How the fuck did you miss this one biz?

>Actual exchange in the USA
>Coinbase competitor
>Binance banning burgers
> $834k market cap
>benefits to coin holders on exchange
Where else will the burgers go? Faggot nigger Coinbase?This coin is about to explode anons. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Attached: D986F74C-4479-4DF6-8797-E17EDAC0E3C8.jpg (300x247, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

-95% ICO bag holder detected. Probably same guy who bought Cargo x ICO

>Literally how
Can you try and FUD a $800k cap project with this much upside with an address in the United States registered as an LLC?

>literally how

I remember this ICO during the great bull run of 2017...
This project still has a lot of -90% ICO bagholders who are gonna dump at a x2

Didn’t it already explode earlier this year? But came back down?

Looks cool but Coinmetro is cooler.

>Cheapest fees in the industry (MARKET MAKERS GET PAID TO TRADE)
>Fully regulated and based in the European Union
>Has the only Chainlink to Fiat pair on the market
>Regulated margin trading
>Best support in the industry, 24/7 live chat that, replies within seconds
>Liquidity providers on the top 5 cryptos
>Exchange token XCM gets burnt WITH EVERY SINGLE TRADE
>Grandma-safe interface
>Professional trader interface as well
>Buying XCM is like betting on the house, they are literally helping governments to write regulation on cryptocurrency, their recommendations went into law in Estonia
>By far the most transparent exchange, CEO does weekly AMAs on youtube and he's available in the telegram channel almost every day
>Charges no listing fees
>Dozens of fiat currencies coming soon
>Personal IBAN accounts for users coming soon
>Tokenized asset management coming soon
>BIG news coming on Friday

It's the lowest fee on ramp, definitely doesn't fake volume. which even with its low volume has plenty of liquidity due to their liquidity provider (you can buy 100 ETH without moving the price for example,) has no public API yet which means bots aren't trading much if at all yet, has an actual reason for the token to exist (which is a utility token not a security,) uses real money instead of stablecoin funny money, is completely transparent, has regulated margin trading, is not yet on CMC, Almost all 2017 ICO fellas have dumped at a loss and buying the bottom is satisfying, has unique selling points in the pipeline, (I think tokenised asset management is genius and is what got me to take the project seriously) and has a transparant charismatic leader. Use signup code Salt to get entered into an XCM raffle.

Attached: coinchad.jpg (502x523, 80K)

Hey retard, has a LINK fiat pair too.

Meh seems ok, but it’s not in the USA , and that is what makes COIN LION unique and better than fagmetro

Americans can use it though, and USD pairs will be up in a couple of weeks. They are expanding worldwide, about to list literally dozens of fiat currencies. But yes, it's good to have multiple exchange accounts, maybe one american and one european at least.

All non USA exchange gon be banned bro

> Actual exchange in the USA

You say that like it's a positive thing for an exchange to be terrified by the SEC and never list anything for fear of it being a security.

There's a good reason almost all of the burger exchanges went from being top tier to barely being used anymore. I remember during the golden bull run being listed on Bittrex was an instant x5. It was a much, much bigger deal than being listed on Binance. And look at Bittrex now. They had to launch an international ban-the-burger exchange just to survive.

False. Coinmetro is the most legally compliant exchange in the world my friend. The CEO is meeting with regulators all over the EU. They ltierally helped the Estonian government write new (harsher) crypto legislation, and it went into law. The Coinmetro CEO, an American, has been running a 5 star forex exchange for a decade, he knows his stuff and he knows regulation. It literally took them 10 weeks to list chainlink, to get it through compliance. And because they have the same banking partner as Coinbase, LHV, now Coinbase is listing it as well. Remember code Salt, my friend.

>US exchange
>uses an ICO shitcoin for exchange trading
Yup, they're going to get shut down.

>implying the EU is something good

I didn't imply that. I implied Coinmetro has a lot of legitimacy in the eyes of the law.

can you store your coins on a wallet or ledger?
is your fiat money on the exchange insured?

Why they use different slavic countries for their exchange? Everyone knows they are scammers like pajeets and chinks.

Now that's a logo I'm willing to invest in

You can store your coins wherever you want. I don't think the wallets are insured. Estonia is not slavic, they are finno-ugric, they are more closely related to finns and even swedes than poles and russians.

>I remember this ICO during the great bull run of 2017...
same, the logo is pretty fire, remember when that was enough to 10x? kek

And Georgia? I remember checking it out, seeing located in Georgia and leaving the site.

Maybe its worth dropping a few bucks in.

I think they have support offices in Georgia. They also have offices in Mexico but I think they are empty right now because of the funding issue, but they will attempt to market to South America and use Mexico as a base. I think there was talk of a Australian office as well? I can't remember. It makes sense to have support offices all over the world if you offer 24/7 live customer support and its very rare to hire first worlders to do customer support

If you do decide to dip your feet into Coinmetro I would recommend using the signup code "Salt", and you'll get entered into a raffle where you can win a bag of XCM, exchange tokens.

Attached: chad coinmetro.jpg (1695x887, 156K) wtf? old one? why only 83 holders and 266 transfers?

the LION token 2773 holders and 11,712 transfers

83 holders, because only 82 people have actually withdrawn XCM out of coinmetro to private ETH wallets. This is how some ETH contracts work, how some exchange wallets work.

the top link is a scam fake token

... No one uses it?

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Based and jewpilled

why do exchanges even exist? why dont based crypto holders sell locally to people who want crypto for like a small markup

you "free unregulated crypto" types should be posting ads on craigslist offering crypto for $USD and charge like a 5% fee

1. That requires autists like me leaving the house
2. Could get robbed

Attached: 1524865419642.jpg (721x517, 110K)

that's how it used to go down. these days most of those sites get shut down by the feds for "money-laundering"

Attached: if only you knew.jpg (577x537, 62K)

The Georgia thing was banking/fiat over Georgia. And its highly concerning that only 82 people withdraw their tokens from a new exchange but an army of shills and fudders jumping biz.

And Lion sounds 10x better than Metro, the first two were real good, the third kinda ok, btw.

meant for

Not much reason to withdraw an exchange token. What are you going to do with it? It's only usable on Coinmetro. It's like withdrawing BNB to another exchange. Why? And don't say for safe storage, if an exchange gets hacked they can just make new exchange tokens and distribute them to the addresses before the hack. Most people either sold or just let the coins sit there on their accounts.

Remember how hard kucoin was shilled in 2017? They had an interesting referral system if I remember correctly... Too bad they later destroyed KCS usecase so it lost all its value.

I should fucking pay attention. Binance banning burgers??? When???
