What went wrong?

how come EOS, most advanded and best tech coin perfom so poorly by price?

how come this one of the best crypto, i.e. fastest blockchain, highly scalability, and no transaction fees, and revotulionary address, 12 mark name, whatsoever 12 mark phrase that you can remember easily and for example even shout you friend in street, "hey, this is my eos address"

try to shout to your friend BTC address, or for example ETH address

so why this most advanced crypto, cryptoplatform performn so poorly?

Attached: EOS.png (200x200, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


because it lacks a few things, decentralization and immutability

>most advanded and best tech coin

its more decentralized than ETH and maybe even BTC

BTC is controlled by mayby five mining pools, same situation is ETH

EOS is most democratic coin, there is constant competition by EOS blockproducers that who can manage to 21 block producers, and EOS holders can vote who block producers they like most, so i see this most democratic coin and decentralized coin

for example ETH is dinosaur tech compared EOS, because EOS is so much faster than ETH

ETH cant scale

EOS is highly scalable coin

why here is ever discussion EOS?
one of the most legit crypto at the moment

just constant chainlink spamming

i always wondered too... i got like 100 of these just in case they fly to the moon one day and pull an eth.. i don't see how it cant

why does the military keep on using windows xp?

because its connected to everything

eth has first mover advantage and blows eos out of the part in terms of dapps that are on it and can be used by companies also eth 2.0 is going to change the world

2017 here was actually some good threads, now half of this site is constant chainlink spamming

this tell very much about investors knowledge, if somebody buys chainlink, that scam that its still erc20 token in ethereum network

that chainlink mainnet was also total lie and scam, there is no chainlink mainnet, chainlink hasnt own blockchain, chainlink is still erc-20 token

and some people buy this total scam called chainlink

buy signal

not valid argument

ETH current state is still that even one cryptokitties jammning whole ETH blockchain, because ETH failing to scale

ETH is normie coin, like Litecoin, people buy ETH just because hopium, they think that it goes high, because it went high during 2017

but now is year 2017 and ETH is old tech

Was going well for them until they released their main network and were flooded with gook scammers.

typo correction:
now is year 2019 and ETH is old tech

>1990's tech
>absolutely nothing innovative or new
back to your home on ledd!t you pathetic bagholding loser

Attached: 258680D5-AC4C-42D6-8632-A6EC789AEF0C.gif (322x178, 2.56M)

Why would anybody build dAPPS on aaa public blockchain that is not immutable? Its like building a house on sand ... or.

This is like opening a new casino on Chicago and nigger gangs are treating you everyday to pay your "debt"but for some reason they only start when you become big. But its not stopping there since on EOS the niggers treating you are basically elected bullies and once you go to bed there is a risk that when you wake up your dAPP and everything you created is gone anyways and there is no way to backup or revert this unless you pay the nigger kings of EOS.

EOS is cutting edge technology cryptospace at this moment

BTC is store of value, like gold, but is clumsy and not handy everyday action

some say that EOS goes right now same FUD like Ethereum during 2015

and some even says, that EOS could solve BTC scaling and transaction fees problems in future

Nice English Rajesh.

This is actually the most retarded thing ever written on biz


Abandoned failed project

and by the way, reddit hates EOS

there is many threads even chainlink, but no threads at EOS

reddit was/is deeply love in Chinese totally centralised NEO, but reddit hate liberitarian created EOS, which target is to be so decentralized that cryptocoin can be

to be totally decentralized is impossible because there is always whales

i forgot that this forum is today only chainlink spamming

chainlink, coin that has own mainnet, but its still erc-20 token

EOS is a centralized shit coin

*Deletes your wallet*

Ni hao!

Yes retard, it's an ERC20 token with the Oracles contracts live on Ethereum. Chainlink would also work with other EVM shitcoins like EOS and Tron. Try again pajeet.

It has no following. You've ever seen a good EOS meme? I haven't. How do you expect to succeed without memes? This coin is stuck in the 2010s.

chainlink is still erc20 token, no mainnet, no own blockchain

these lies are really pathetic, chainlink spammers claim that chainlink has own mainnet, total lie, chainlink is still erc20 token

google partership, well i have also google partnership because is use google

and if i go eating mac donalds i have partnership with mac donalds, and if i had old BMW car, i had partnership with BMW, same locig there retard chainlink partnership claims

Have sex incel

Attached: NoLinker.png (781x692, 322K)

Do you shout your eos address to your friend while you both take a shit in the street, or do you take turns?

