>only 0.1 BTC
This bull run feels like nothing
Only 0.1 BTC
I have .02 and I’m having a blast
.03 alongside my various alts, I'm up $500 but that's still better than nothing
now if certain coins go ballistic I'll be up a good $10,000-20000 and I could filter into BTC or just go on various moon missions
you guys are fucking poor
damn straight, and if things go well I won't be
0.9 BTC
16 ETH
27 LTC
Some cheeky doge and BSV
1.3 and I feel great!
I hate the summer
0.2 BTC
2.2 LTC
1.3 ETH
total, all in separate wallets
Doge is getting antsy, a bit too antsy, I have an aggressive amount of doge and I want to let them loose
Mining doge at launch was the most I've ever made in crypto. I have a feeling BitcoinSoV mineable ERC20 is the second coming of doge for my bankroll.
Will I make with 0.05 btc ?
I wont make it either
Shouldve just bought LINK
Fat fucking Russian guy's gonna make faggots rich
How much did you make?
Around 13 BTC. Folio says I'm up $40k in the last 24hrs.
1 btc and 4k link is the chadfolio
Only .018 BTC and 1.1 ETH
just get a loan, neets
Around the same
Times is tough brah
Keep ur head up, at least you're not a normie
>tfw sold 3.5 BTC at the beginning of this year to pay rent because I was too lazy to wagecuck
only have a measly 1.7 left
Still paying on numerous different ones, just refinanced a bunch of other credit lines.
So Chad much wow
Is ok frien. At least you have 1. Never sell anymore. Pretend you don’t even have it.
5.4k Link holder here. I feel like Ill be in the upper class in 5 years.
I genuinely feel sorry for anyone that missed the boat. Maybe we'll see a pullback
There is no one with money who is buying here
i never had any real cash to begin with but I like being along for the ride :)
>17,341.9 USDT
>0 BTC
Lol, what's even the point, just to say u have crypto? Poser.
Anyways, I have real riches, a great girl that said she'd still love me even if I got 20x liquidated lol..also, she has 15x more than u bitchboy...who's Chad now? She is
i only have one ETH, but im hoping that when BTC slows down alts will start to pop since they always seem to lag behind btc a bit.
50k Fantom
I am bagholding till they make an announcement without looking like retards. If DAGs take off and Fantom releases mainnet I believe this is the next ETH or a competitor to the blockchain.
Will I ever make it?
btc is running away on everyone who had 10 long years to get in