Why the hell do people think this is a scam?

I don’t understand biz. I see constant shilling of absolutely retarded projects, and constant shilling of overrates link.... and yet, here comes a token with a real enterprise use case that is partnering with SIA, Bank of England, International Bank of Italy, JP Morgan, and more..... and still hasn’t even been listed on its Tier 1 NDA exchange (which is apparently going to be even bigger than Binance, yeah, think REAL exchange).

Do you guys really think this is a scam? It’s barely cracked the top 100 how could anyone not be looking into this?

Anyway, I’ve said my peace.

Attached: 7C4C2A1D-9085-4C76-A8D0-1F88D22E57C1.png (1125x2436, 629K)

Fuck off Pajeet

Cool story hansel.

everybody thinks its overvalued but it keeps going up
anyways quant is a scam is a meme

Welcome to biz, don't try to understand it.

Mathematically, if this was LINK people would be telling you it's "about to take off" once it's already $70.

That's right, according to marketcaps $2 LINK = $70 QNT... so most of biz will probably wait till $70 till they start caring about Quant.

DISCLAIMER: I absolutely LOVE Link, but about a month ago I sold half my stack for Quant and thank god I did.

And yes, QUANT IS A SCAM is just meme... I don't actually believe that anyone thinks that's true... and if they do than they need to get off biz because it's not the place for them

Ok... sorry sometimes it’s hard to decipher when people are trolling or not on here... I just couldn’t wrap my head around how anyone could say it’s a scam lol

Nobody actually thinks it's a scam. It's just become a meme to call it one. Everyone knows it's actually one of the most legit projects ever in crypto, which is why so many are willing to joke about it being a scam - even QNT holders themselves.

Exactly, I am extremely guilty of perpetuating the QUANT IS A SCAM meme because it's fun as fuck lol

Gotchya. Ok, well I’m glad I listened to my gut and not this board.

Time to join in on the fun then I guess haha


There is no god

SIA partnership is worthless. Low profits realized by them and just testing quants solution.

Proprietary and closed source

Damn you are good at this haha

OP one thing you need to understand about this space is that people will say ANYTHING to FUD.... I mean literally anything.

Examples above ^ EVERY SINGLE COIN/TOKEN that has ever made it to the top 25 has been FUDDED by people who either are just dumb or are upset that they missed an early entry, this includes even bizdarling LINK. So just take it for what it's worth and invest in whatever you think is most worthwhile. But, be wary of going all in and stay diversified... I am only QNT/LINK/BTC/LTC/ETH

Not a scam but way overhyped. Sia only has $500M revenue that's fucking nothing. Plus the token is basically pointless it would be easier to just pay for their software in fiat. Comparing this to LINK is retarded.

It’s not about the amount of revenue these banks make its about the amount of transactions they process. SIA, BOE, and JPM combined alone is pretty impressive but maybe I’m retarded... at least I x4d already and have a free stack just in case

That's not how their licensing works. It seems like most quanties don't know even the basics of the token they are holding.

This is going back to $1 so I can accumulate, right?

> haha Quant is such a scam (hihihi get it, i don't mean it) such a funny meme haha

how is that suposed to be funny?

who tf took a shit in your brain you stupid fucks, this is not how you shill a coin

I’m starting to welcome the FUD now thanks for the tips my biztards

Quant is a scam
Token has no use

Love it


Fuck of mcquant you fat pajeetshill

Well it is a meme but I find it a pretty retarded one, mostly coming from people who are getting a bit too confident/arrogant for their own good. You thought people were being serious when they called it a scam, for example, so others will.

So yes, it's a meme, but I'd also prefer people to stop saying it and focus on how good the fundamentals are.

You don't know the basics I'm afraid. For the 100th time, QNT is being used for digitally signing and verifying data, which it's very handy for, being an immutable, decentralized token.

This is exactly the kind of thing decentralized tokens are useful for in a utility capacity. In fact Quant is one of the first to ever use its token in a serious technical way instead of it just being muh transfer of value.

So it has a clear-cut, required utility capacity (which it needs to meet FINMA utility guidelines, which it now does). And that's why it also must be used for licensing and usage. The security apparatus behind Overledger simply will not work without QNT anchoring it together.