You don't even understand what Chainlink is you fucking sperg

Based. Just bought 300 EOS I have a good feeling about this one

fuck off you literal retard.

EOS is a centralized exit scam by exitscam master Dan Larimer. All EOS holders got rused.

Dan Larimer and Brock Pierce are both pedo as fuck, with the latter being CONFIRMED (go watch Open Secret).

This coin is absolute SHITE, and everybody with half a brain already knew this for years.

Most of the transactions are faked, the 21 validator system is maffia 2.0.

Fuck off with your bullshit, I bet you weren't even in crypto before 2017.

pathetic fud

EOS will be crushed by Cardano

m8 it's too late for your chainlink fud

Hi, my job is to do development on EOS.

> EOS Supports WebAuthN
> EOS Supports Hardware Encryption with Secure Enclave and other forms.
> EOS Supports C++ for their smart contracts. Easily compiling down into WebAssembly. Its fast as fuck.
> You don't need to download an entire blockchain to work with a testnet.
> You can compile smart contracts online with various tools.
> Smart contracts have a very intuitive and easy to use programming interface that allows me to whip up contracts in minutes rather than hours.
> I can do AES end to end encryption with just my EOS keys.
> EOS has vRAM which is a scaleable solution for tokenized goods to store images, data, etc. in larger amounts.
> Major game companies are looking at EOS because its fast and forking over a few bucks for an EOS account; or simply launching their own chain is a better solution than paying for GAS on other chains. Check out the Blockchain Game Alliance.
> EOS will have one of the only nearly free KYC systems in the world.

Nice how many for a node or whatever

Retards are back


Attached: 1557265824145.png (1201x1410, 832K)

because the retards copy pasted team just's P3D into eos ram and fucked it up then begged TJ to save them.

I am legitimately interested in EOS (hell, it even has its own tokens with a DEX), but this user is correct

Attached: 1522991209500.jpg (900x900, 111K)

Don't bother posting about EOS here. Everyone on this board are a bunch of 15-20 year old moon kids who got into crypto in 2017

> You don't need to download an entire blockchain to work with a testnet.
> You can compile smart contracts online with various tools.
As opposed to?
Ethereum has remix remix.ethereum.org/

Problem with this is that if you want your smart contract audited a lot of companies won't even take remix.

chainlink is more like a piece of software that can run on any blockchain. if eos ever does shit - and i hope it does i bought at the absolute top LOL for the scam airdrops eveyone promised - then chainlink can take advantage of that too. chainlink is its own beast, far superior to the eth vs eos debates and the btc vs ltc or whatever shit goes on here.

do you know that owning EOS you generate passive income to you, its called REX

here is REX interest rates


now its quite low, but more people use it, its more like to rise

for example if you put 1000 EOS REX, then you earn 9 EOS per year free

this interest rate might be much higher coming future, and its totally free money, you dont have to do nothing

and if/when EOS price goes up, you can earn quite large amount of EOS, i.e. money, for REX passive income

REX Ultimate Guide


if EOS goes $ 100 or $ 1000 by mass adoption that Voice platform come, that majority people that dont know nothing today by EOS, then REX could bring you to very good passive income

$100k BTC, $10k ETH & $1,000 EOS In The Next Bull Run



EOS its already what ETH 2.0 trying to be some future

EOS is going to be 12 faster, they tell that to June 1 conference

also EOS is going to bring Yubi-key, Yubi-key is like hardward wallet but much more easy to use, so using EOS become very easy and maxim security

EOS MASS ADOPTION INCOMING - WebAuthn -Yubikey - Coinbase Custody


in fact biggest news june 1st was EOS 2.0, which is going to be 12 faster than current EOS and Yubi-key coming to EOS

remember, that Block One company, which is behind EOS, they have 4 billion dollar warchest, so they have money when EOS and Voice promote campaing begins

How do I stake it

Holy shit you are fucking retarded.

