Andrew Yang

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is a faggot

based chink. gonna use my $1000/mo to get more linkies

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Intelligent, well-spoken, bases policy off facts/statistics, family man, entrepreneur/innovator, and is able to appeal to people from varying backgrounds/identities. Yup, the Dems will surely fuck this up and push someone like Biden instead.

is a retard

VAT of %10, and $12,000 per year additional income. The only Americans who are worse off under this are those who consume over $120,000 per year of goods/services. Everyone else gains.

is going to leach Bernie support and give the primary to Warren. Fuck this chink.

Sad but true.

Just look through this page. Look at the fucking depth and scrutiny behind his platform.

>Social Credit Score

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Has zero economics skills

i donated 100 to this based mathematician
another $1,000 to use on bitcoin DCA

Debunked fud.
weaker than the pedo vidt fud.

Not a bad choice. Bit of a retard though, doesn't seem to understand the immigration and automation crises that are forming.

>shilling doesn’t work on Jow Forums
>bring it over to Jow Forums instead
Die in a fire discord tranny

That's not what he's for. He's for local organizations making proposals of things they can help with (i.e. reducing childhood obesity), and if they can prove they followed through on their business plan, they get some money that they can either exchange for USD or that they can pay other such businesses to exchange services. It's like timebanking.

this is green new deal level retarded

>without borrowing a cent
but instead, stealing trillions from business annually to redistribute to lowlives who are going to feed it to crony multinational megacorporations in exchange for their shit products and antidepressant/painkiller-type drugs
so, what's going on now but on steroids

Lol he’s a business and entrepreneur. I’m sure he has better understanding of economy than you

It's not "from businesses", the businesses will pass along the VAT to consumers, who will pay it. But they'll be getting $12,000 additional income per year so it will hardly be noticable.

>doesn't understand automation crisis
What the fuck. He's the Paul Revere of automation. Wrote a fucking book about it. His whole platform is geared towards transitioning through the 4th industrial revolution.

I don't expect you to read his book but I suggest you guys at least watch his extended interviews and Q&As on youtube.

>Let's do what the Higher Education Act of 1965 did for tuition rates in the US but for everything else instead!

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Economics graduate and successful serial entrepreneur

Terrible analogy because he wants to use prevent universities from accessing student loans unless they reduce administrative costs.

The inflation argument is literal bottom of the barrel unthinking knee-jerk retardation.

wow so by government forcing people to move the medium for exchanging wealth around in weird ways the outcome is that you never really stole from anyone and everybody only wins, huh
sounds like magic, better force everyone to comply

Mathematics are literally the opposite of economics. These "mathematicians" have always believed they can micro manage economies and set prices, when this NEVER works and NEVER will work. I honestly believe he is smarter than this and I know he is a bitcoin bull and is just trying to destroy the dollar to accelerate the inevitable death of it.

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Aren't Bernie and Warren supporters pretty much the same ideologically?

Shouldn't you be worried that all 3 of these people woll leach support from eachother which will give Biden (the centrist pro-capitalist democrat) the primary?

Not everyone wins. Like I said, people who consume more than $120,000 of goods/services per year are worse off (and corporations who pay 0 in taxes since they can hide transactions since USA doesn't have a VAT like every other major economy).

>muh taxation is theft
fuck off back to your seasteading forum or somalia or wherever the fuck.

Practically every developed country in the world has a VAT. Yang is proposing a relatively mild VAT redistributed as a dividend for every citizen above 18, the same dividend that also overlaps with the majority of current welfare programs effectively wiping out an enormous source of bureaucracy and the welfare trap. Get a clue!

Trump as POTUS + Yang as advisor 2020

He's not a mathematician but an economics graduate and successful serial entrepreneur.

>despite existing automation, despite an underclass of 30 million beaners working under the table, despite tens if not hundreds of millions of labor jobs being shipped overseas, despite the county's median age being higher with more retirees now than ever in history the BLS states that we're at a lower unemployment rate and higher workforce participation rate than we were when workforce participation data was recorded in the late 50s but automation is REALLY gonna get us now!
>Machines building machines building machines building machines and parts for machines down to the molecular level! Machines affixing machines to other machines and transporting machines to other machines!
>Give me 2.7 trillion dollars a year before it's too late! Didnt you see those studies where 30 geographically isolated people living amongst a normally functioning status quo economy were given a few hundred bucks each month for an extremely limited time and still worked? That proves that this will too!

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Taxation is unironically theft by any definition of the word.

warren is bernie-lite with a puss

Trump only surrounds himself with establishment cronies.

go tell it to Jow Forums faggot. nobody cares about your anarchistic fantasies here.

Are there literally people on this board right now that the 50 million plus people on foodstamps in America only consume 1000$ a month? I know niggers on disability that make over 2k a month and have been for over 15+ years having only worked a single year in their life and just smoke pot and play vidya games all day.

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Yeah, he doesn't understand it.

Why would you want to continue to import the third would horde and or try to expand the current legal immigration levels/cap, whilst not deporting/removing the current mass of 20 million illegals?

Plus he has no,sensible border policy.

Like I said a bit of a retard, but smartest one out of his group.

No it's not
You consent to it by doing taxable events in this country stupid

He's an idiot who doesn't know how the monetary system works. The dollars in your pocket are recorded as "debt" in the system because they're a "liability" in double-entry accounting.

>Trump only surrounds himself with establishment cronies.
That's why the establishment loves him so much?