>tfw about to be evicted because i'm 3 months late on rent because I've been putting my entire paycheck into crypto as a last ditch effort to escape a life of poverty and wageslavery
Tfw about to be evicted because i'm 3 months late on rent because I've been putting my entire paycheck into crypto as a...
Have fun being homeless.
Live in your car
It takes time to evict. Just don't leave until the Sherriff comes and tells you to go.
One paycheck invested will never be enough to make it. You're failing.
Fuck that slum Lord and just stay up until a sheriff has to come and evict you
this. this is how all dem niggers with no money live. stay until you are literally, physically dragged out by a police officer.
Wow. You’re such a brainlet I bet You buy Tron and omisago with that money too.
This. Cops are busy, it'll take a while before they show up.
All in on LINK and ETH
God bless user. At this rate max credit cards get paydayoans and get 2 btc
We’ll thats slightly better, kek.
Kek anyone who is reading all these "I'm taking out loans to buy crypto" threads all over biz and is not planning their exit is a brainlet. This is December 2017 all over again.
If you listen to this shithead make sure you have all your possessions you want to keep out of the place and in storage before as they will just dump them on the street..
>he only put in his pay check and took out no loans
Ur never gonna make it
landlord here. depends on what state he lives in. but in my state we have to give tennants 30 days notice and that notice is served to them by the sherrif. if they don't leave at the end of the 30 days the sheriff comes to evict. also I'm there with him to survey for any property damages and if i find any i take pictures and i keep your security deposit. if the deposit isnt enough to cover damages you'll hear from my lawyer.
>he thinks he'll get any money out of a guy who couldn't pay rent
So you're in profit and can pay rent obvious LARP is obvious
that's not how it works. the judge doesn't care if you have money or not. you damage property you pay for it. it's that simple. wages can be garnished if necessary.
Stay strong user
You are unironically doing it right. I wish I were as brave as you.
I havent seen any
reported wages* can be garnished
you really think people don't work under-the-table to avoid stuff like this?
>but if you get caught
and how long until that happens? if it ever does?
the court system is a meme
except you have to prove who did the damage and what was the intent ...
good luck
that's the beauty of fine print contracts. in all my contracts i make my tennants sign under penalty of perjury to be liable for any and all damages to the property during their rental period. this excludes acts of god of course like storm damage.
but stuff like holes kicked in the drywall is not storm damage.
holes in drywall is normal usage actually
also damaged doors too
contract is covered only by the deposit
>Cops are busy
it's what my contact defines it as. and once you sign it your bound by it's definitions.
>You'll hear from my lawyer
god, there is a reason Mao killed so many of your kind. Fuck landlords.
a contact has to be balanced
if not it has to explicitly stated that is in favor of this side or the other
also it cannot violate the LAW
there are 50 ways to void a contract
Imagine unironically being a commie on Jow Forums
Neck yourself you waste of oxygen
you just say that because you've never owned any rental property. just imagine you invested 100k into a house and some ass hole tennant destroyed it because he felt wronged in some way. now your out thousands in damages because someone was an asshole. Tennant's need to understand they are living in someone elses house. basically a guest. if you want to own then get a fha loan andnbuy your own damn house then you can do whatever you want in it.
This. There are many guides on youtube that teach you how to live in your car.
Bills first, investing second you dimbulb.
To be fair there is an ever decreasing window of time to maximize gains off crypto investments
It would have been better to have taken out a loan and paid it off incrementally over a few years, not sure how youre behind if youve been dumping into LINK for the past 3 months unless youre swing trading.
You numbskull, investing doesn’t give you the greenlight to avoid paying your bills.
LINK is a scam.
contracts cannot override local laws and ordinances, mr. landlord genius.
Ni Hao wealthy chinaman!
>crypto as a last ditch effort to escape a life of poverty and wageslavery
the future of money
Landlord here. Good luck collecting a debt from somebody you just had to evict lmao you must be new at this
quite literally worth it
I refuse to believe the frequency of tenant vandalism is so high that landlords have to be assholes themselves to everyone to compensate. You fags just bring it up literally every time as an excuse.
I wouldn't be surprised if true. The ony time I rented a place in the US, via a realtor, I found it was torn to shit by the previous tennant. As in everything was dirty, and there was even food remains in the place. I spoke (very fucking angrily) to the realtor and they had it solved in a day or two, but I don't expect they saw any money from the old tennant.
if true then you made a ton of money, what's the problem?
so go pay your rent?
>cashing out before 2022
if you're not taking some profits and let yourself go homeless you are straight retarded
t. ancientfag
I can rough it for a few years if it means that when I cash out in 3-5 years i'll be able to retire immediately
>landlord shows up
Tell him a fucking story
The longer the better fuck him
He's standing in the way to your generational link wealth
stay safe user i hope you make it
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