HOLO is the only reasonable altcoin to hold during the next BTC dump. It might lose sats here and there but looking at the dollar value HOT has been stable af in comparison with most other alts. It's like the Tetzer of alts that moons while BTC is in crab-mode. Can't get better than this desu.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's true. The pump up my ass is going to be orgasmic.

hahahaha yeah! its bled from like 40 sats all the way back down to 14 sats! cant beat that bro! hahaha this is soooo awesome. god i love HOT!

also trading inversely to ETH, the perfect hedge

maybe so but hot was cheaper at 40 than it is at 14

it's still at a higher dollar value, brainlet. do you even know how this works? alts bleed sats if BTC moons but the dollar value is staying the same because each sat is worth more... unpopulat opinion among neets but i don't give a fuck about sats i care about cashing out a few million USD to get passive income from rentals

I still wish I had sold at 40 sats, would have a lot more holo now.

Wait for me, lads, I need only a month to fill my bags with it.

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We've been holding this since before Binance. Pic is my first 2 bags. Still over 140% up in all,without there even being a mainnet. Holding 6million now.

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are you a burger? if so, where are you going to move your HOT too ? are you going to idex or just moving it to a wallet

Will it make at least one c? How do you think?

based bro.

Attached: Buy_Holo.jpg (938x960, 635K)

If these boomers stuck to their god damn plan of shipping ports Q1 we wouldn't be getting cucked in sats right now. FUCK YOU BOOMERS

also interested - have HOT on binance.



You probably would be. I hope the ports sync with alt season for extra pump fuel.

Check github and go have sex

before i go waste a couple hours researching these fags and making sure they're not scammers, does someone want to let me know? Am I better off just sticking my HOT in a wallet? The problems is I'll likely want to buy more soon.


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>TG Mods
>Mattering to regulators

Kek this thing is nearly all time low in sats what an absolute piece of shit. Literally the only reason anyone buys it is because it's "cheap" aka they don't understand what supply and market cap mean kek fucking teenagers and Indians all of you.

Obviously I'm exaggerating, but I am furious with this team right now. They had one of the best communities before Sami left us. Now all we have is literal whos moderating the channel who don't even work for Holo

>all time low in sats

they're either not scammers but a bit too idealistic or they're literally the best scammers in crypto so far.
either one is bullish but hedge your bets and keep your eyes open so you don't end up a bagholder
>t. all in holo since the ico last year

I joined the TG channel when i heard about it, skimmed a bit. cannot fathom why someone would spend enough time there to care about who mods it or whatever. Do you read all the messages? seems like a waste of fucking life

just get a myetherwallet adress and you are good to go. never HODL on exchanges.

i meant beaxy, not HOLO.

I was active there a year ago, not anymore and no I hardly bother with even looking at it these days. People are fed up with this shitcoin I'm not the only one. Still up quite a bit but I'll probably shed half my stack if this ever pumps again.

It’s not official hot wont be on binance us. Hardly even a rumour, just speculation. Having said that holo have recently tweeted they are in talks with other exchanges. Also you have idex and upcoming beaxy

>People are fed up with this shitcoin
That's because you are coinfags. Tech people love it, because we actually understand what it is. That's why HOT is the "patrician alt." It's an actual alt, unlike basically the rest of them which are just BTC copycats without any reason to exist.

HOT is a tech speculation, not a crypto investment.

Why not DADI?
t. ech pro

You're making a lot of assumptions there. I follow some of the most esoteric and bleeding edge projects in this space. The fact of the matter is that this is an ERC20 token that is and will forever be vaporware until proven otherwise. I'll be holding onto a few million if these either way as suicide insurance but these boomers have flat out lied about Holoport delivery multiple times and it's not a good look.

the coin for pajeets with DADI issues?? nah not interested. HOLO is a lot more than hosting it's a dApp platform, DADI fags can't compete the use-cases are totally different
what is the latest delivery estimate? or did they stop posting roadmap deadlines?

After moving ship dates half a dozen times they finally stopped giving deadlines altogether and now say they'll ship after the Rust rewrite is complete. God knows how long that will be if ever

I sold when they lied about the ports needing to be painted correctly or something when the issue was the software not being ready. They don't have their shit together.

That was such total bullshit. Who cares about a spec of orange paint.

What's the whole point of holoports?

kek. how did people even find out that they lied about it?
let's hope for the best

They're for bootstrapping the network. It'll be possible to use your own computers though.

> It'll be possible to use your own computers though.
So, whole holoports thing is just useless, right?

