Im gaining thousands of dollars a day but I just realized that you guys r my only frens

Im gaining thousands of dollars a day but I just realized that you guys r my only frens.

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Friends is a made up term, you either trust people or you don't.

Everyday more and more posters I don't recognise start flooding the board with spam and fud.

I feel soon the only times I will be able to speak to my true marines again will be during the Yacht party.

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I am a LINKlet but I hope we all make it

Except for the BSV pajeets

OP please listen to me. Don't fall for the fren meme. It's nothing but cope for losers. No one here is your friend and they never will be. Don't waste your life deluding yourself into thinking meaningless connections you made with people you will never know beyond words on a screen are healthy social interactions. You need to get out and meet new people if you want to grow socially. I'm not saying you should. You can live a perfectly happy life in solitude, but if you want human interaction, you need to go out and get it. It won't be easy, but there are people out there who will appreciate you for who you are. You won't find them immediately. You may not find them at all. That's just how life is, but you aren't growing here.

i gain hundreds of thousands. i made lots of friends outside of this board and realized that's highly overrated. really the only use of the outside world is meeting roasties. for frens Jow Forums is the best place.

you will never make it.

I've made lots of friends too but with age everyone splits and nobody wants to hang out anymore so I just shitpost on Jow Forums

Also I can't relate to normies and talk about Netflix shows or saving the rainforest or whatever gay shit they believe in now

The truth hurts.

Why would I want to make friends on Jow Forums when it's full of racist scumbags who act pompous and brag like their shit don't stink. Thanks but no thanks, I'll stick to my true friends on Reddit. The best online community on the interweb.

Be more subtle next time, you almost had me

based and upvoted

only friend worth having is business friend

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No one is your friend here. Everyone is systematically trying to scam each other.

This is the most disgusting board on Jow Forums and that's an understatement.

Now I’m motivated to call the anons I saved.

based and dr phil pilled

with a gf you can breed

you need friends to find a gf (they always ask for your friends, only creeps dont have any)

you need common interests to find friends,
non gay people usually prefer sports and cars

I'm not trying to scam anyone

Just pay hookers lmao

cryptocurrency meetups are the best place to make friends actually. but it's still full of normans

>t. normalfag

how do i get a /biz gf?

Imagine being this much of a cucked goy

if Jow Forums organized a meetup at a roastie abundant place during a bullmarket, there'd be lots of women showing up

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>on Jow Forums
If there were any it would be a huge sell signal