Fucking chink piece of shit

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hahahahahahaha wow that chart

Thats just Diffie unloading his bags. Nevermind boys

About to take a deep dive

what would you call this formation Jow Forums?

Attached: B6114401-FA09-4197-90FC-0F00B176501E.png (750x1334, 269K)

NKN $1000 EOY

Attached: 2sre1p.jpg (326x294, 23K)

unironically going to 20 cents in July


it won't don't be a retard

What's happening?

when there is blood on the streets...

You faggots do realize that flaunting around famous gweilo like Diffie and Wolfram is a textbook chink hustle tactic, right?

wolfram contacted them first... read the interview you piece of shat

...i'm sure he did user, to solicit kickbacks in exchange for him shilling this scam.

Ive done countless hours of research on this project and had so much confidence but I'm starting to think you're right. Been buying this shit since 2018 and have accumulated a massive bag but I'm about to give up. This past week has been absolute slaughter and I don't see any end in sight. This is the biggest justing since REQ.

were you the 1M user that ruthlessly shilled me into buying this?


>staking confirmed in today's AMA
>testing going on with a chinese streaming platform
>NDA with Binance, they're set for a Binance Chain migration and considering business tactics and timing

Have some patience you retards.

Remember the last time they almost got listed on Binance and it dumped after?

True, I've spoken to a few of their admins in discord as well and they've all accumulated insane bags for July's announcements. If its a China hustle we still need our bull market pump for them to exit scam.

I do. Thankfully my IQ is high enough to know it was overvalued back then... As it is undervalued right now.


Oh definitely, I don't know how much it'll pump but it'll pump one day, hopefully sooner rather than later

The team is pretty bullish and honestly that Yilun kid looks fucking smart (though his english is atrocious). They're confident they have something good in hands. Maybe not the next big thing but something to catch a slice of the pie that is this shitshow we call crypto.
Worse looking projects have pumped so yeah, this will have its moment.

No i don't have that much
Even if it did get listed on binance it would dump. Remember Huobi? Dump central. It only dumps. How the fuck did these guys manage to pump NEO and ONT so high and then fail so hard this time? ULTIMATE CHINKED

yes, blame it on the chinks, not your stupidity. I don't think you will make it.

Huobi was a guaranteed dump. $500,000 worth of NKN tokens sold at 50% market price among the voters.

And thank me later
