Why does this bullrun feel so dull? 2017 felt so magical by comparison

Why does this bullrun feel so dull? 2017 felt so magical by comparison.

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Because there's no ATH yet

Feels forced. Also, I remember that media FUD was a major factor in 2017 and everyone was super skittish. Right now the market doesn't even flinch when FUD is being published.

Look at it, embrace it

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The market has matured, user. Have you?

Because you already lost your bullrun virginity. The human mind was only built to withstand certain levels of happiness.

because 10 dudes with 70% of the market share are just pumping the price when they get bored and we know what's actually going on this time around

cope bear cope

its gona b magical as soon as it hits 21k on september 11 my bruddha!!

Because so far it’s nithing we havent seen before. Things should change once we break and shoot past ATH

Because nobody is going to get rich off retarded shit like dentacoin this time.

deep desu

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All in on the golden bull run since 3k summerfaggot, I'm just not ignorant

Cause youre an emotional child who doesnt make decisions based on logic

This. It won’t get real FOMO until post 20k

this bullrun is scary and nobody knows wtf is going on is why

There’ll never be a fomo again retard. Most ppl who fomo’d last time got burned, and those who didn’t fomo won’t do this time, esp when it’s so obviously manipulated. Enjoy your bags when the scammers exit

people like scarcity

this newfag, the bullrun hasn't started

Your intelligence is scare but no one’s longing it

>The market has matured
this market is a slutty teenager who ran off to get drunk and fuck trannies on a coke binge in bangkok

because there is no mass media coverage yet, wait till they bring the btc stories, then wait some more and sell everything once the hype is unreal and stuff is again heavily shilled by celebs and such

oh fuck, that's true. when this hits the mainstream news, everyone and their mother willtry to buy it, seeing as it's almost inevitable it doesn't surpass last years peak. holy shit, i'm holding, but the sheer vertigo is making me sick guys.

You have no idea how fucking retarded you are

Exactly this

Because the normies aren't back yet. They're still saying "Hmmmm, maybe I should get back into crypto". You'll know, Jow Forums will be flooded by >9000 newfags, fresh off the boat from reddit, shrieking and getting scammed by pajeets. It'll be fun, and then the next crash will happen. Crypto & time is a flat circle.

Institutions are buyin

>t. Shorter cope
You underestimate normie greed & overestimate their attention span. People have forgotten already about the big dump, the normies at work are just starting to go "hmmm, muh cryptos, maybe I should think about buying". These retards can't remember anything the mass media doesn't constantly remind them of, so they'll be back.

Because we haven't passed the last ATH, the euphoria won't start until after we pass that

2021 will feel like 2017. This feels like 2015.

Just shut the fuck up brainlet... no one in real life takes you seriously, and no one is going to do so here either

Yep. They'll say "wait, it's real? I thought it was a scam. I should've bought some when it was so cheap last year. Wonder how high it will go this time? I gotta hurry up and get some of that."

The next run will be magnificent. This is just the warmup lap.

because everything is being bought by some unknown entity/institution, not the masses

This. Underestimating the normie retards was my biggest mistake last run.

>TFW went in on ETH instead of ripple or ltc

Sigh. At least I got my PRL 10x...

because random shitcoins went up
now all alts are tanking

>the single most butthurt bear on /biz.

It's so fun reading your posts. It's never coming back down. Can you throw in some wojaks while I get the popcorn ready?

It is all controled


He is right though. I can feel the buzz at my wagie workplace. Rumor has it one of my coworkers has 0.5btc... Can you imagine? That's a very nice vacation or good ways towards paying off a car!
>mfw they have no idea how much crypto I have

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>There’ll never be a fomo again retard
>"omg did you hear how high BTC is?"
>"omg can you believe how much BTC is up this year"
>"omg did you hear about chad in IT? he told Mr. Shekelstein to go fuck himself, he made millions in crypto"
>your cab drivers are talking to you about crypto
>you FOMO

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This is exactly how it went last year, you mongloid. what the fuck do you think will happen when people once again see that it is climbing, and there is a precedent of bitcoin reaching 16K? you really think the general population will go "hmm, yeah it's a great opportunity, but there is so much risk, you know". no, they will be blinded by greed just like last time, and the entire market will enter a hypermoon, before dumping like crazy when people can't hold their spaghetticoins in their wallet
Think, retard

Wow can’t wait to dump my bags on you desperate delusional fucks

You need to have bags in order to dump them, bear. We all know you got liquidated shorting these past few months.

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I know exactly what I bought, but you apparently don’t. Stay stupid

the bullrun hasn't even started, look at google trends