Only have $1,500 initial.
What's the surest coin I can put it into for a 2x or more in a short period?
Only have $1,500 initial.
What's the surest coin I can put it into for a 2x or more in a short period?
Other urls found in this thread:
once btc corrects definately btc
just buy a TV
Depends on the period of time. Within a few weeks/a month it's totally, completely impossible to say, but within 3 months or so I'd say one of the bigger ones like BTC or ETH (maybe not 2x but close to if market gets bullish) or, like everyone shills right now, LINK, especially considering it's getting recognition outside Jow Forums.
VIDT, LTO, and Lition are all easy 2x.
BTC when it sinks back to 7.5k
VIDT and 2x is nothing. You'll make 10x.
LTO and Lition are P&Ds past their prime.
VIDT is only on IDEX and has a small market cap, possibly a good one.
Or just go LINK OP, you might need to wait a year, but we're so close to singularity now.
TAO's up next
Blockmesh in a little bit when it gains more traction with users, they just released their communication app
>LTO and Lition are P&Ds past their prime.
why even fud when you don't know what you're talking about retard
Isn't it too late for vidt already to make it
This is probably your best bet
>No arguments
Nope, they're definitely worthless shitcoins that have already been dumped.
Look at the charts.
No lol it’s just getting started
are you trying to scam me? be honest
Buy low sell high. Rinse and repeat. LTO network is more solid than VIDT has been around longer and I'm invested in both, plus the easy Lition is a no brainer 3mil marketcap come on.
FTM is looking prime for a pump when you consider the charts and the fact we are on the precipice of a new bull run. Pretty solid entry point rn imo
>Buy low sell high.
That only works on non shitcoins.
A pump and dump that has been dumped never recovers.
only sure bets are BTC and ETH.
No seriously haha DYOR and make an educated decision
Skycoin (SKY) - price has held stable between $1.75 and $2.00 while BTC has exploded, but is at its ATL in sats. poised to moon hard
Skycoin's been abandoned ages ago dev wise
literally the complete opposite of the truth. are you retarded?
>last post 6/21/19
Just swing trade penny stocks bro
I could quadruple that money in a week easy this market is on fire
You need more than 25000 to safely swing trade at the frequency OP would need to. His trades would be locked and he'd get burned doing what you say.
this board is full of pajeets faggot
>His trades would be locked
explain this
Would you rather make your $1500 into $3000 or $1500 to $15000? Do the right thing and buy Chain Link.
chainlink is a sure bet
>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor
Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?
>ITT: what not to buy
dropped a hard eth thx
>BTC when it sinks back to 7.5k
is that sure to happen? im not selling now fuck that
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>Scam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token fuck you Scam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token cScam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token oScam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token pScam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token Scam fake token ycat
LINK is basically guarenteed to do atleast 350x right now , but it will be literally 5000x coin if you hold long enough
it's called day trading rules you dumb dumb little bitch
I'm new here, what is the best place to buy crypto?
robinhood (for trading), coinbase (for owning)