Summer fags and reddit have ruined this board

Even in peak bull run i didn’t remember this much faggotry.
The amount of handholding, group concern, and massive ignorance to LINK is growing. I noticed it since google. I dont think as many original biz anons are doing most talking anymore.
Fuck off to reddit. All you stupid fucking faggots who think shilling it there does anything to the price just fuck off to where you belong. Link is 2$, has good oracle, google and more and u stupid cunts think its 2$ because some neets on here dont shill to 18 year old redditors with 400$ networths?

Neck yourselves. Not wanting reddit on board is the natural order of things, and its not just about not letting them make it, its to keep you faggots away from here.

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Nice try whale influencer.

The only things to do, and I know is a Jow Forums tactic, is drop anti-NPC .webm, images and comments here and there in the threads.

Disgusting fudcuck

he thinks only 14 yo with 400$ net worth lurk Jow Forums and /reddit/

where do you think ultra rich boomers lurk? there are soem other secret based forums that only the rich lurk or soemthing?
you're fucking brain dead. the CEO of big corps and worlds 1% lurk here and on reddit and they get influenced by the web...alot.

you're a fucking idiot swinglinker thats what you are

Shilling it seems like a bad idea.
However, it is being linked to nazis and white power organisations on very visible public forums such as twitter. This can drive down actual adoption and force SJW converged organisations to take a stance against it.
Listen, I want to oven the jews as much as the next guy. But don't TELL them that you are going to do it, especially not like "hey jews, help me pump the price of this speculative asset so that I can gas you with my profits".

Never swing. This is all redditors like yourself say now. You took your “hodl” and “never sell!” Normie shit from reddit and are bringing it here and attempting to use Jow Forums lingo to fit in. Pathetic.

Nobody who understands link feels the need to shill it because you know that its not necessary and if anything its a pledge of not believing in it.
Read the fucking white paper and understand this shit and shut the fuck up. Or just go back to plebbit

You cunts ruined this place.

NO, people like YOU ruined this place

All you do is complain on 4channel about how your expectations haven't been met (on what is perhaps the best performing publicly available asset in the entire world) and how other people are to blame. If you sincerely believe your assessment of the situation, then the only sensible thing is to get the fuck off of biz so that you can spread the good word to normies and pump everybody's bags with sporadic needledick buys from the few people who will pay attention to your quasi-schizophrenic ramblings.
However, everyone knows you won't do that because you're just a child. You don't actually want to do what it takes to change your circumstances, you only want to whine and cajole the people who feed you until they give you handouts to shut you up for a few minutes.
The tragic irony of you idiots is that if you just lurked and quit shitting up the board with your neurotic whining, the fud would die down, the smart people would share innovative ideas with eachother, you could learn something for once, and chainlink would continue to absolutely dominate in the shadows like it has been for the past 5 fucking years.
But nooooo, babby needs gains NOW and it's the mean old "whales" and fudders who keep taking them from him :(
Sincerely consider suicide you mediocre waste of life.

not really, i like that user, you just dont get it user, FUCK REDDIT, I REPEAT, F U C K REDDIT.

its so obvious the way you write you came from reddit, every word u wrote is reddit aids

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Fudders were gifted access to LINK by anons smarter than them and are paying them back by reducing their investment's growth potential.
Don't shill, don't fud, and especially don't nazipost on chainlink's / their partners' twitters.
That's all that had to be done.

i sent me jerking off and cumming to all team members to chainlinks email, how does that make you feel user? give me your hot takes.


Goood link discussion only comes when there is an equilibrium with the fud and shill. If biz senses reddit faggots and there are reddit fags it causes an internal attempt to purge them and we see threads like this and just bullshit.
When reddit faggots are gone we see some good discussion from high iq anons.

Redditors are the fucking last people you want on board. They have such short little attention spans, need CONSTANT reassurance of their decision, have to have things like airdrops, contests, batman nodes, just to keep their normie group consensus happy. They cannot grasp delayed gratification.

Look how all reddit coins did in bear. Huge pumps followed by worse dumps. They capitulate fast and systematically to cause slow bleeds for a long time.
They are fucking liabilities.
This entire “whale” narrative comes from reddit too. Every fucking reddit community talks about whales suppressing their shit coin

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You are not an user either.

Anyone remember that “cum guzzling” anime poster who was posting crap on all link partners and link twitters last year?

Oh look price has literally 10x since then. Just fuck off. You don’t understand what you hold

1 linkie has been deposited into your account

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That would be 100% fine with me. Never change.
What we shouldn't do is forcing their partners by to search for chaninlink alternatives because of nazi connections in the public space.

Come on, user, there was WAY more faggotry during the last bull run. Literally every second post was "what do I buy" or "tired of holding these bags" on a coin that had hit ATH like 72 hours earlier.

>You are not an user either.
nice spacing you got there, 100% certified oldfag.
