I really dont get why you people all hate refugees. They need the help because of the war. Jow Forums is really sociapath. People in need, children and women need the help of us and we should open our arms to help them. At the moment i am working for a group of people who help refugees to start a good life in Germany. Many of them are people with a lot of money and they have good hearts. Buy COTI.
Refugees are worth more than everything else, except one thing
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Cucked German faggots.
What's a few thousand rapes when ur making money oy vey
Fuck Jews
Fuck mus rats
Remove this gay thread already
eat shit
I fled my country of Syria a few years back.
My profession was a doctor.
I helped my peoples there but I must think of myself.
I now live in Germany. Good country. Last night many peoples hate of me.
I have a good life. Germany saved me.
I will repay Germany by breeding with blonde woman here. Germany has big big breeding problems
90% of the so called refugees are not refugees but economic migrants. they come to europe to live on the dole, free shit lmao
but this is a bait thread, you just wrote this bs to make people read your last sentence sage
They can go to Israel.
Kraut here, I think some definitely have the right but the problem is when people come that don't really need it. But who can blame them desu, I'd come too. We really need to find a compromise
not true. we add value to germany
The only possible solution is mass-gassing.
>I will repay Germany by breeding with blonde woman here. Germany has big big breeding problems
this is so important, we NEED more refugee's to come and mix with our blonde europeans, it is the MOST important thing
Need to gas them, ja
le reddit is here :^)
Just like you add value to a neighborhood you move in to?
gas gas gas
They need to go back you cuck.
schweinhund. this is not nice
>u people all hate refugees. They
is this a bait?
We do the same with them, but as an official government, not as a single lunatic fubdamentalist.
ye let them go to iseal...oh well ...they cant.
There are a lot of countries between Europe and Syria that aren't in war tho
Many migrants are probably decent people by most standards but they're still an economic and (especially if Muslim) social burden. It's the (((people facilitating their migration))) who are the problem. EU could have closed itself off like Hungary and set up well defended camps for them in surrounding nations outside of Syria but they didn't because this has all been an elaborate conspiracy to eradicate the white race by the end of this century heh
it's time
>government starts wars for profit
>murder 3rd worlders
>use war as excuse to flood 1st world with incompatible people who leech off the state and commit crime
>profit from this
>Many m
lol the only people who fled syria were sunni rebel families who started to rebel agasint syria shitte governemnt. all those isis beheading, the rapes, the bombing, it commited by people from their families. they are fundumentalist and crazy and europe just let them in.
That's because you are just as spineless of a beta as they are. No one solved our ancestor's problems for them, they did it themselves.
Oh, are you from Israel?
Next week news will come; Coti list Binance Dex.
Easy 2x if you love money.
Satuday they a have meeting in Israel, google it chads
die shlomo
jews unit in tel aviv
big shwarma party saturday
afterwards lets all fuck some bitches in the a hole to keep them kosher
which game?
They're not refugees either op, you fucking sperg
Every syrian who says he is "doctor" is basically a killer who beheads people and looks inside if everything is right.
Does the fact that Congress refused to pass spending for on a southern border wall but flew through and passed a $4.5 Billion aid package to illegals invading our country
>This package, which is ultimately expected to allocate around $4.5 billion in additional funding for medical care, shelter, and food for unaccompanied children arriving at the border, is intended to help alleviate some of the horrific conditions that currently exist.
Just leave lol get the fuck out of here and there wouldn't be these conditions. Literally funding child trafficking
Why is it that we fight isreal’s wars and then Jews want all the war refugees to go to countries with white people. If they are such progressive humanitarians why not open their borders to welcome the stranger? It’s almost as we fight their wars and then they send attack dogs sand niggers to start a war against white people in our own country. Why do they do this to us? They should be thankful us whites help the Jew out? Is it like they have some kind of ancient hatrid for aryans or something.
Nobody is falling for your jewish tricks, Chaim. Gas yourself, you hook-nosed greaseball.
Fuck off weakling
wrong sub dont care
your countries made a mistake.
isreal have no signifcant value in any sense, but usa want to always help her in any way possible.
Would legitimately trade you some illiterate Central American indios for your Syrians.
T. American
whites are mentally ill. all of them should die. and that's happening. our nature removes them for better and healthy world. we just need another 50 years.
they fucking destroyed their own countries, then instead of fixing they come to our countries.
they never try to assimilate, they carry their own culutre and behavior, the same that ruined their countries, around and then expect everything turns out fine.
>whites are mentally ill.
You forgot to say (((fellow whites))). Don't project your incest-derived neuroses onto us.
collapse of society and extinction of humanity in 50 years then,
it's not the people in need who come. to reach northern europe, you must travel through a dozen peaceful countries. thus, those who come are opportunists that seek the wealth provided by the social state, at the peril of the native population. however, this only accelerates nationalist sentiment, and will finally lead to a decisive battle between globalism and nationalism. the world will know what is meant by a piratical race