I feel nothing.
Is this how it is?
Do I need 1M to feel it?
I'm starting to think I need to make my base minimum 10M now.
I feel nothing.
Is this how it is?
Do I need 1M to feel it?
I'm starting to think I need to make my base minimum 10M now.
100k is a meme, sadly
Yes... you can never be satisfied, user. You are doomed to want more the more you have
thanks my fren. just bought 100k.
Your mindset is halfway there to actually make it my friend. You should never be satisfied with your gains you should always want more and more.
Cuz its just numbers on screen. Withdraw like 10k and hold it in cash in your hands then tell me how you feel
100k...eh....you'll feel something around the 15M mark...but after that its all the same. You'll get there user, keep at it.
I feel like 1m wont feel like shit too.
What do frens.
I was the same with much more. I lost it all on shitcoins in 2018 though so tread lightly
Starting from 10k, I got feelings of accomplishment at 30k, and 70k. For some reason breaking 100 and 200k didn't do much for me. I think the next milestones for me are 500k and 4million.
1M feel the same.
You will only feel good when you secured enough non-risky assets to stop working indefinitely. Start hinking about your taxes and how you will cash out, it's part of the game.
You reached the first step in the journey, but there is still a long way to go. Good luck.
Perhaps you should start profit taking?
Holding 10BTC should get you there fren
to the 10M mark, i mean
Thank you for advice frens. I am going to grind to 1m, only a 10x from here. Very soon.
Worries me.
Of course you wouldn't feel anything. There is no sweat in your money, it's like winning in lottery. Easy come, easy go.
You think BTC will outperform LINK?
I doubt it.
Too soon. I need to breach 1m before I really touch the stack. I am in no rush to have fiat, I just expected to feel... differently than I do.
It's okay don't worry about that empty feeling. It's just numbers on a screen for now. Just keep at it.
Deep down you know it's not real yet because you haven't cashed out. It could literally drop 50% any moment. Just ask people who had a $1 mil portfolio in 2017 that dumped to $10k in 2018. Your gains are only on paper until you actually sell.
Anyone have a spare 1M to help me break the 1M barrier in my portfolio?
until you have the cash laid out in usd in a foreign country (with no debt, obligation or personal and legal responsibilities)
afaik children celebrities have that feel when they hit 1M, 10M is the next target then 100M is where their final goal is at
Just wait for 200k user its even worse. What do you do? Cash out now and kill yourself if it goes 10x from here? Cash out half and basically do the same if it 10xs? Hold on and lose everything and kill yourself for not cashing out? Hold on and feel exacrly the same at 250k, 300k, 500k?
Anyone who says this is easy money is a fucking retard who doesnt know shit. I suffered for this shit for over 2 years and my future is filled with more suffering. This shit has literally changed my brain. My reward system is fucked. Im stressed, pissed off, more resentful of my day job than ever, fear, excitment, dread. This is the fucking climb into the next level of social class user and its fucking gut wrenching. But the potential reward is to never give a fuck about anything again for the rest of your life.
Whatever happens now i am too deep in this shit. My life will never be the same. I started at 2k with dreams of making 20k 2 years ago destined to be another drone in society. And now i will either join the elite or live the rest of my days suicidal and filled with regret. There are no half measures now.
Good point. Never selling.
Coming from someone with a 600k ATH and a 20k ATL after do yourself a favor and cash out 50k and let the rest ride. You got this far from risk taking, but lack perspective to manage the risk properly.
well said
I feel the same with my RuneScape account. I love grinding out gold, but once I reach my goal it's just no fun and then I go back to grinding out more.
After taxes you will have even less. Sell before Bitcoin crashes for good
cope bearfag
you feel empty because deep inside, you know its being pumped by fake money that you will never be able to cash out
kill yourself.
You just got greedy. You cannot even think clearly because you should have sold a long time ago.
Not gonna lie mate i have already cashed out 17k link at 1.2 (....i know but idgaf) and im cashing out another 20k at 3ish. Yeah you can all tell me im a retard for selling before 100 or 1000 but fuck you. My sanity is a resource that i need to manage. And ill still have like 65k to ride forever so fuck it. Id rather have shit loads of money and be sane than have SHIT loads of money and be absolutely pants shitting insane.
Had ATH of $550k. I feel absolutely nothing now. Not a thing. Not sure if I ever will again. If my portfolio happens to hit $550k again, I'll be taking profits this time, but I doubt if it'll ever truly recover.
