How to become rich with climate change?

How to become rich with climate change?

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become a conservative politician and sell yourself to big corporations

but fren, it's largely the left that are making big money spreading these panic lies.

buy cheap ass land in frozen shitholes like siberia or desert shitholes like central australia. as the ice caps melt the tundras will become warmer and the deserts will become greener

Invest in air conditioning

b-b-b-but the leftists
come on, enough with the LARPING, even a 10 year old knows what's going on

I didn't think there were retards here. You actually *believe* in climate change?


that's some pretty weak bait, lemme give you a

Of course, the media and all his friends at college told him it was true! He doesn't have to do his own research when Naquisha and Edgar from gender studies already set him straight.

invest in carbon credits derp

>Of course, stormfront and all his friends at the farm told him it was true! He doesn't have to do his own research when Cleetus and Clyde from Texas already set him straight.

>actually thinks people visit stormfront
LOL what is this, 2011? SLPC pissbaby please leave


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You'll have your 20th birthday one day fren.


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Buy land/empty parking lots in downtown Anchorage Alaska and hodl for a few decades. The place will become a new Vancouver or Seattle, a place for rich climate refugees.

>>actually thinks people visit stormfront
you're right, there's no need for that anymore since Jow Forums became the new face of Jow Forums

atleast I won't ever need to speak as a 5 year old to hide my extremist views


Go on, I know you're itching for it. Call me a Nazi.

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not gonna make it

I don't get this fear of being called a nazi
you're not on reddit here where you have to come up with stupid excuses for your beliefs and mega epic troller speeches like "the leftists are the real racists for calling us nazis"

I mean you participate on Jow Forums nigger hate threads. just be proud of who you are

In this issue, lefties will get rich thanks to (((carbon taxes))) and fearmongering
Conservacucks on the other hand get rich by sucking corporate and oil company cock and downplaying the issue
The point still stands, become a politician

wrong, there is much more money from big fossil fuel trying to create as much confusion as possible, so that they can continue making profits for as long as possible. They know it won't last forever, as truth always manages to eventually find its way to the surface, but clearly the money they spend in spreading lies is worth it for them.

>sold at 9k

Attached: returntocuckistan.jpg (396x382, 41K)

>he disagreed with me, I better say he's from reddit, that should do it


What's your point? In any crisis there is always someone making money, ie War.

Also, would you prefer all energy to be produced by a hand full of mega-power politically influencing trillion dollar oil companies, or in a decentralized way by anyone who owns some land, with fierce technological competition on designing more and more efficient renewable technology? The later sounds like it would drive a much stronger economy.

the royals are already subsidized by tax payers and now thanks to lefty whining we are paying them exorbitant amounts to build ugly turbines on "their" land
and it;s even likely they asked for it so they can look like good little goys, get money from their land without having annoying people nearby
i.e lefties cashing in

i'd rather we have a few nuclear clean energy plants than turbines that produce negligible amounts and cost a ton for renting the earls land
also fossil fuels provides lots of jobs mainly to the lower class

Sell air conditioners in europe. Seriously, it's an untapped markets, barely a single house has them.

>i'd rather we have a few nuclear clean energy plants than turbines that produce negligible amounts and cost a ton for renting the earls land

If they produce negligible amounts why is it so profitable?

>also fossil fuels provides lots of jobs mainly to the lower class

I'm sure there are just as many jobs being created in the renewable section, even for the lower class. Installation and maintenance is one.

Even putting aside the Co2 argument, renewable energy provides a way to decentralize power, giving back more control to the general population, while also providing a greater benefit to the economy. You can't possibly think that consolidation of power by a very small number of mega rich corporations is a good thing?

>Be george soros
>Support "fridays for future
>Short coal industry.
>Buy coal and coal industry stock at the bottom like soros did.
>Heavily invest into costal and city real estate. Because boomers want to sell their bags because of climate change and "raising waterlevel". Also since european nations basicaly die because of low birth rates we are glad someone is buying our boomer bags. Because 95% are so stupid they do not even understand that water levels will not raise even when the whole north pole melts because its shelf ice.
>Heavily invest in no borders. human trafficing and rapefoogies.
>Rapefugee crisis.
>Get double dipping profits from coastal and city real estate.
>Call them climate rapefugees. :D :D XD

Read the talmud btw to know how jes do this all the time.

profitable for who? yeah the turbine company and land renters
the whole green energy sector is heavily subsidized by the government lel
they (the taxpayer) pay the turbine company with government grants to build them and pay the bill of land rental from lord fancypants
also it can take 10-20 years for a solar panel to pay for itself, depending on where you live and they aren't cheap

>profitable for who? yeah the turbine company and land renters
Profitable for anyone who has land obviously. Sure that's mostly the upper middle class anyway, but it's still better than all the power being concentrated into a hand full of mega-rich corporations. You sound like a communist really, you don't want innovators to be able to profit?

>the whole green energy sector is heavily subsidized by the government lel

The fossil fuel industry is also subsidised at a much greater amount.

>they (the taxpayer) pay the turbine company with government grants to build them and pay the bill of land rental from lord fancypants

Wind turbines aren't the only renewable source of power, plus they can also be placed off-shore.

>also it can take 10-20 years for a solar panel to pay for itself, depending on where you live and they aren't cheap

Here in Australia, in general (if you own a home and pay electricity) the upfront cost of solar panels pays for itself in 5-10 years, taking into account the electricity you would normally pay. That's actually a really good investment. During the day, power that you generate gets sold back to the grid if you're using it. It's a really cool decentralized system of power generation.

Send 1 trillion lions on the sun, thank me later