Question frens: Where do you move to when we make it?

Question frens: Where do you move to when we make it?

I live in Commiefornia and don't want to get raped on capital gains when I (never) sell. All my friends/family here are assholes, so there's nothing tying me down to this hellhole. I can work 100% remotely, so it really comes down to quality of life and cost of living.

It seems like my best bet is to move to one of the 7 states without income tax (Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Wyoming) or Puerto Rico. Anyone here who has moved for crypto gains? wat do?

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One house in alaska, one house in south argentina. Sunlight year round

If you vote for liberals stay the fuck in California

>voting to give away my rights
>voting for 'muh gender feels'
>voting for melinated leaders

Never gonna make it

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>he votes in the election

yo. you fucking genius - you know you pay fed taxes on your income. state taxes are peanuts. read a book dumbshit.

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20% long term cap gains at a federal level are unavoidable dipshit.

California cucks capital gains as regular income at a 13.3% rate ON TOP of federal taxes. You should move here and try our "peanuts"

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I’m in the same boat OP. How long do you have to reside in a state in order to benefit from their state tax laws? A year?

Jew York Linkmarine here. I am 100% moving to florida if LINK goes past $5. Despite all the crazy shit you see on the news south florida is pretty damn nice and affordable compared to the states we live in. I went to school in FL and visit a few times per year. See you down there.

Checked and keked.
Third post best post.

6 months. And you have to have a paper trail proving you actually live there.

From what I've read, each state has its own residency requirements but most of them are decided by spending more than half the year in your new state. CA is a huge faggot tho and will get you for the tiniest shit like not cancelling your CA gym membership. They're used to chasing down tech millionaires who try to cash out shares and "move" to vegas but spend all there time here anyway.

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Pathetic, not even bots work nao!

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Do you have to live in a state for 1 year to get the tax benefits?

Don't you have any friends user?

What I still don't understand is if the 6 month requirement means you have to have established residency for 6months prior to selling OR if it's just based on the current tax year total, ie move to new state, sell your LINK in the first week of residency, then continue living there permanently.

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only ballers have to pay ltcg. if you got a lamebrain accountant, go ahead pay the 20% and quit bitchin about CA, one of the best places in the world unless you live inland shitholes like san bern or worse bakersfield

Hi user. On the contrary, my dream is to move to California and live in a big house. I imagine it's like GTA 5 and watchdogs 2, I will give Post Malone high fives, smoke pot and swim in the ocean. Also I will listen to Frank Ocean and probably become gay.

Is it all not real?

None close enough that I wouldn't trade for a 6 figure tax savings. Making new friends is easy, plus I still have all my Linkmarine pals! :3

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Not 100% sure but I would bet you have to already have residency before you sell. I don't see the tax Jews letting you escape that easily.

It is real, you just got to pay to play. Ypu know why California is expensive? Its worth it. Im about to ride a steam train thru the redwoods to a amusement park on the beach.

You realize you don't even have to be rich to accomplish nearly all of that right?

It’s not that great. Major cities are garbage, people are fags, desert would be nice if it wasn’t for all of the meth heads and devil worshippers. Redwoods are nice but if you stumble off the path you’ll get murdered in someones weed crop. Not to mention getting taxed out the ass for everything. Lots of things to do, sure but it’s still a shit state. If you live in SF bay area I hope you get nuked faggot.

It's like GTAV except replace all the NPCs with 1000x more homeless people, and all cars with 1000x more cars. Cops are the exact same though.

LA is only based for food and weather. People, prices, laws, and traffic here all suck dick.

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Argentina is the Patrician's choice.
>Growing expat community, locals and government are extremely welcoming
>History of inflation and gov mismanagement bred a strong USD grey market
>Real estate brokers LOVE foreigners who pay in cash
>Great weather, farmland is perfect for beef and wine
>Everyone is extremely fit and healthy despite it
>Culture is a blend of S American family importance, and European values

I am aware of the prices, I reckon it costs around 3k$ for living expenses and decent rent near San Francisco?
However I'm not sure why literally every user says it's a hellhole seems like a KGB propaganda.

probably only becoming gay part is free

And thank me later

are there ayahuasca ceremonies in argentina?

ok. as we speak I'm transferring 20k usd from kraken to binance to buy link because it's logical investment right now as it's been approved by google and based fernando.
I'm only worried about BTC, it can shit the bed any second now and I will never see the beaches and street of a serene night of SF, with all that streetlights calmly switching lights while breathing in the heavy summer night musky air.

It’s a hell hole because people that live around you are either retarded or homeless. This is because some mental facilities shut down way and they dumped everyone in LA and SF. Not to mention the homeless have formed gangs and make bank off of begging at fishermans warf and the constant street shitting. $3k might get you some shitty apartment in Daily City LOL, then you get to share the bart with the daily city bloods.

thnx, inserted, upvoted now I'm a billionaire!

Come to Chile if you want a more stable economy. If you have money and are white you are seen as a superior being, specially if you are tall and blonde.

Also that $3k is just for living, not food or anything else (which is overpriced because you are in San Fran). It’s better to take a vacation there than to live there.


None of it is free but you don't have to be rich. Trust me and my trips


on a serious note i don't want to live in a sharepod like a cuck where I can't even masturbate to doujin

Alaskanons, what area is best? Living in a cabin with high-speed internet seems pretty comfy desu

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Sorry guys this thread is aborted btc crashed.

>tfw talked to frens and delayed buying btc to buy link and avoided catastrophical losses

Washington is the new Commiefornia.

Move to a Mexican beach somewhere like north of Puerto Vallarta or south of Cancun. You can hide money easily there and spend your days soaking up the sun and paying latin girls to do whatever you want McAfee style.