Let's get a consensus on what to do as marines...
Other urls found in this thread:
It's time to let the normies buy in.
Most of them will be swingers or sell to early anyways marines.
Wow seems like fudders are a very vocal minority while most people want to start to get the hype going
30k here
I have never shilled Link and I have never fudded Link. Whatever happens, happens. My life is in Daddy Sergeys hands.
shill or chill sums it up best
Whales influencers are loosing grip. Shilling will commence, we need upper floor before the bull run starts.
Fuck it lets shill. I expected us to be at least 5 dollars after all this shit but we got fucked by the whales.
Former arkie here btw, whales will keep fucking you till they bleed you dry. Whales are not smart or educated, they are only richer than you cuz they got into btc early. Thats it, they know nothing. They will pathetically keep selling and buying from themselves until they drop the price as much as they want. They are fucking scum, do not let them win.
Fudders are no linkers and trolls, don't sweat it
Not surprised, all FUD defenders were always single post ID's. Most likely whale groupie influencers using a VPN. I think most people just want to sit back and let it go, or start shilling it at this point.
Me personally I am too lazy to shill properly to reddit/twitter etc. But I am gonna shill it here on Jow Forums and to other boards on Jow Forums like /v/ and such. If boards like /v/, /tv/ etc get rich there could be some cool vidya/movies getting made. Someone needs to shill to /a/ as well so we get some neat anime's made. I like anime but don't want to browse there.
Shill on twitter and post positive thoughts pasta on here. That's pretty much it
I agree. I won't actively shill because it always sounds forced/scammy from me but when I see the opportunity to explain something or debunk a fud attempt, I will. Chill and occasionally shill.
fudders BTFO
You really are a sorry bunch of tards.
I mean how desperate do you have to be to post all of these within a fucking hour?
Smells like whale desperation. Ahh, I love this feeling. Fuck whales, fuck funders, we chill and shill now frens.
fuck off man, i dont give 0 fucks about what you think, we dont want reddit in, is it so hard? have you ever read the daily general on reddit? FUCK THESE PEOPLE MAN.
Chainlink is $2, they are appropriately fucked by now.
It's time to let everyone in.
Mainnet is out and the likes of Google and Oracle are actively shilling Chainlink.
Let it go.
Yeah a suicide stack is 2000$ right now. That's for a fucking suicide stack, a make it stack is 20,000$. Most reddit normies aren't willing to put this much in a single token because they all hold 25 coins worth 200$ because they don't trust their instinct and knowledge and they fall for the diversify meme. Reddit will hold pocket change and quickly sell at 10$ because the stack gets too big, they get scared and they want more REQ and NANO
Fuck off namefag, we chill and shill now.
You are a desperate whale that sold and wants to price in again?
Sorry, your linkies will be distributed to reddit instead you ungrateful piece of shit.
Checked, agree with this post. We need to start larping the shit out of Link. Put the fud effort into shilling as only biz can and send Link and Sergey to the moon. It is time.
>start larping the shit out of Link.
No you fuckhead.
Chill and shill.
Be cool about something for once in your life.
It absolutely is whale desperation. Who the fuck knows what KIN is, who the fuck keeps up with KIN news, who the fuck knows who KIN advisors are to the point you recognize them as Link advisors too.
Only whale groups who spend all day researching and reading shitcoin whitepapers for PnD material know this garbage.
same here
Why though? For what reason? For a little pump to swing trade? You had two years.
I fud. I've been holding these bags for like 700 days
Some of the normies will see the long term uptrend and will become long term holders. If you don't want normies to PnD your coin, just shill it as a long term hold and shill them on passive income. There now you have lots of new support and long term gains.
The stealth phase passed after the announcement of Google.
We can send this token to the stratosphere.
The fastest growth is the best solution.
don't tell Jow Forums how to do anything
fuck reddit, and fuck 90% of people
not i, nor anyone else should kneel to reddit to spoonfeed their retarded communist asses
i am kinda torn on the whole fudding thing—i don't mind that others do it, but i don't do it myself
i do shill chainlink to individuals who i know will never sell—but never to retards
>thinks $2 is a level where a new buyer is "appropriately fucked"
you are a fucking nonbelieving nulinker and you know it; you're gonna dump like a fucking moonkiddie just like any other normie would, while link marines are gonna be left holding the same bag they've held since 2017
we don't mind holding—we just don't want faggots like you who are so ungrateful to the ones who spoonfed them that they'd dump all over them getting rich off the fact that you know that we will literally never sell
fuck you into oblivion, normie
Ok guys look, nothing is going to happen unless we just start shilling now. LET'S JUST START WITH IT.
