BTC is fundamentally useless

>Not a store of value
>Transactions are expensive and slow
>No real use case
>Never used by ICO/IEO
>Is run by the Jews aka blockstream
>Completely centralized mining and soon banks will have bought it all up

Why is this shitcoin still even relevant.
>inb4 "muh gains idc about the tech"

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1916x1077, 101K)

It’s the only secure chain
Go cry to you sub PH/s CP bloated pajeet vision

It's a failed social experiment which proves libertardianism doesn't work in practice.

Attached: bluepilled.jpg (1710x687, 474K)

what you are witnessing is the alt holocaust. 90+ percent of alts will be wiped out this year...ratio will be crushed down to fractions of what they are now.
plan accordingly

+ will die sooner or later

>Why is this shitcoin still even relevant.
It exists to make the hodlers rich. It does this through a transfer of people buying shitcions (newfags) & expecting to get rich, when they don't get rich they realise their mistake & sell. Its usually way to late at this point.

Is that a picture of yourself?

OP on suicide watch

Attached: C69C9559-D307-4FE2-AF84-BAB801B14FE3.jpg (600x600, 31K)

>Not a store of value
Still better than fiat, but I agree that it is worse than land or gold.
>Transactions are expensive and slow
It is slow if you compare to your debit card, and lighting fast if you compare to international banking transactions.
>No real use case
As it is now BTC is pretty good for quickly moving wealth overseas and buying illicit goods/services. The problem is the majority of the BTC holders are not using it for that.
>Never used by ICO/IEO
That is not really a problem.
>Is run by the Jews aka blockstream
Now you are just being stupid, it is one of the few currencies that the jews can't directly influence.
>Completely centralized mining and soon banks will have bought it all up
Monopolies do not work as you think that they do, child.

Why is this shitcoin still even relevant.
>inb4 "muh gains idc about the tech"
Because over half the world currently uses currency that is worse than BTC, also, half of the world directly and openly stole from its citizens in the last decades.


I'm convinced that crypto would be widely adopted right now if BTC wasn't every business's introduction into crypto. I think it completely turned all these companies off and set us back years.

I used to think this when I was first introduced to crypto 2 years ago, then I realized the importance of BTC. Its the most fair distribution of all the crypto out there, and if we scrap it for a more modern variant all hell is lose and crypto will never be legitimized. It's either BTC as the true store of value crypto, or crypto gets reduced to dapp/smart contract platforms only.

> worse than land or gold.
good luck paying your property tax year over year so your dysfunctional gov can allow 3rd world squatters to come inhabit it.

>It’s the only secure chain
If you think anyone is going to use it when the fees hit $200 you're delusional.

I'll send you 0.0002 btc for a fancy rope if you want.

is this the new level of cope?

Satoshi Nakamoto here, Op is a fag

whatever happened to the lightning network.
How do i use it?

i will gladly recieve it thank you very much

only normies and boomers buy this shitcoin. its the one they heard on tv so they rush to buy it without knowing anything about it or any other coins

>>inb4 "muh gains idc about the tech"

its literally just this.

Who gives. If they buy, they pump, and I am happy.
OP only. Not beggars please.

>but it's controlled by bankers
Yes, bankers destroyed bitcoin with their blockstream infiltrators
>but BTC is useless
Yes, bankers successfully destroyed its usefulness.
>but LN is a flop
Yep, it's an absolute dumpster fire
>but literally every other coin is better, and BCH has more to do with bitcoin than BTC
Sure, that's true.
BTC is not useless, its use is making us richer every time iFinex pump it with fresh-printed tethers. Make use of that little feature :)

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>paying property tax
You are poor, aren't you?
Poor people should not bother with storing value, they should invest what they have in developing high-demand skills so they can stop being poor.

i can have op situation as well

post age, professional skill set and experience in years

shut your whore mouth kid


If I am going to donate btc to every bobos for a rope, I am going broke.

I'll answer for you OP

>lawn mowing

now I understand you

>>Not a store of value


You cant, its vaporware.