The real redpill on cashing out

Go and meme all you want about how you'll never sell till $1000 EOY but pic related is what happens to you if you don't properly plan how you'll take profit.

Progressively ladder your sells and you'll go to bed peacfully, without waking up 3 times to check if shit is dumping.

Some of you are new here and haven't witnessed the absolute destruction of portfolios in 2018. $500k portfolios were ground up into $25k ones every month.

Pink wojaks would spin tales about how they refused to sell anything until they reached an exorbitant amount and were left bagholding folios worth fuck all.

Personally, I'm selling 5% o my LINK stack for every $1B increase in market cap (starting at 3.5B).

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Sorry, wrong pic.

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Is it too late to buy, give it to me straight doc

If you're talking about LINK, then no but time is running out. Once it passes $10 the risk/reward for new buyers will become lower than other prospective projects (assuming a ceiling of $100-$200)

give me lambo or give me death

No, you posted the right picture fren

i'm cashing out most as soon as its enough for a house

I did mean link, fuck it I'm getting in today

need a serious redpill, link bros. I bought my 10k stack last year, contributed countless crumbs, etc. but I'm still a fucking idiot who barely understands what's going on with the crypto market. I have no idea what's going on right now with btc, how long can it sustain this pump and how long until it comes crashing down, and will it take link down again with it? I'm seeing the redditors before euphoric and the normies fomoing and it's scaring me, but at the same time link is barely entering its awareness phase, and google, oracle, and now coinbase can't even pump it to 2.5 so as a linkie I'm still far from euphoric even though I have a x10 from it already... what do you think will happen next? I'm still confident in link's long term potential but it seems the market is about to shit the bed soon and link just shot its strongest hype bullets in a row with very little consequences, I don't know how they can further grab headlines after this... and yeah I know the plan is to wait for enterprise adoption but they haven't even started working on staking yet and there are still so many obstacles ahead of it all... I wanna know what you think will happen in the next few months, can btc keep pumping and link will finally get traction, or is btc fated to fall and with lesser news, link will bleed back to sub 1 dollar...? i'm exhausted of seeing the big news getting depleted by sell the news traders, and now this coinbase news is already losing steam barely one hour into it... please let's try to be nice and no bullshit fud to each other even to the more retarded linkies such as myself, in this critical moment

don't worry fren, we are all in this together . forever .

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>selling link
nice try fucking kike

Just remember something: alts will only go up after BTC gets to ATH (20k), which should happen this week. Load your carts...

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In Paul Walker's case, it was both.

with 10k stack I wouldn't sell anything under 50 USD

That word is extremely offensive and I would suggest you never use it again bud.

Spoken like a true brainlet, I can't wait to see your pink wojaks.

So selling 5% when Link enters top 10? then 5 % each 1B gain in cap?

Do you know why kikes are called kikes? When they first emigrated to ellis island they were mostly illiterate. On the immigration forms illiterate people were supposed to mark an X for their signature. However, these Levantine-style foreskin grabblers hated white people and European Christendom so much that an X looked too much like a cross to them and they refused to write it, instead drawing a circle for their signature. The yiddish word for circle is "kikel." Ever since then, these rat faced scumbags have been known as kikes.

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The EntETH alliance was announced in early 2017 IIRC and has huge names - bigger than chainlink's atm and more. It took a full year after that to reach $1000.

Weirdly, these recent LINK announcements aren't even priced in yet

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I don't really look at rankings, I'm just using $3.5B as a starting point and selling 5% every +$1B gain in market cap from that point.

If I stick to this plan, I should come out with a 68% laddering ratio, meaning I'd retain 68% of whatever sum I would have gotten had I sold my entire stack only at my final sell target.

What it means is that I retain 68% of all my money in exchange for not getting assraped into oblivion when the inevitable dump comes.

Anons here would be fucking retarded if they wouldn't take this deal.

i just got 8k LINK so my plan is to sell 2000 LINK @ $100+
turn that into DAI or USDC and then lend it out earning 8% interest
then just sell 1,000 LINK at $1000
and do the same thing, just living off interest.

have some invested doing interest on's app and of course

Let's hope so. Maybe it's just me but I don't recall seeing anywhere near the amount of price suppression LINK is experiencing when ETH was mooning.

Price suppression? It's definitely a manipulated market but I don't think the whales are as powerful as you think. My point with ETH was that the price didn't rise in one day, one week, or even one month after huge partnership announcements. It just trended up (with a few dips along the way) for an entire year

You have to realise it hasn't even been a month since mainnet

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If you're unironically holding out for $1,000 then you're in for a rude awakening my friend. Readjust for a ceiling of $100 -$200 but leave a suicide stack of 1k untouched if the truly impossible happens.

Thats some pussy shit. I understand unloading half at your halfway point (unironically $500 / stinky) but laddering your sells is just a sign of weak hands

You don't have to cash Link out, if you understands how Link works.

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The first truly was the correct picture. If you do not sell singularity will happen and we will all be comforted by our Sergey for eternity

How do I buy LINK if I am unwilling to go through KYC. I'm not showing them my passport and I'm not taking fucking selfies.

You're probably newfags who haven't learned from 2017. Regardless, I look forward to your pink wojaks.


But OP, your subconscious knows the truth. Your first pic is correct.

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It feels good to be in that picture

laddering your LINK sales is the dumbest fucking shit i've seen this week

How did those iron hands serve you in 2018 lmao. Do what you want but I've even personally known guys who fell for the "never selling until 2 million" meme and were left with 60k kek.

10k link
>sell 1000 at $50
>become hermit or go to third world
>watch my linkies appreciate due to network effect

doesn't seem that hard to me

I didn't sell and my investment has quadrupled

you're probably right, I lost about 5% of my link stack trying to sell the news yesterday and I could not get over it. I kept dwelling on how it was about a week's pay and now I worked a week for nothing because I tried to make a stupid swing trade.

You're smarter than 75% of the anons here. Lmao at the retards unironically saying shit like "never selling a single LINK till $1,000".


But I thought network usage would drive the value of the token?

>Do what you want but I've even personally known guys who fell for the "never selling until 2 million" meme and were left with 60k kek.
Ah I see you've met me

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That would take years before it happens. Prior to that, normie's new money via coinbase is very important. Getting to $10, 25 or 100 without corporate adaptation is possible.

Speculation often outpaces fundamental value and fundamentals-driven price discovery.

all these memes are literally being conducted by a PR company to bolster the strength of the crypto

you guys are fucking retarded and this board is basically a MLM

>Just remember something: alts will only go up after BTC gets to ATH (20k), which should happen this week. Load your carts...

The physiology here is right and I hope the mecahincs work out. None of the alts are packing btc like the last bullrun, they are all off alot more than 50% at these btc prices

why did you post the exact same image twice?