>he actually thinks this
anyone who thinks shilling Link to normies is what will make us rich is fucking retarded. If you think that Link will derive its value from ordinary people buying it you clearly don't understand Link. The value of Link will be derived from network use; it's the Banks and Corporations that will pump our bags to the fucking moon, not normies.
This is what we should do
>SHILL to high quality industry connected accounts and indivuduals, support LINK as the rightful INDUSTRY STANDARD
>POST freely on Jow Forums about LINK as Jow Forums itself still repels a majority of normies and because we are never fucking selling
>FUD pump and dump (((traders))) and similar cancer with no respect for the fundamentals like @SatoshiFlipper (pump and dumped the FB rumor and Oracle news to his 27k Twitter lemmings)
>/STEALTHMODE/ the rest of Reddit/Twitter/etc and let them figure it out on their own
You had 2 years to accumulate, let the network grow. Fudding now to harm Link's image and accumulate cheaper is just pure destructive (((greed))).
Pump it, share it with everyone. You want to make it then support it. The time is now.
This is 100% correct.
What's a suicide stack now?
>Only 42 LINKies
I don't think I'm going to make it senpai. But I will sit here with iron hands
I want to break Satoshi flipper knees
Why not do both. It's not like shilling to normies wont give us an extra boost you fucking retard.
>b-but PnD
Normies make things go up, whale faggots make things go down. Stop trying to make people think the normies will dump on us. Any who do will quickly fomo back in when they see it keeps rising.
I'm worried that if we spend 3 more years fudding, we could Fud ourselves into the ground while a well-funded competitor comfunding, and develops the same or better of a product.
Market dominance is what we need now, to establish as a category leader.
Comfunding=comes along
I voted for rape OP's family
The option ‘’Find the subaru keys’’ is missing, jerk.
Fuck it, time to hop on the shill train.
I felt for diversify meme, it was horrible. Right now I'm 70% in Link, 30%BTC
Fudders are the ones with 30k+stacks. Shills are the ones with 10k or less.
It's not a ponzi, though.
Don't have any wojacks on my new iPhone
Check 'em
>I felt for diversify meme, it was horrible. Right now I'm 70% in Link, 30%BTC
I went all in LINK yesterday when we hit 16-17k sats lol
BTC is for ultra dips. Never sell link, just buy and hodl. Who knows, knows
he's right
the nulinkers and other brainlets who didn't have the foresight to accumulate and probably can't even tell you what the LINK token does now outnumber the smart people. It was already happening after LINKtober, twitter fags kept constantly debating with ripplebrainlets and the linkmarines are primarily former Vechain and XRP loyalists. We fucked up.
nothing more cringe than a clueless faggot who thinks that shilling to low-value NPC college commies who dedicate days of their lives defending chink and pajeet scams is going to help raise the foundation of his once-in-a-lifetime gem of an investment
care to make an actual fucking argument?
>p-pls talk to me
Being this moralistic about money is why you will always be poor.
based street shitter
me asking you to actually assert your position with someting substantial does not amount to me begging you for attention you fucking idiot
your lack of a commitment to anything of substance is why you will always wind up falling back into misery and poverty; you trade a solid foundation with people who, out of principle, will never betray you for brief moments of ecstasy with the plebs. you're a fucking subhuman, and you will get what you deserve—we all get what we deserve.
We got to $2 from small-time buyers alone, what does that tell you?
This. It’s over, we are the early investors, and we are entering awareness phase. I say this as a long-time fudder. It’s time to let the normie world know about it.
Just move your other stuff into Link.
Why would it not be the other way around? Having 40K+ stacks puts you into the top 1K of wallets. What incentive do they have to continue fudding since they can no longer accumulate the way they used to?
it hardly matters—the low price of LINK in this moment and in the near future creates an opportunity for individuals who are willing to understand what link is to buy large sums of it from the saps who are looking to sell, and hold it *forever*. the more these kinds of individuals buy, the less link there is in circulation, and the more drastic the shortage will be when the network really gets going, causing the network to run on tiny fractions of tokens; this translates to each LINK being worth significantly more, as node operators will be willing to perform their operations for less link, while the people paying the node operators don't necessarily care what the price of link is. as the network grows, this effect will only become more pronounced. we DO NOT FUCKING NEED NORMIES BUYING OUR LINK FROM US. WE DON'T NEED NORMIE HYPE. THE GROWTH OF LINK IS NOT PREDICATED ON THE CONCEPT OF DUMPING ON OTHERS. LINK IS NOT A PONZI OR A SCAM OF ANY SORT, AND YOU DON'T NEED TO TREAT IT LIKE IT IS. IF YOU BUY LINK, IT IS IN YOUR INTEREST TO HOLD FOREVER AND EVER. IF YOU EVER WANTED A GUARANTEED WAY OUT OF LIVING A LIFE OF SHIT SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS 24/7, YOU HAVE A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO DO SO IN INVESTING IN LINK, AND SIMPLY HOLDING FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. IF YOU EVEN VAGUELY UNDERSTAND THIS CONCEPT, GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD HOW LUCKY YOU ARE TO BE HERE, RIGHT NOW. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT THIS.
