You do realize this is being implemented in 5 months user?........... user?
>He isn't ready to live off of Eth staking
I'm ready I have 220+ ETH
Congratulations. You don't have to work again from 2020 onwards.
How much ETH is required to generate $50k a year passive income? considering staking+price increase
>i suck at math: the post
Its 5% annual roi you can figure it out from there
I'm interested. Where can I learn 2 stake?
but how high can eth go in price. thats also a factor
How much do you make with staking 32 ETH, A month?
Five whole fucking percent? Damn, if only I could get those kinds of gains elsewhere... Hmmmmmmmmmm
Ok you seem retarded so I will walk you through it.
Its 5% annually ROI. Whats 5% of $1 million? $50000.
So lets recap. You need $1 Million of ETH to make $50000 annually. How many ETH doesnt fucking matter. All that matters is that value adds up to $1 Million.
1 Eth = $1 Million = $50k annually if staked
200 ETH = $1 Million = $50k annually if staked
Get it now stupid? Doesnt fucking MATTER how many ETH you hold, only that its fucking VALUE equals $1 Million if you want to earn 5% or $50k annually.
no ones living off that, everyone has 32 eth
so at current prices you would need about 3k ETH to start staking?
You will always need 31 ETH. At these prices it would be worth about $10k.
You need 32 ETH minimum to stake.
Where does it say 5% ROI? That seems pretty high. I thought I read somewhere that it would be 2 - 4%.
its not going to be as profitable as like lending thru a defi would be. eth staking will probably avg out to like 4-5% whereas u can get 8-10% from defi
its a tradeoff tho, but if u rly dont want to sell your eth, then yea just stake it.
not enough to shit on your bosses desk and quit your job.
I took out a loan to buy ETH in February. Best decision of my life.
What is defi?
Also how often does the interest get distributed? Monthly? By block?
fuuu priced out :(
The ROI is ridiculously low like 2-3%. You'd need to be an ETH millionaire already. This isn't larp I've been buying ETH since March 2017 just set your expectations.
A guaranteed 5% ROI is insanly good. People will pay out of the ass for that even if it is solely for a set it and forget it investment.
You can get a guaranteed 6-8% yield on high dividend stocks or REITs right fucking now...
Do you morons not even realize these opportunities exist in the market today? Why wait for some retarded software project for a really mediocre fixed income and no legal assurances?
At least with Boomer stocks, you are legally entitled to a share of the business.
And finally, for ETH to pay out 2% interest, they would need revenue exceeding that.
Does ETH even have any revenue streams?
You cryptokiddies are fucking retarded. The ONLY reason anyone should be sinking money into this game is for the 1,200% capital growth opportunities.
If you have lots of eth you want to sit on it makes sense.
The ROI won't be static. Block rewards are given to stakers randomly, so if more people stake the chance of winning is lower.
Just like the mining rewards in BTC are dependant on the amount of miners (hash rate).
So lets say staking goes live, ROI is 10%, then a lot of people would buy ETH to partake in staking, ETH price would rise, but staking ROI would go down.
Where will the equilibrium be? Hard to tell, but 2-4% annually seems reasonable.
One would need thousands of ETH for that to make any financial sense, but if I had that much I would put it into corporate debt or some REITs (back with REAL real estate assets and paying monthly rent) rather than be subjected to the uncertain economics of an unproven software product with communist leanings.
Listen, I like Ethereum, but this whole staking business is retarded and not even worth discussing.
Absolutely zero stocks guarantee a dividend of any given percent. See: what happened to GE recently.
Crypto was designed to free us from keynsian parasites, the invisible hand won't let a bunch of neets get 5% roi for doing nothing.
POS will fail there is no escape from entropy
how does crypto have "communist leanings?"
>1 stock out of thousands
Why can't you answer the question. What revenue is Eth generating to pay out it's holders?
are you somehow under the impression staking eth locks its dollar price at the current point you started staking, like the trezor meme? struggling to understand your logic here
scenario A: i hold eth because i believe it will increase in the future
scenario B: i hold eth because i believe it will increase in the future. i also stake my eth, so i get more eth over time
why wouldn't you pick B over A?!
Are you retarded? Educate yourself on staking before embarrassing yourself next time
I assume you understand how mining and PoW works. With staking, the algorithm will randomly (but weighted) choose the next “validator” and let only them mine the next token instead of having everyone run for it and try to mine the block first. This way, only one computer is doing the work. In return the validator gets a reward, just like in mining, but this time it is a % of the ETH staked. Moreover, if someone is found to fiddle with the result and not mine/validate the block correctly (i.e. tried to double spend), all of their staked ETH is automatically taken away.
In short, the revenue you’re talking about is the transaction validation rewards that are typically given to miners, except now they’ll be given to validators.
I like how you ignore the part about REITs, or preferred shares, or even corporate fucking bods will pay more than Ethshitium.
So exactly how does that generate cash flow to pay out to NEET node holders?
You realize you can print new tokens, but if there is no hard cash flowing into the keep the value afloat, then they will collapse in inflation?
This is like a grade 10 level understanding of money that we are talking about... You can't grow it on trees unless you're the US government.
infinite supply shit coin
>are you somehow under the impression staking eth locks its dollar price at the current point you started staking, like the trezor meme? struggling to understand your logic here
Ok, it's really simple.
To pay someone out, like your stakers, you need to TAKE IN money, in an amount that exceeds or at least equals what you owe to stakers..
You can't print Eth out of thin air and hope that their value will hold, that requires constant liquidity inflows.
Right now miners are mining new ethereums with no cap limits too.
That's only because there's about 60 billion USD flowing into crypto every week.
When there was no money flowing in, the price tanked down to $80.
Really 5 months?
>lightly worn
oh dear