Holy shit boys we are off!

Holy shit boys we are off!

Attached: download.png (179x282, 4K)


a lot of biztards are waiting to buy at the ATH

It would be a good confirmation of the bear trend to be over

When biztards buy, it's time to sell and wait

except at times of emerging bullmarket, retard
this is early 2017 all over again no fucking joke

I kind of agree. Solely based off this boards traffic and the uptick in media coverage.

biztards usually ignore the entire bullrun and enter when the run is over

There's a tradingview indicator looking at what biztards do

shorted :^)

Is 10 of these enough to make it?

Looks like I ended up in the $80 waiting room.

Absolutely not

It's reaching the otc prices currently below..likely hit 500..soon

Holy shit, my $350 by end of week prediction came true. Yeet

you haven't been here in 2017 fren

Looking at the eth/btc chart it was an obvious entry, especially given the strong btc run lately. I'm sorry if you missed this, but you need to pay better attention.

>tfw dropped $1000 into eth yesterday morning

Attached: 1561382557748.jpg (1242x1208, 1.18M)

What's your next prediction, bud?

nice how does that $100 profit feel?


Like i'm gonna make it
I'm close to 32 eth and eternal neetdom

It's stealing from Bitcoin's gains and still bleeding satoshi.

I've only got about 92 Eth. fuck my ass, too cheap to buy more now

350 resistance, will retest 220


lel cope

there's an imminent huge drop coming, this is not sustainable and neither healthy for the market

charts don't lie, I would urge getting out now and buying at the dip

Drop in everything or just eth?

I wouldn't be able to speculate on other altcoins, but I am certain it's bound to happen anytime now for both BTC and ETH. Just compare the two charts, too lazy to explain it more into depth.

Drop everything.
Buy ONE.


Buy ONE stack of ETH

Nobody's buying alts yet, that's like 2 months away.

It's all ETH right now.

my gut feeling agrees with you, however my gut also told me the same thing at $5k in 2017 so I sold and waited while that shit rocketed straight up to $20k and I missed out on a bunch of gainz

FOMO generates gains that generates more FOMO.

Unlike altcoins, BTC and ETH are propped up by normies.

So Jow Forums, what car are you planning on buying when ETH goes ballistic and dethrones BTC?

show me the tradingview biztard trend haha

I don't know yet, but something classy but not too showy. I'm not one to gloat around and brag IRL, and I don't want to come off as a douche.

On the other hand, I'd really love to have a 100% self driving car.

I bought the fucking top (again) at 248.5 and it instantly went down to 244.... how the fuck do I manage to control my emotions? or maybe I'm just fucking unlucky, fuck

Attached: 1559895214981.png (480x309, 237K)

I spent some eth to buy a Jow Forums pass and it only took 15 seconds and a 15 cent fee.
If I had used bitcoin it would have taken 10 minutes and would have had to pay a higher fee.
Flippening when?

no we are not retard. what are you going to post tomorrow when we are down 8% or the next daywhen btc is up 11% and ETH isuo 1.4%. this is justanother day in crypto and reddit asslicks like you are stupid and ignorant and embarrassing as fuck