I pretty much fucked up my accumulation period and I'm sitting with 75 % fiat

Only put in 25 % of my reserved fiat into Crypto.
Most in alts, but a 115 ETH bag... Wanted to have about 500 - 750 ETH, that didn't happen.

Bears like me BTFO and I'm not going to follow this market anymore and just keep my bags.

Alts accumulation = success, reached targets.
ETH accumulation = 85 % fail.

I have $80K that I have no idea what I'm going to do with, if anyone has any ideas let me know (not crypto, it's too late now).

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Its not to late for crypto.
But the best strategie is to split it up.


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Silver you stupid cuck. Gold & silver ratio is 90 to 1. Silver is prepared and ready to moon. The economy is going to tank, so preserve your asests. Why would you save money when the fed is printing ad nauseum and for FREE?

we might have to DCA in at this point, im 60% into crypto need final 40% or so, but im planning to buy heavy dips on the way up

I know it's a fucking meme on here, but do read "The God Protocol" and try to understand why Link is still a really good investment at a cheap price. If you hate it because of all of the memes, then by all means disregard that.

I would not keep my money in the bank tho, invest that shit in something... Maybe a flat, then rent it out

This. Everyone should be rotating into silver rn .

It's too late, I'm not throwing money at some shit which have done a 4x in a couple of months.
Risk/reward is shit.

open a 3x short on bitmex then if u think its going down

Already have on deribit

A 4x in a couple of months is better as anything else you can get atm.

who is she sir

Tbh all in 80k link right now is probably still as good an opportunity as you'll get in this lifetime but you have to act like now, today. Fuck you for making me unironically reply it's not worth spoon feeding anymore

Have some manner, only phaggots in denial talk like you. Eat a penis and be happy, we will still accept you! :*

I have about $40K in gold/silver, but I'll probably get more.

Just throw it all into QNT and wait?

Lol at bears and their "plans". You really can't go wrong if you just put in every penny, when you get it.

Also, how the fuck did you miss the several months of obvious bottom?

I hope they shoot you straight in your face you retard. Fucking learn to.image search you son of a bitch

Chill incel.

I fucked up too. Hard. A parabolic move in 2019 was the one goddamn thing I was sure wouldn't happen.

I'm 80 percent in fiat, and have almost completely missed out. I'm just sad.

I bought Fantom at 0.4 cents and ETH at $125...
Not like retards who put all in on ETH at $600...
The spike was unexpected and seemed unnatural, but I'm no longer a bear, this does seem like legit institutional FOMO.

Yup, exactly how I feel.
Only hope for us bobos is a short-lived FOMO bubble which dies off quick and/or Tether collapse.

I admit that the bulls got me big.

You are going to have so sad results staying into alts. Most money into alts was coming from the usa into binance. But it's closed its doors to the Amerimutts.

The only thing left Amerimutts can buy is bitcoin. Even if coinbase were to be listing other currencies these days, they have lost their trading volume and appeal.

Buy BTC until it stops going up, then switch to LTC, and then to stablecoin. Finally buy BTC again. The ride never ends. Take some profit along the way to buy yourself a nice house and yacht.

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I have only bought alts with superior tech, which I bet will win out in the long run.
People (including me) HATE slow ass BTC with little to none utility, in the long run people won't take it and switch to alternatives like Fantom, NANO, COTI or even EOS.

I could be wrong, but NO, I'm not investing in stuff which is shitty at the core.

I didn't even want to be a bear. But 2018 got into my head and when I looked into the mirror, bobo looked back.

I'm scaling into a couple alts and continuing weekly DCA but I really have no plan.

Stay poor boomer "fundamental" investor.

I'm not poor you fucking retard.
My net worth is close to $1M and being a Jow Forumstard who use FOMO and memes as an investment strategy didn't get me there.

Feel sad for people like you who only follow animal instincts.

now thats a braphop slampig

Wow. That dude really called the past perfectly. Nailed it. Amazing. Must be the fuckin moon phases.

>gtfo and kys

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