Attached: m24832952.png (931x687, 652K)

u gay

for example if you use EOS greymass wallet, here is guide how to use REX in greymass wallet

Greymass Wallet EOS REX Tutorial


do you know that EOS has own private coin pEOS

Why pEOS Will Eventually Surpass Monero


looks like whales buy EOS now in binance, two whales just bought for about 5 btc amount of EOS

looks like EOS is way oversold

Yes we moon soon sir

The way you type.... I can smell the curry



bitching about cryptokitties clogging ethereum is the litmus test for dunning-kruger opinions about this
the gas market performed as intended during the initial rush. the network literally never slowed down or crashed. newbies letting their gas price autosuggested to 20 by primitive wallets got their tx stuck for a while, that's about it. worth noting at 100 gas price, ethereum transactions were still cheaper than bitcoin
no later than the next weekend, eth devs of all stripes came up with network improvements to drive down the costs and increase thoroughput
three weeks later, costs were back to normal
then for the following year and a half, regular improvements were made
hundreds of dapps have been running on layer 1. layer 2 solutions have matured through 2018, and some popular dapps seamlessly run millions of transactions there
ofc, if you're the average btc bagholding retard who gets your news from coindesk, you don't know that. more importantly, you don't WANT to know that. after king shitcoin has been gimped into a purely speculative tool for market manipulators, you have to cling to the store of value narrative for dear life. ignore all information, refuse to learn, stick to debunked talking points. bitch about the 2016 DAO while the 2018 parity bailout failed. complain about emission rate (that you call inflation, because it's a serious economic term and makes you feel like a serious man talking about serious money - even if any economist could tell you this is not what inflation means), even though by design ethereum emission rate naturally trends towards 0 as we approach infinity, not unlike bitcoin pow stretching decades - save for the fact bitcoin has no plans to deal with decreasing block rewards, except "the price will magically rise forever because deflation". cry about PoS being about the rich, when the minimum level of entry for bitcoin mining is an ASIC farm
bitcoin has swapped fundamental value for spiritual value. gl with that

english is not my first language, im from europe

but here is the key thing of EOS, looks like quite few people still know about EOS, its still under majority radar

here is EOS pros

- best scalabilty coin at the moment, and coming better with coming EOS 2.0
- fastest blockchain at the moment
- EOS becoming 6 times faster when they released EOS 2.0
- coming yubi-key, which makes EOS user friendly to people that are not good with computers and lets face it, cryptoworld has to become userfriendy to get main adoption and this yubi-key to EOS is helping that
- no transaction fees
- EOS has billion dollars warchest, i.e. Block One company which is behind of EOS, so EOS has a lot of amount of money to promote
- EOS has passive income REX, at the moment you earn one month about 0,1 % worth of EOS, and one year interest rate is about 1 % at the moment, i.e. if you hold 1000 EOS in year, you earn 10 EOS

Yea it's faster but that means the blockchain grows to an untenable fucking size. It's ridiculously huge the amount of space needed to download the entire chain.

here is what is this yubi-key what EOS told june 1st that it comes to EOS


So did EOS ever release the promised audit of their year long ICO that allowed mid term withdrawals?

and forgot, one more plus thing that its userfriendly by EOS compared to other cryptocoins, that EOS address is some name, you can customize your own EOS name account, very easy to remember

compare eos account which is name/phrase, with for example address 0x762534672674, which is easy to remember, your customize phrase/name, or some long random 0x8787m,nmnkjh address

BTC is not controlled by mining pools. Did you miss the 2X hardfork attempt?

OP, you don't criticize LINK on this board.

Its still just a social experiment IMO. it needs immutability. Also having 21 BPs that are public in location will eventually get compromised if it is beneficial enough.

well, we can call every crypto project social experiment, call what you like, but i see that EOS is far most advanced cryptocoin/platform far ahead of others, by tech and deveploment

this yubi-key what Block one told that coming to EOS is very interesting, and step toward easy to use i.e. mass adoption

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safer Internet

The YubiKey sets new global standards for strong two-factor and passwordless authentication.



PoS lol Piece of Shit

so much fucking this