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BTC will dump any minute now, guess what ETH is going to do
About time
lol 15$ in 5mins
ETH/BTC @ 0.08 by next week
OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOO... 295 where are yOuuuuuuuuuuuu.... b-buh bye bbb-bye earth
Is this dec 2017 again? BTC moons, then high caps moon, then shitcoins moon?
Just fomod in, prepare for a dump back to $320
2.0, DeFi...,
Get in whilst you still can
>tfw only 10 ETH
You’ll still make it in 10 years
I also fomo s haha
next stop $360 ( minor resistance)
$400 (strong resistance)
if we break $400, we are unironically heading to $700+
Holy shit!
So comfy
32 eth
1 btc
Bitmex REKT and Big Rekts are the places to watch, if this ignites
how do you know about the resistance lvls? i'm on Jow Forums since 2015 but never asked or did my own research about resistance lvls
Im honestly thinking of buying some crypto for the first time. No idea what im doing regarding it. Dont have enough for Bitcoin, would this be the next best investment ot something else?
Honestly dont have a clue.
basic TA- prior support turns to resistance, use the 1week chart to identify long term support resistance.
basic stuff like this has a surprisingly high success rate, its when you start using triangles , squares and other bs, then TA turns into a meme
bullshit, unless youre a nigger, then id believe it
You dont need a full bitcoin u can buy parts of one.
I bought at 19k but also bought a full btc when it dumped to 3.4k
Why do all Shitcoins goes up except mine?!?!
Thanks. Confused as fuck mate. Going to have to do some research.
For a newbie I would suggest ETH at the moment. It is easier to find the exit point than for BTC. For long-term it is different.
I also have 32 senpai. Feels good
You will lose money. This is a zero sum game. Do NOT buy before doing any research.
only 3x more and Im back
based money skeleton
No worries.
There are coins like LTC, Dash etc thru dont move in price half as much as btc and are much smaller gains.
I opened a 400 cfd position on btc with x2 leverage yesterday with btc and sold it today made 50 euro. Thays 5 weeks of food lol.
The smaller coins are less exciting imo but even my friend put 50 euro into btc a while back and has made money with it.
Depends what ur after. Long term holding, swing trading etc etc different coins are better depending but I am a brainlet so research away ahah
Is 32 really enough to make it ?
Super long term, yeah. You'll probably have to wait ten years
You can buy part of a bitcoin but first research and don't buy a memecoin that biz shill.
Only btc , bch , ltc and eth are good investments.
Didn't the digits the other day tell you that 32 eth was a suicide stack.
Can confirm, have 33.5 ETH suicide stack.
This pump is just the beginning. The rising has come.
FUCK ETH, stop stealing bitcoin gains!
Brehs..can we get it all the way to 100?.
tfw 112 ETH
this party’s just getting started, we’re gonna make the 1920s look like a kiddies party
would also like to learn to spot resistances
get rekt shoeshinefaggots
buy 0xbtc
>you were alive for the digital roarin 20s
Feels SO fucking good.
>made 50 euro
>Thats 5 weeks of food lol
Bulgarian detected
get some btc and eth (figure that part out on your own). then install metamask and use uniswap.io to convert to LINK. no more waiting do ... it ... now. DO NO USE AN EXCHANGE if you can avoid it which means Hold your own private keys. DO NOT TRUST EXCHANGES.
for a dirt farmer
It was Chadtalik Iquterin merely wanting a nice round number of 400 for reasons
I also made 50 bucks. That's about four hours of low-tier work for me.
Feels real good. Although I'm slightly concerned with what happens when the 30s come along