>"the reason for doing 20x hardly matters"
You're an idiot.
never gonna make it
it was always inevitable, pajeet
tfw used to ahve over 30k stinkies but sold for shitcoins in 2017 and now only got 165.
Be more braindead, I dare you.
>well I have a 20 dollar bill and also a 100 dollar bill
>better throw away the 20, because 100 is more!
Long time fudder here, I’ve downvoted every single post and thread on reddit with multiple accounts.
We’re all in position, many of us are probably all-in, and the cat is slowly exiting the bag.
It’s time to let it grow
wow great analogy
>hey we're on a roadtrip to Disney world, we go by ourselves, or we could stop and pick up and bunch of retarded commies along the way who're gonna piss all the time
>normie money is the opposite of money
God damn you're stupid.
what do you think the LINK token does?
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Explain how some money is ok but other money isn't.
you don't fucking get it
i mean—there's little that can be said about this
no matter what words we exchange here, and no matter what you or i do, you're gonna get what you deserve
if you don't understand it, you probably won't earn it
you'll probably sell; you'll laugh in the moment, and consider yourself vindicated
your focus on these immediate thrills will satiate, and cost you dearly
i hope this development in you happened successfully, and that it's not tormentous to your mind
Wow seems like shillers are fucking nulinkers with puny stacks while most ogs want to buy even though they got 50+k already
because clearly you don't know and it shows
the destination is the same
trying reading the whitepaper sometime
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Explain why normie money should be excluded, even though normie money is what got Link to do a 20x so far.
Stop babbling and explain you moron.
Explain why you do not want normie money in Link, even though normie money got link to do a 20x so far.
why all the panic? LINK didn't even go down over the 24 hour period. you guys were watching the fluctuations too much. just chill those hands bros. you're going to be fine. I'm buying more later this week. This is a great project.
read the fucking whitepaper moron
the reason we did a 20x is because we didn't spoonfeed retards, and I for one don't intend to start now
>"money is annoying"
haha what?
Stop deflecting and answer the question.
Explain why you do not want normie money in Link, even though normie money got link to do a 20x so far.
Had you faggots been in link in 2017, link's chart would look like any other coins
what do you think the link token does?
Can you even answer that?
Not spoonfeeding retards =/= fudding
Wow thanks, man. Just totally leave /mu/sicians in the dust.
>Had you faggots been in link in 2017, link's chart would look like any other coins
Literally what?
Explain why you do not want normie money in Link, even though normie money got link to do a 20x so far.
You keep deflecting.
I can confirm this
>t. whale, kek
just like i suspected and the other user said
you think link is another fucking ponzi like nano
you have no idea what you're holding
Only this. Don't be fools. the FUD needs to be replaced with "worldwide shift in how data is queried". yeah, i know its fucking boring to you treestumps but if you want the moon, stop licking your puss filled cratered wounds and march like Marines.
>anything that goes up in price due to supply & demand is a ponzi
We're reaching new levels of retardation.
I've had a great time fudding link since sibos but now is the time to let the normies in. Sure we all hate them but it's no longer worth risk of keeping this project from really taking off due to insufferable neets blasting racist memes at anything link related. People are now discovering link whether we like it or not
Yeah, it's almost like the people who actually understand this shit know something you don't
keep chasing the vechain crowd and you'll get vechain results.
Still waiting on you to tell me what you think LINk does
this is the new nuclear codes pasta
>it's almost like the people who actually understand this shit know something you don't
Explain why you do not want normie money in Link, even though normie money got link to do a 20x so far.
For the love of god STOP DEFLECTING.
Because it doesn't make a difference.
Again, what do you think the LINK token does? If you knew the answer, you'd know why normie money is irrelevant.
shill, FUD, it doesn't matter. LINK is going to moon to $1000+ no matter what any of you insignificant ants do with your time. and if you don't understand this, you don't understand what LINK is, and you will almost definitely sell too much too early.
Link is used to compensate nodes and users for the use of the Chainlink network, and as staked collateral.
You obviously think Link is going to reach a certain predestined height based on a percentage of the total market value transacted through the network.
But why on earth would you pretend this cancels out normie speculation?
Why not have both?
Only shilled one friend. Sad he didn't listen.
Wow, I'm actually surprised. My apologies.
The answer to that question is that market demand will be so fucking massive once it's fully operational that it doesn't make a difference. Most weak handed faggots will never be able to comprehend this. The operational network will is the destination , and retailers have 0 effect on getting there. The only difference is they will shit up this board (more than they already have) and recycle our memes.