I'm getting sub 100 sats vibes

I'm getting sub 100 sats vibes.

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Mainnet pump coming

This isn't funny, shut the fuck up

it doesn't feel great t b h

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Stop it please


You're the guy with 4 mil tokens, right?

kek that poor bastard. I'm feeling sorry for myself with 20k.

If it goes below 100 sats then I'll probably throw _another_ fucking LTC at it like a retard

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one about to pump real hard, strap the fuck in

dubs confirm

It'll probably dump below 100 after mainnet. Then slow bleed to 1 sat because there's nothing to look forward to after that.

unironically this, thank fuck I only put $400 into this originally kek

I’d be laughing if I wasn’t invested

laughing because.... we're delusional?

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99 sats

because I lost faith in the mainnet pump and anyone mentioning it now must be joking, right

I mean, i'll honestly throw another LTC at it if it dips below 100 by a few sats.

So why explicitly did you lose faith?

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and I timed it perfectly :)

I hope you are right.

oh no my friend thats where you're wrong
rock bottom has truly never been this hilarious

I'd love to hear your theory's why that's true

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as usual it seems like biz ended up being right

right before the listing in the general harmony discussion the mass sentiment of anons was that they would acquire harmony at around 80 sats and it seems like even though it took a while, they will be right

I've often wished I could concentrate/harness the general concensus of biz.

like, if one could build a consensus machine that utilized all the input from Jow Forums and was able to spit out predictions, you'd be filthy rich

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Should I throw another 1 btc?

looks like almighty KEK saying yes

when is the mainnet?

It doesn't seem to be relevant as IEOs are cucked by BNB price. This will only go back up when BNB stops shitting itself