What happens when bitcoin passes $20k later this week?

What happens when bitcoin passes $20k later this week?

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normies start talking about it and giggling that "oh its back to where it was" while we all just fucking strap in for the moon mission

One Bitcoin would then be worth more than $20000

it cools off, drops to 15k, stabalizes and pushed past 20 slowly


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it overshoots it at speed, goes to 25-30k then collapses and crashes to 8k

Mcaffee keep his dick

all in all it's just another brick in the wall

The Golden Bull begins

double top. back to 0

There are still alot of ppl left who bought at 20k and just want to break even

that fucking madman just might do it, lel

They want to break even until they do and then they want to double their money. Greed, you can always count on greed.

I don't understand. Almost a year untill halving. Why pump so hard now?

all those dumb boomer faggots who remortgaged their houses to buy in at that price in 2017 have sold already. no way those dumb fucks are still holding.

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This, I don't know of any normie who's still holding while buying at $20k

This, and they’ll remortgage their houses again when it’s $100k.

btc 100k this week

i'm going to get multiple prostitutes

That is not sustainable at all. I would worry that it is being manipulated right into a massive crash to scare away normies, kinda like how the bankers cucked gold after the USD went off the gold standard and gold was mooning.


memes aside, is that $1M prediction at all possible .



New ATH, and normies start fomo in

It’s not just possible, it’s guranteed. $1,000,000 is actually extremely conservative.

It's only 90x from here, previous halving increased 115x the price

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then i fucked up. only have 2 btc, been wanting to buy a lot more.

It's a pretty steep fucking climb tough

1 million by july 4th. We're all gonna make it

Absolute bullshit, if someone bought at 20K and is still holding they are HODLing.

It is. It will probably fall back to $11.5-12k, find a new floor, and then surpass $20k before the summer is over.

so I-I might actually make it with my single coin?

what is your reason user?


That'll be when the normies come in and we sell our bags and it dips back down to 9.2 as was foretold

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It dumps to $20k and moons.


no dips now only dreams

1 cone is enough to make it, unless you're a nigger who can't live within his means. I am currently at 2 BTC, with half of it being in alts, hoping to get to 5 cones at the very least.

>only have 2 btc
poorfags leave Jow Forums

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what amount is making it to you


And the halving before that was over 500.
Someone tell me what 3200x500 is

I see you are an educated gentleman that did his math too.

>linear scale

gosh. I really hope it hits a million per around the time I finally get my coin back from the mox settlement


Xrp shoots to 2.00

It's 100% passing 14k in the next 6 hours.

Agree. Might Surge up to 35k and will drop to around 8k


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