the hurt of being called nasty racist words

Yeah, but I think they are offshore companies.


Fuck off.

or, you know, people in Hong Kong specifically have an interest in protecting their money.

>You couldn't possibly fathom how insulting it is to the Chinese to call them "chinks"
It's okay. Chinese people have no soul.

still scamming customers from regulated countries though.

Oh shit. Based on that chart it clocks at least 24k.

Bitfinex is going down to upgrade their system to include 100x leverage, that's why they've used tether to pump BTC. So whales can short it back down 100x.

b-b-but user! the futures that literally have no demand have been approved! this surely validates the 1.5 billion tether pump, right? right? get in on this organic growth! we are going for new ATH

I love this site

daily reminder
let that image sink in

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If you want organic goto a farmers market. This is the free market.

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Jow Forums is compromised

I'm so tired of the "organic price action" meme. This is what an actual trading market looks like. One that is comprised of people, with emotions and alternatives. Everyone is so used to stock and bond markets, where the main players have no alternatives and the ability to borrow incredibly cheap. Every payday, the billions from 401(k)s, pensions, and institutions that are contractually obligated to buy, sending the market marching up in an orderly fashion. That is a manipulated market. Crypto is the real mccoy.

Totally organically rekt bear. Cry moar bitch.

>institutional money wont touch this shitshow
they are already in brainlet

the whole finex/tether collapse is expected and they are profiting from it

>believing the Tether FUD
you brainlets will get rekt and you deserve it

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In this thread: Seething non BTC holders LMFAO.

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bitfinex was caught lying to their customers with their pants down. hey we just lost 850 mil just pretend everythings alright

Bitfinex Court case July 29th. You honestly think they weren't going to make as much cash as possible before getting fucked did you?

what am i looking for? The far left shoe not matching the one next to it?

1. Print a billion Tethers out of thin air.
2. Buy a billion dollars worth of Bitcoin while people don’t realise their online account cash balances are bullshit.
3. Bitcoin goes parabolic.
4. Sell Bitcoin to the FOMO crowd for real dollars.
5. “See? The Tethers are fully backed!”

>trading the order book
what is this, stocks?


This is correct. In a regulated market this might have been illegal but I doubt anything will be done to them now. In fact because of that there is no reason for btc to crash now. However all the brainlets using TA and other memeology like le halving literally have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
You're all gambling and don't realise it, there is no investment with crypto as it is now.

Have you guys actually looked at the documents surrounding the case? They had the cash, they always had the cash, but they were fucked by banks and regulators, locking up some of the money. This case is only going to show that the shit was backed the whole time.

So you think they have gathered an additional half a billion in capital over the last month to support the printing?

You also believe that after admitting that they'd bought bitcoin with the reserve currency that they're not incentivised to increase BTC value?

That they don't need to develop a strategy to recover their loss of $850m earlier this year?

I mean, I'm happy trading and making money in crypto, but I'm not outright fucking ignorant to what's driving prices here.

Who is buying thether?

Everyone on exchanges who uses stablecoins to trade.

Who cares? It’s not like the dollar has any credibility anyways. Who cares if tether has credibility. What matters is how many btc you own, and that’s it. That is the only objective measurement of wealth.

Finally, for those wondering where bitcoin may end up before the current bubble pops, loop up the infamous bitcoin "log"chart which see the current hitting $60,000 some time soon.

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First world retard detected

You should buy real BitCoin at $240
Been warned

I agree. We should use the terms gooks and zipperheads more often.

Fuck off boomer chink.

It's going to $1mil.

i got a heart attack from op pic 10k? nigger get with the program!

Does it really matter if some of the market movements are "manipulated"? and even then in all trades there is a buyer and a seller. you can profit from any movement if you are diligent in your strategy.


You ever see how plants grow? The more foliage it has, the faster it grows.

Honestly, with all these liquidations they’ve been using to generate revenue, yes. Think about it, print fake money to pump/dump BTC with the trend while liquidating degenerate gamblers in the process generating the funds to back their fake money. But now it’s become REAL money.

Wow we are comparing BTC growth to plant organisms now?

This is the sell trigger I looked for. Thanks user. 2000 USD within 2,3 weeks.

$850M was locked up in legal bullshit, meanwhile $billions more are available and ready to go. They had a regulatory problem with access to some of their cash. I guess you could look at that to say "oh no, for this period of lockup, tether is only 85% backed". You know the money in your bank account is only backed with 10% actual dollars? This whole thing is the most ridiculous FUD.

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Fractional reserve banking with a large series of controls, and insurance on deposited amounts well beyond the levels that are stored in there.

Is your argument that tether being backed by 85% of assets (which are not stable, and includes crypto) in an uninsured environment with no audited accounts, is better than insured deposits in fiat banks? That's a pretty shit argument.

As I've said before, I don't mind making money in crypto, and have made way more than I ever expected to, but I'm not some retarded brainlet who thinks Bitfinex/Tether has my best interests at heart when they were printing make believe money, spoofing orders and enriching themselves from naive traders who think they're buying into a new paradigm

shit nigga you're right