Besides bitcoin, is eth a good hold right now? i went all in eth not much (1.5k) but btc rally is kinda making me sweat...

besides bitcoin, is eth a good hold right now? i went all in eth not much (1.5k) but btc rally is kinda making me sweat. as far i know eth catches up to btc when it stagnates. but how far can this rally go..

Attached: ETH.jpg (2400x1800, 375K)

Well I just bough 1 at absolute top of 12913$ and it just passed it.
Eth soon follows

no, not a good or safe hold at all. IF they can figire out how to scale it (THAT's a big motherfucking IF) then ETH will be more interesting. even if scaling were implemented yesterday on ETH it is still overvalued as fuck as a remnant leftover of the ICO era. the buy pressure of ICO insanity in 2017 is the only reason ETH peaked so high and its current value is a leftover of that. there is no collection of new use cases existing or on the known horizon that could ever home to RECREATE THE BUY PRESSURE FOR ETH THAT EXISTED AS A RESULT OF ICO INSANITY. all current use cases combined do not and cannot recreate even 0.1% of the ico driven buy pressure that ETH had in 2017. ETH also had a lot of hopium driving unrealistic valuation but most of its current value is based on investor ignorance. enjoy your bags

Nobody cares about the tech.

Normies will see BTC peaking and look into the next big thing. ETH is sitting at #2.

This is literally all that matters.

It's not 2017 brainlet, ico's are dead. This is a 'store of value' bull run, just BTC allowed

>i went all in eth not much (1.5k)
Quit humble braggin

ETH is a shitcoin

Tether is the only reasonable buy at this point

ETH is not the next big thing. the next project that replicates cryptokitties congestion will make even more people realize what a shit design ETH is.

This is true.

There are also so many smart contract platform that scales way better than eth.

Eth is the yahoo search of blockchain.

I believe the Google of blockchain has yet to emerged.

whats all that talk, show me your bags. what you holding right now

donĀ“t expect the rally to stop until we get to the 20k range, which will happen in the next days

I cant wait for all of you tech illiterate retards who fel for 1btc=1milion meme and shitcoin 'no icos eth dead' peddlers to get btfoed next few years kek

Lol obvious FUD is obvious. imagine missing out on 100x gains because you committed to some contrived narrative.

Can you name some?
And some that have a working product and team/ developers of notable size.

Which projects do you think have longevity


ETH fixes a couple of the problems that BTC has, such as not needing a unique receiving address for every transaction, and having a much shorter confirmation time

They scale at a cost - and that cost is losing decentralization. If Serenity succeeds it is game over for ethereum's current competitors

The potential of eth is to change the world. Can they get there - who knows but I think it is less risky than most coins. There are a number of cool projects on eth - maker, golem, digix... that have real value and use

You late adopter faggots have been saying this for like 2 years now and still none of these ETH clones have gained any adoption. In reality, there aren't that many good applications for blockchain that require super high tps. Its basically just a database. The hard work can be done off chain and then threshold signatures or other 2nd layer scaling solutions can be used as needed. The developer community has spoken and they chose ethereum. You just don't want to believe it because you got here late and missed the bull run.

This lol

Are you retarded?


>Fucking big 4 (ey) building on ETH mainchain...
>Some countys testing bounds on mainchain....
>Some tokens got mainstream recognition fucking btc token implemented by oracle and google...
Number of develoeprs is unmatched in space...

Wtf are you rambling about?

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ETH is the future

Small discord if interested:

ETH tends to make stronger wicks than BTC when BTC pumps. But yeah, clearly ETH is a friend of BTC and will follow him up.
I have 80% BTC and 20% ETH personally, I usually get 2-3%(no leverage included) extra profits from ETH for every pump BTC does.

>The developer community has spoken and they chose ethereum
core devs? no. anything else can and will migrate away to a superior platform that scales and offers a more secure codebase and improved developer experience. ETHs days are numbered and ticking down fast

Do me a favor. Look at the ETH:BTC chart right now, daily. You can tell we're at the ground there. Then take a look at the ETH:USD level right now. You can tell we're about to flip a very important resistance level back to support. As long as BTC doesn't flash crash, ETH is about to start climbing back towards the 10% of BTC mark. I'm not saying that it will, but the risk/reward is really low right now.

Attached: ethbtc.jpg (3246x838, 410K)