how based is this guy?
How based is this guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
not very
go back to Jow Forums
not at all. he's a prostitute of the cancer deep state that wants a global war. expect iran to be attacked.
This isn't leftypol. He literally backed off going to war with Iran last week. Did you forget that?
trump is all talk
he should just suck more uncircumcised cock
he could fire John Bolton at any time if he doesn't want war with Iran.
Kill yourself you /ptg/ retard. Trump is Israel's fucktoy. They are literally naming towns and companies and train lines after him because he is such a servant to the jews.
Kill yourself first discord tranny
>de-escalates potential war
>gets called a warmonger by the usual retards
the bloke could cure cancer and the headlines would be about putting doctors out of work.
You're a gullible little fuck who needs to get off this board and back to r@ddit
Tim fool is a centrist idiot. Period
As a successful businessman, he knows the value of surrounding himself with many different voices. He listened to those voices and made the right decision. Then he gave an interview where he literally said that John Bolton is a hawk who'd take on the whole world if he could. Catch up. Your narrative is failing.
Back to r*ddit, you have some bulls to prep for your wife
he had evey opportunity to go to war last week. he refused. now some unironically, literally insane lady on CNN is accusing him of rape
tim pool is such a fucking little faggot.
You have to go back >>/pol
Successful? I didn't know successful business men are scorned by banks and creditors alike because of terrible business acumen and loan default. The man is the biggest con-faggot who can't have sec without paying for it. hmmm...I see why he is popular to you incels. Based
>I see why he is popular to you incels
40yo, married, three kids actually. And yes, he's very popular with me and many others like me.
Which is why he's going to get (repeat after me) FOUR MORE YEARS! Can't wait for the salt-mining in November 2020
Far right nazis are so angry Google is finally shutting down their bullshit. Your hate speech is not allowed.
Are anti-Trump posters retarded or are they larping as lefty retards?
This isn't Jow Forums fag, go back to your echo chamber where everyone agrees with you