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Same thing happened when it was 18k. You can’t sell it when it’s this high.

How has nobody tried to kill these faggots yet? It seems to fuck up every time the price gets too high so you can't cash out until it crashes.

pro works for me just fine

They get DDOS attacks from China etc. they can’t handle all the sell and buy orders AND hack attacks. It’s literally not their fault.

Jews being jews

Attached: shekels.jpg (600x600, 42K)

Try selling on pro. Bet it won’t work. You can’t sell once the crash starts. Same thing happened when it was 18k

LMAO, exchanges are the fucking worst market manipulators out there.

You just KNOW these assholes are freezing public trading so they can clear the highest bids and dump their bags.

thats actually based

bitcoin is going to retrace for sure and he is doing this to prevent noobs from panic selling

yeah someone DDoS it to freeze it up and get all their orders through while nobody else could trade or do anything about it. pretty fucked up

i'm not stupid to sell nigga


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and here I was considering buying Linkies tomorrow on coinbase pro. probably stick to IDEX for now. Would be nice to avoid those fees tho

It’s China you fucking idiot. They are DDOS attacking and dumping

I mean it could be Korea or Iran too. Your quads are a very ominous sign for China tho

>wen u crash btc so hard it breaks coonbase and the normies cant even sell so ur crash rebounds off the bots

Literally signed up for this shit yesterday wtf lol

dont stop loss orders get triggered?

also this : cisomag.com/hackers-use-firefox-zero-day-bug-to-attack-against-coinbase-employees/

I wouldn't keep your shit on coinbase. Do trades and then move it to a secure wallet

Is this for sure a cypher attack or just conbase closing their gates before they lose too much money/too many want to cash out?

Coinbase makes money doing this. They charge insane fees during a dump. They don’t buy the coins so they don’t care. They just match a buyer and seller. I’d you are on coinbase, you aren’t selling today

Maybe. How much is thier system is operational???

my stop loss order was 10500 euro and it dumped to 10100 without activating i had to sell

>manipulating the market

fucking sheep

MT GOX 2.0

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its back. just bought the dip

At least you are following a program