This is the only other coin with a working oracle and great partnerships.
Reminder that LINK/RLC is the most patrician portfolio you can have.
Reminder that people will speculate on RLC vs LINK in the coming months.
Reminder that it will increase the price of both astronomically.
Reminder, Gilles Fedak is a fag and has still a big debt with trannies.
No, you're the fucking fag.
This will become as popular as LINK is on Jow Forums when chainlink hits top 5. Mark my focking words.
Then history will repeat and it will be meme'd to the top as well. Screencap this.
>Reminder that when the price of link gets too high for people to FOMO in (especially since only 35% of the supply is in circulation) the rest are going to go to RLC as the logical alternative (and with a better value proposition)
>reminder that at the same market cap as link RLC is worth 10 bucks a piece
>reminder that there are only 6m more RLC tokens that can possibly enter circulation compared to 65% more link
I cant stop cooooooooooming AHHhHhhhhhh
What the hell is happening to my bags, why are they increasing in value this fast?
>70 % up
This is definetly sustainable.
Not a pump and dump before the delisting from Bittrex, no no no.
60% pump
what the fuck is going on