Moshi moshi

I have $500
should i go half in on chainlink
and half in on vidt
or just go all in on link and hodl
[spoiler] i already have $500 in on bitcoin since 3 days ago and have seen good profit [/spoiler]

Attached: vs.png (2500x2000, 888K)

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WELL LET'S SEE! HMM! Should I put $500 into a coin that took 2 years to barely cross over $1? Or do I put $500 into a coin that's going to $10 by eoy?

It's gonna be funny when you people get dumped on.

You already know the answer.

Attached: 1561491854408.jpg (1260x667, 212K)

Attached: 1561383674998s.jpg (250x249, 10K)

>should I put $500 into a coin that has never been below ICO and is on a safe and steady trendline up, or should I put $500 into some pajeet shillcoin of the month


>Working product and deals with actual companies
>pajeet shillcoin

Attached: al.jpg (800x533, 42K)

The potential to profit with a cheap coin like VIDT is higher though with a small amount like OP
Not telling him to go to VIDT, but 250 link isn't exactly a ton. Most of the people who are going to "make it" from link got in when it was extremely cheap, about the same price as VIDT is now actually

>should I put $500 an already priced in useless incel coin at top20 or a possible 20-50x