So, you have one opportunity in a completely anti-hype project that went 10x far only thanks to its team, which has its only red flag in you, biz, filthy pump and dumpers social inept. Now you're discussing what to do, to shill or to fud or whatever... I'll tell you what now: you have to fucking die. The memes were fun and all but now we're on another level, there's no space for you here. Have I to remember you all the times that rich boomers shot a PM to 'sergey's shirt' twitter handle instead of the real? God knows how many opportunities we lost for your childish games. Or the overall stigma for link's community (totally understandable). If you had shut your fucking mouth we would've been over $5 already, and if you proceed to publicly show your cringy retardation there's an accountable chance that we will sink once and for all because god knows what will be your next shitshow, at which point personally I'll use what's left of my stack to end that fucking whore that you use to call mom. You got lucky and stomped on this once in a lifetime opportunity, don't fuck it up. For once, don't be you. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING NIGGERS
It looks like you're handicapped as always
Other urls found in this thread:
this is reddit, not /mu/. you need to give a tl;dr version or i won't read
Post Fernando
Jow Forums literally was their hype machine user.
tl;dr don't be a nigger or I'll do my best to physically end your mother
This. Listen to OP. He's based as fuck.
For once in your life Jow Forums calm your fucking autism and just restrain yourself for a while and don't do anything stupid or embarrassing that could damage the brand or the project.
And if you think that was a pro instead of a con you're a stupid nigger
>but now we're on another level, there's no space for you here.
Stfu retarded nulinker. Your post has no reasoning to back this up other than you want another shitcoin to PnD. You probably only cared about this after it 4x'ed in the last 2 months. Normies just create oppurtunity for swinglinkers, they don't permanently affect the price as much as legitimate businesses will. KYS immediately
We don't need reddit, twitter, normies, we have tokenomics and a based team that delivers. But most importantly we don't need you and your faggotry, breadcrumbs season has ended so you lost your only purpose here. Then, either you're in and shut the fuck up or you get the fuck out, full stop. Accept your brainlet status and do the right thing for once, NOTHING
>For once in your life Jow Forums calm your fucking autism and just restrain yourself for a while and don't do anything stupid or embarrassing that could damage the brand or the project.
Thanks Mr. Bossman, you sound experienced and know what you are doing. I'll be sure not to harass anyone on twitter. It would be harmful if I said bad words to people. Would hate to scare off the normies!
Stop sabotaging yourself and everyone else on the board. Your FUD doesn't hurt reddit or normies, it hurts your frens.
Kek fuck off this is one of the most amusing things ever. It is literally just too funny.
Continue fudding on Twitter marines
I see Mr. Bossman, very good reasoning. I would hate to harm all my nulinker frens! I will cease all my Twitter DMs
>And if you think that was a pro instead of a con you're a stupid nigger
no, i totally agree with you.
Because the number of holders and the distribution will not allow it to go higher.
Every time a whale dumps and drives the price down he makes a profit AND he rebuys all his link at the lower price, giving him more link and more capability to do this in future.
He's safe to do this because people still panic sell, there are people on this board that will have bought and sold link at a loss SEVERAL times by now.
Link has been well fudded, so huge pools of new buyers which could stifle this process are uninterested. No new money means the price can't go up.
If you want the price to go up you need:
>To stop selling
>Bring in new money to do the same
This is until a large quantity of the tokens are tied up in staking (At which point the supply will dramatically lessen) however what happens prior will still have a significant effect on the price per token.
>I'll be sure not to harass anyone on twitter
Spotted the social media addicted homosex. 1 crave 1 retweet or nigger dick, you choose
>The memes were fun and all but now we're on another level
I'm ready
are you?
>there's no space for you here
whoa whoa
you better watch what you say pal
you better be making space for me here
>pic related
>If you had shut your fucking mouth we would've been over $5 already, and if you proceed to publicly show your cringy retardation there's an accountable chance that we will sink once and for all because god knows what will be your next shitshow, at which point personally I'll use what's left of my stack to end that fucking whore that you use to call mom. You got lucky and stomped on this once in a lifetime opportunity, don't fuck it up. For once, don't be you. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING NIGGERS
what did you say to me you zoomer filth?
do you know who the fuck I am!?