At 10M you will feel immense stress at actually needing to decide whether you are continuing to play or going through the trouble to cash out and build a completely different life.
>65k to ride forever
That would work if you decided to live in a small box and eat noodles & porridge forever.
Its never enough. Every benchmark reached only leads to a new benchmark.
You can either kick the can down the road forever or find a way to enjoy what you have made before you die.
65k link dude....not sure where youre buying your porridge and noodles
user, you know that ChainLink is actually going to be worth $1000 right? It's gonna be a long 2 years, strap in tight and don't fucking sell. As much stress as it is now, you'll lose your fucking mind if you sell too early.
as soon as i hit $1m i was plotting on how to hit $2m. the ride never ends
kek this is how everyone ends up bagholding back to the negatives. Don't get greedy
this is me right now. I trade with ~$50k, and literally shit myself every trade. $100 is the price of every marketbuy/sell now. Thats more money than I ever have in my pocket.
I dont want to sleep, because if i'm in the wrong position it costs too much. I walk around glued to my laptop.
I just want enough to buy a ~$500k house, funrish it, have an emergency fund, and then figure out food from whatever windfall I can find.
i felt bat shit crazy when i hit my first $100k
wage cucking seemed like the biggest meme to ever exist... until everything came down again
people say that money changes you, it shows you who you really are – i am a lunatic and a firm link believer
This. I'm totalky numb & just thinking about securing things for my family as the next step. It's a process that has to have shirt, medium & long term componants. You have to balance securing immediate material security with long term asset management - yes link is going to moon, but it might also be one of the safest places to store wealth certainly for the next 10 years
I think ideally you should cash out a bare min of 20% at each milestone you make (i.e 100k 500k 1 mil), past 10 mil I'd bail
This describes how I feel so well. There's a lof of pressure knowing that the choices we make in the next few months will determine the rest of our lives.
What the fuck can you even buy with this amount of money? Literally nothing or value. A few boomer vacations or a run down shack. FML.
Nothing feels like anything because you already made it, that you haven't made it is merely an illusion.
I’ve larked as a middle incomefag for a while. Don’t go stupid with money and you’ll keep getting richer.
t. Live off of $50k/yr, drive old car, no mortgage or other debt. Still pick up cans and coins.
Materialism is a meme. The only thing that matters in life is the bloodline. Find a wholesome waifu and start up a farm in the middle of nowhere and have lots of children. Invite friends and extended family to your homestead and create a trad community that ensures your people’s bloodlines propagate and evolve. Do this or fight back against that of which threatens our people’s extinction.
We subconsciously understand this reality it is embedded in our genes. It’s why we feel the way we feel despite accomplishing our materialistic goals. Materialism is satinism, it is in a sense the sacarficing of our children for narcisstic disires. The devil tempts you to partake,you much reject the riches and do what’s best for in accordance to our bloodlines, in accordance to nature. Don’t make the same mistake the boomers had. In the end it leaves us in a swamp of degeneracy in which the (((mosquitos))) thrive.
You could invest it into a business. Also, dont forget the 30%+ fees you owe uncle sam if you are a burger
make more than that until it feels good
I know what you mean OP. I think the key is cashing out a certain portion at each milestone you've got in your head.
I'm sticking to this from now on for all my investments EXCEPT for link. Link is unironically one of the very very few ultra solid cryptos with an actual chance in the real world. So I'm keeping those until at least a few hundred USD, we'll see.
hi Jow Forums
you should at least buy some bitcoin while tyrone is railing your wife 14 inches balls deep
because $1M is barely making it
you really need like $5M - $10M and even with this absurd amount you still need to care deeply about money actively trying not to lose it in just few years
problem is that $100k - $500k isnt life changing money. you cant tell your boss to go fuck his mother and walk out. and you cant cash out in the fear it might balloon to $1mil+.
This is Reddit. This is memes. Have sex. Cringe
I only got $40k this is pathetic ill never make it
Its the road to 1m that its all about
well, donate me some money to offset the hell that is my stack. I sold ChainLink for Origin Trail, and lost fucking everything because i was a retard.
See how charity feels, and see if that eases your resentment and anger, knowing you helped another user make it :)
nice meme there. how do you figure link will reflect on this?
Slow down don't trade so much. You are getting into territory where you are supposed to switch from shitcoin-flipping to largecaps.
OP - passing 100k was euphoric for me, so unexpected (I had all but forgotten about crypto) and my whole life was amazing at that time (early December 2017 is when it happened).
Now I am at 500-600k region and am fairly depressed.
