>first day at work
>sit down in front of my desktop
>open my browser
>type in Jow Forums.org/biz
>"Error: Website blocked. This incident has been logged and reported. Your case number is: xxxxxx"
Am I fired?
First day at work
Other urls found in this thread:
>Browsing this place from the corporate network.
user i...
But no really just say you were searching for news on bitcoin and you clicked on something that took you there. Just don't be autistic about it, act like you don't know what that website is and you are annoyed that they are causing you problems and nothing will come of it.
burgerland? maybe, any other developed country with basic worker rights, no you aren't
Why would you browse biz at work? do it on your phone you tard
>basic workers rights
>ability to view porn at work
>what is TLS
>Logging onto a white supremacist website on company internet
what happens when you try 4channel.org/biz? the Jow Forums domain could be flagged because of adult content
Time to Google "work place mass shootings" op
look on the bright side, user. you don't have to wage-cuck anymore
IT Support here. This is the dumbest thing I've read today.
Do you honestly thinl we don't know the difference between you clicking a link vs typing shit in a browser?
I instinctively hit F6 and type Jow Forums.org/biz when I am at a computer.
>Do you honestly thinl we don't know the difference between you clicking a link vs typing shit in a browser?
Yes. Because you probably have poorly configured reporting and you lazy fucks are not going to go digging through the logs.
At least it was not pol i guess.
QUIT that job.
what if I use a VPN tho?
Try to acces some cached site like warosu.org
this is a basic worker right
That's why I use TailsOS. I've been doing it for over 2 years now. Either they don't care or they recognize that I'm a man of culture as well.
>identifying as an european
amerifat romanticizing europe detected
this is 4 CHANNEL you faggot
serves you well
make sure to lick the HRs feet and braps proper
>HRs feet
why are HR thots so hot
I do this using TOR on Brave. We don't exactly have an IT department, though.
what are you guys smoking? I'm on biz right now from my work computer. Work at a software development company, I do infrastructure so I work with IT on a lot of stuff.
Unless you have the correct reporting tools and alerts, no one is seriously looking at your network traffic. Do you think IT gives a fuck about what you're doing? They're doing the exact same thing but x10 because IT is a joke