>smacks your tendies out of your hands
that's right
I'm coming for your buttcorns and efereums you filthy zoomer bitch
Namefags are the worst, (you) can fuck off too
>If you had shut your fucking mouth we would've been over $5 already,
my and my friends are going to shut OPs filthy lying mouth very soon
>(you) can fuck off too
right back at you chief
you know where you can shove all that concern trolling of yours
mfw I walk into this shitshow of a thread
OP in shambles right now
>Namefags are the worst
smoothbrains even more so
>pic related
>t. Neo's older and more violent and adept brother
LMAO, just try and stop me bro.
Hubris got the best of you retards, you flew too close to the sun. Which is why I'm currently in contact with several journalists who want to get the scoop on the new cryptocoin of the alt right.
Pic related! Hahaha
You're all so fucked
Kek, get rekt faggot
It's sad that many of my fellow chain stink holders r autistic and delusional. Thinking that they haven't done any damage to the brand, calling link stinky linkies, that shit is just cringe as fuck
Yes sir! For the good of the country!
that fucking gif man
LOL imagine thinking that is a liability
hahaha did you see the 2016 election?
we saved the world once
we're about to do it again mother fucker
strap in...
Hey you got your (you), stop craving for it already
You're all fucking cucks
He ok, try harder faggot
>Hey you got your (you), stop craving for it already
I'm talking beyond you and beyond this thread
get with the program
if you're actually interested I can point you to some further reading
did you see our thread from last night?
>see with your eyes, not with your mouth
>pic related
song related:
>Eminence Front
>literally "The Who?"
I'm against shilling and FUDding just be fucking silence and all
>I see Mr. Bossman, very good reasoning. I would hate to harm all my nulinker frens! I will cease all my Twitter DMs
this... you sound like total native nigger from africa who only tolerate own tribe. Just walk outside and don't act like animal
>did you see our thread from last night?
there was some (((BIG NEWS)))
>4 (((YOU)))
how likely Is it the case that Jow Forums gets paid for advertising shitlink and other coins and u all suckers falling for it ?:)
>did you see our thread from last night?
Not interested in blogs but thanks. Now if you want to proceed with your blabbing you're welcome, free bumps for my thread
>Not interested in blogs
lol suit yourself
>free bumps for my thread
saves me making one
>he thinks it's the whales keeping the price down
Look at the wallets, retard. What keeps the price down are the people whole hype up announcements and then dump right before them. They're constantly bringing dumb money into the project and then dumping on them.
Look at this board and tell there are no new buyers. RIP Jow Forums RIP /linkmarines/
in it for the tech
Fuck off NPC
I have no clue what I'm looking at, all I see is autism and a huge waste of effort.
You don't even know what 'tokenomics' mean, right?
>look at the wallets
Links kept on exchanges aren't shown in wallets you retard. And whales swung 800k+ on the Google announcement. There is millions of Link being swung and kept on exchanges. And when they take profits they put it in a new wallet probably with sub 10k Link in it.
It's Sam Hyde that fell for the fud and is trying to wrap his head around link before unironically buying at least 100k
>user meets blockchain
Cool, no? Now lurk moar
That's why you have to shut the fuck up, you'll get rich anyway. Sadly
except you can see all the whale wallets from the presale and ico never fucking moved
suck my dick discord faggot. everyone that sells are mid tier linkies that are overhyping this shit and dumping on dumb money
I actually just realized one of the critical parts of the staking mechanism
Chainlink will essentially never go below a floor once the first major bank/financial institution enters a serious contract with link staked as collateral
Since sergey controls how many of the spare tokens will be dumped, he doesn’t want the major early adopters to get pissed by having to buy more tokens to reup their collateral account - basically getting margin called. He’ll try to hold the selloff for the first few rounds of easing
Probably only months after that though, it won’t matter about the remaining stack. The latent institutional demand from having to maintain 1-5% of the contract worth in escrow will soak it up
remember when XRP was about $0.10, ripple made a XRP transfer to an indian bank. sold them a fuckton of tokens.
soon after, there was a dramatic raise in price.
Just wait.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Jow Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
—Someone more intelligent than you
>remember you
kill yourself pajeet smollinker
Brown fingers typed this post.
All makes sense now. Impatient third worlders are mad at biz fudders
Shhh faggot and also shut the fuck up
I heard he is the real dad of big chungis.