Hahahahaha absolutely BOOMER'D

It's good for the network but you don't need one

Sort of, they are standardised and plug in and play rather than setting it up on your own PC

no it was a marketing thing and also allowed americans to.invest who couldn't invest in the ICO (to avoid being labelled a security by the SEC presumably)

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12 sats , what the fuck? Sweet Jesus make it stop

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This shit sucks, I was hoping for a Holo moonshot

Holochain also proudly sponsors this blatant scam:

>buy when there’s blood in the streets
I’ll grab a bag at 10/11 sats

> want to built ancom by chaotic system
> actually build ancap

Why would the Australian government back a shitcoin scam?

It's a kickstarter hardware scam, not a shitcoin scam.

I stand corrected. Its good to know that they will use unlimited amounts of money (taxpayer funds) to pump this shit.

Is this really falling apart? SJW are bad but almost all ceos from top coins are cucks, Sergey is sjw too

There's no government backing. They wouldn't be raising funds off Kickstarter if they had government grants

nice FUD user. a bad glassdoor review by a literal who ADHD faggot is meaningless and that a SF bay area startup is having SJWs onboard isn't surprising/worrying and was actually known even before the ICO. We always embraced the SJW boomer vibes because it's exactly what will attract the brainwashed normies that will pump our bags. The development progress is all i need to look at to know they are getting shit done esp. in comparison with all the other shitcoins out there.

You know who else had an active Github? LAMDEN TAU. guess what Lamden's founder is up to these days?
That's right, on to the next scam! Fucking kek

Lamden never had even an inkling of adoption though and i can't remember analysts getting exited about TAU. wasn't it forked from something anyways? not sayIng HOT has adoption but a lot of devs are looking to build on it at least

What the fuck is this shit?

>HOLO is the only reasonable altcoin to hold during the next BTC dump. It might lose sats here and there but
actual retard thread

Those wasted trips. Learn about opportunity cost you brainlet.

>Sergey is sjw too

I don't think Sergey cares at all about politics. Only oracles

that user is partially right though... your logic only makes sense if you are willing to actively trade shitcoins. if you just HODL (to avoid taxes) you can completely ignore the sat value. trading shitcoins might be more profitable but it's honestly 10x the headache with all the crypto-to-crypto taxes in the UK. just imagine you sell your 16x MATIC gains into ONE and you lose 80% of those gains. now you still owe the government the cap gains tax but you gambled your profits away...fuk those mindgames i just HODL these days

My suspicion has been that they don't want the Ports out there until the software/network is stable because the adoption will fall off. They need the ports to be exciting and fully functional immediately. It makes sense to delay the hardware deliveries in that respect.

Anyone familiar with alpha tech projects is not at all surprised with the delays. The final judgement on HOLO won't come until we see actual software and hardware running over the platform. I expect that to be EOY at soonest. Technologically speaking, they are still 2-3 years ahead of the curve.

>giving a shit about their faggy mission statements
>not letting hippies build an architecture for nationalist communications

lmfao what a soft faggot

i agree lad. the holoport servers are of no use without hosting demand = enough holo apps.first of all we need a lot of holo apps then we can make use of the holoports. it would be a PR failure to ship out the holoport servers and then people realize network usage is low.

let them build the rust software. this will give outside teams and devs more time to develop apps for the holo platform so that we actually have hosting demand. win win for all.

i bet this was posted by a bizfag

>implying this will be anything other than eternal vaporware with menopausal leftist roasties running the show
Urbit might be a good hedge desu. It might also be a scam but ideologically it is the polar opposite of feetchain

it doesn't really matter who is "running the show" unless they cut off their dicks on the tech side. there's no evidence of that. one rarely finds pure SJW's working on actual technical projects, (unless they're pilled-out trannies), because SJW's don't actually do any work. If HOLO manages to actually launch a functioning network with a few useful apps as designed then we are well clear of the sjw-code catastrophe. The architecture was clearly not drawn up by Anita Sarkeesian-tier bluehairs.

Possibly I'm more forgiving because I understand the various tiers that exist in leftist hierarchies and can recognize that these people aren't the ones you need to worry about. If they are, by definition, the network will never get off the ground.

Got it on Binance and Idex. Not moving it until after the swap, Im in the UK

I hope you're right. I FUD the fuck out of this project because it's funny but I am still holding millions of these and am getting worried.

what else are you holding that is better than holo???

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I have a handful of Urbit stars and a decent amount of FOAM. I'm waiting on another project to go live before I can start shilling it here.

never heard of those desu

This will be listed on coinbase and 2x ripples market cap this bullrun. You have been warned.

Look into them. Pretty interesting projects but like Holo they are very far from completion.