This is getting ridiculous

It is nice to have gains, but could we have at least a small correction in order to make the market look more healthy and less manipulated?

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Man that looks like a massive PnD chart wtf

zoom in

nah this is the golden bull run


Institutional investors are in boyos
We're going to 20k by Friday and then the real pump begins

Except Bitcoin at any price under $250,000 is a fucking steal and institutions learned this the hard way as they have now realized how ridiculously scarce the supply is.

if you want organic goto a farmers market. this is the free market.

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This is going to dump so fucking hard.
I can imagine the pink fields.

This is the correction user. 2018 was the bounce.

This is the singularity. Buy now or forever be poor

> the free market is efficient, they said

no, this is the pump to end all pumps. let it go to 100k without pullbacks. tether and bitfinex needs to get shut down for this market to go anywhere

>coin bit? son you're not gonna rich off of fake internet money. you need to get yourself a real job.

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We're going back to the 8k range

$20k is of course the magic number. If there's not a massive dump of bagholders from 2017 when it hits that threshold, we're off like a rocket.

this is the fakest pump ever

This is how I know it will keep going up... this market just defies any logic.

>this os a free market
absolutely correct

enjoy the free fall once the Tether presses cease their printing.

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We just ended the manipulation. You didn't think 3k was legit, did you?

i think 12k is the next floor

Halvening 319 days and 3 hours and 12 seconds

Hmmm, didn't actually see it that way

If we have any hope for sustained pump to 100k or so, this shit needs to correct HARD very soon.
A crash back down to 10k at LEAST.

Biggest green dildo

Imagine not accumulating BTC trailing alts in anticipation of the 20K dip

You had your chance, now mr. Rothschild is buying your Bitcoin, and hell never let you have it back.


go kys

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its gonna keep pumping not because of that comment but because shorts keep stacking up. there are still more shorts than longs.
it will dump a little bit to bait in more shorts and then its gonna keep going up and squeeze every short seller out of his short position. it will do this until the degenerate gamblers go all in long which is going to be around 30k-40k (they will stack shorts once again at 20k which will greatly help btc pump to 25k)

Ok who is the slut?

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Whatever way it will go next, it will be glorious

That's the wobble point. If it doesn't stumble too far after breaking 20k, you're 1000% correct. There is also the chance that a huge chunk of the bag holders from the last bull are already gone, if they are already out the 20k mark won't even be a hurdle

the latest disassociated zoomer cum dumpster. kids these days are fucked

What about the alt fags?

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I don't see a problem, linearfaggot
t. logchad

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