65mil will do just fine mate. Whats the difference between 65mil and 85mil? Nothing. Not to me anyway.
>bitcoin just went from 5k to $13k
>slow down
this is a bubble
It's never enough, user. No matter how high, how fast, how extreme you go, it is never enough. That is how your monkey brain work.
I went from 5k to 250k in 2018, and it wasn't close to enough. 5 to 250....50x my money and I didn't cash out, because I wanted more.
you grind to 100k after that the stack is too big to swing or ride shitcoins, now you all in link like everyone else and wait.
exactly, every trade is a taxable event. By now you are not only risking a loss you are also risking owing more than your entire folio in taxes if you get blindsided.
irs will change these rules
This is the reason I'm holding onto my bags. I already made a x3 from holding last year, I don't want to owe the irs a shitload of money for gambling
$10MM is legitimately a reasonable /makeit/ number. $1MM is absolutely not unless you're third world. $5MM you can get by, but it doesn't guarantee a life of freedom (i.e. doing what you want, when you want and being able to afford luxuries on a regular basis).
>every trade is taxable
if you ever paid taxes, you will know this is a meme. you cant even report over 250 on the form.
good luck you will need it
i went to HR block and paid the $50 for audit protection
It is never enough.
Should have traded six chain link for a wagon axle or wagon tongue.
Be wary of that feeling user. I was similarly blase back in winter 2017 and got absolutely rekt - $100k profit via crypto bought with loans turned into $20k debt and me facing bankruptcy.
If you really need to cover your initial investment you should consider starting to take profits. Not necessarily 100% because this is more like end 2016/early 2017 than Christmas 2017 but still.
Imagine not having a foundation built on the solid Rock if Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Jesus comes first money is literally just a gracious bonus
If you dont pay your taxes nothing can save you in case of real audit
You will also feel it once everything dumps and youre left with nothing
They will pay up to $10k + the lawyer representation. I brought them a list of all my trades. They had no clue how to actually do them, and told me you didn't have to report each trade.
I still paid a shitload in taxes, and I have my failsafe for $50.
Hit 300k last cycle. Watched it fall to 70.
Won't cash out until 2mil aka retirement.
This post is truth
Just passed 11k, feels good
lel you're going to get someone fired at their firm.
You're still getting you're audit, and still getiing raped tho.
my audit wont be worth more than 10k. even at a 32% liability thats like a 30k+ fuckup. and its not like I didn't pay capital gains on the sum of the profits of my trades, in full, on time. they just lumped profits together instead of listing each trade.
lawyers will work this out. I essentially dont have to care.
>t. user discovered the first noble truth.
It's because money doesn't buy happiness, merely the freedom to persue it (which is where all those rich fucks raping babies and whatnot go wrong - power is a means to and end, not an end in itself). Life is intrinsically unsatisfactory as both the Bible & the Buddha said, so materialism won't ever satisfy you. Work on /sig/, pray, meditate, transcend petty materialism, use your money not just for buying tendies & lambos but to help make a change in the world.
take the modestpill, cash out and live comfy, you can work minimally and your savings will last your whole life, you'll never have to work full time and you'll be ahead of the curve forever
This. Especially now fakebook is introducing their shitcoin to to normies. I'm not cashing out until the IRD updates its body of laws, crypto simply doesn't work under the current paradigm.
>guy says put family over money (good advice)
>this faggot calls him Jow Forums and projects his cuck fetish on him
you are a fucking retard
you don't have to cash out to be taxed, trades between cryptocurrencies are taxable events that you have to claim capital gain/loss on
your shitcoins will pump after people start worrying about btc
same, but I fear 2mil isn't enough
I would be pretty comfy with 10mil though
Because you are a brainlett. Start buying real estate with 2 mil and grow your assets up with the dividends from rent.
not touching real estate until that bubble popped
everything before 10M is kinda pointless, I agree.
You need to understanding feeling feels is a meme in of itself and the only way to truly rise above the conscience and enter the dining hall with the great architect is to embrace emptiness. Money, Women, Power....these are the greatest of illusions. You must blind yourself to truly see the ether.
I dont trade, put some shitcoin gains back into btc but also sold many at a loss to consolidate back into btc. Most were a gain in sats but a wash or a loss in dollars when the markets shit the bed. They can audit when i cash out with long term capgains but worst case i have 10k in crypto to crypto unaccounted for.
It's real when you sell and can actually spend it.
Then it's betterment & enjoyment resources at your disposal.