This is how I know Jow Forums has been completely infested by red*it...

This is how I know Jow Forums has been completely infested by red*it, old biz would of wholly embraced Craig the based master shitposter and underdog literally fighting the bankers coin, while trying to provide the world with sound money.
And he will win. Big

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Imagine not thinking this man is based

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Reddit hates CSW and that place is infested by paid shills, that should tell you everything you need to know.

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>old biz would of wholly embraced Craig the based master shitposter
No it would not have.

t. Been on Jow Forums since 2014 and Jow Forums before that

craig wright is literally the bernie sanders of crypto


>in your opinion
Jow Forums has a lot of commie red*it crossposters like you

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BSV $1000 eow check em

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Do explain

There's a lot of redditcucks on biz these days, I can smell the onions from you passive aggressive beta boys.
Afraid and intimidated by a STRONG POWERFUL man like Craig

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Purely a coincidence goy

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>Craig the based master shitposter and underdog literally fighting the bankers coin, while trying to provide the world with sound money
But why would we trust what CSW says? He may say many different things, but that doesn't make them honest or deserving our trust. He lies too much and his real intentions are not clear. Evidently not very honest too.

If anything, McAfee is a better and truthier shitposter than him.

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Pajeets think this is an effective shilling strategy to call anyone the donald trump of crypto. Donald would create a create a v-chain or walton type scam and dump on them at the top.


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Did you actually do your own independent research or are you just going along with whatever the Blockstream shills are feeding you?

Pajeet narrative isnt working fren, we had a thread a few weeks ago showing hands, all the bsv supporters are smart white men.
Come up with something new

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Craig is leading the financial revolution, that's why he's slandered so hard.
What do you think this inorganic tether btc pump is about?

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>Did you actually do your own independent research
I absolutely did. He's a conman from the ground up, with shady intentions and suspicious connections.

Did you?

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You have to be a total brainlet or kike to support core coin

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He is /our/ guy.
Remember autism always wins

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Aussie man bad!

oh you looked at Greg's editted "evidence"?
watch some videos of Craig speaking about bitcoin and tell me that this man doesnt know how bitcoin works... Sounds like he knows more then everyone else

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Whats funny is this board will be floodes by bsv the next time it pumps, then people will say they knew he was satoshi from the beginning but they were just trolling..

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This is not a game guys. There is a big fight going on for the future of money itself

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I've spent a lot of time researching and verifying. You won't outmeme me, he's a habitual liar and he's shady. Everyone surrounding him is shady too. One must be an idiot to trust these people. It doesn't matter what he says in videos because he could be repeating someone else.

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kek and you have no problem trusting the core devs who are literally paid by the bilderbergs?!!?? , and the ethereum devs who are straight up anarchist commies?
nChain are straight up business men they know how to get shit done in the real world..

I just hope you remember this post in the future

I never said that I trust the core devs or embrace the bilderbergs, you delusional cretin.

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