For LINKMARINES... this post is bullshif

The #1 way to lose your money is putting it into the hands of a (((financial planner))). Now let's say you have 15 million dollars in 2-3 years. Ok fine... put MAYBE 5 mil in the market or with a financial planner. BUT YOU ARE YOUR OWN FINANCIAL PLANNER AND YOU SHOULD BE PUTTING 6-7 MILLION INTO GOLD AND SILVER and you will literally never lose ANY of your wealth.

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Other urls found in this thread:

5 million traditional investments ifyou want. 5-7 million into gold and silver. And then 3-5 million half to fuck around with and half to maybe start some business.

Do not put all your fucking profit into the fucking rigged and overinflated stock market or you'll be fucking poor within 10 years.

You must put 33% of your obscene profits into actual real savings and real wealth which is gold and silver. You are fucking retarded if you do not do this after having a windfall in profits.

“A man travels many miles to consult the wisest guru in the land. When he arrives, he asks the wise man: “Oh, wise guru, what is the secret of a happy life?” “Good judgment,” says the guru. “But oh, wise guru,” says the man, “how do I achieve good judgment?” “Bad judgment,” says the guru.”

just read books and have sex

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what about getting some BTC and gold, and also staking LINK?

Yeah I mean whatever.... of course if you have say 15 million dollars you can throw 1 million into BTC.... stake 20-30% of your link and even put 15-25% into the market traditional Jew investments. But you need to put 20-30% into gold and silver.

If you have 15 million bucks you've fucking made it. Now if you take 5 million of that and start a business and end up making 10 more million dollars.... that's great and fantastic and all but having 25 million versus the 15 million you have already made isn't going to increase the quality of your life much more than the initial 15 million already has increased it.

So you need to be playing defense with at least 20-30% and put that into gold and silver.

and own the gold physically or in some vault in switzerland?

trying to sell $10 million in gold

>Hi im here to sell this 5 lb brick of gold.

>we don't have that kind of money dumbass.

Both. must have some on your own

You are stupid. You can buy and sell gold anywhere in the world. a dollar collapse, youll be able to exchange that brick of gold for 5 apartment complexes

Read the short PDF called If You Can and read about financial independence and early retirement, maybe start with Mr money mustache. You need to get the basic idea of investing most of your wealth in a way that will generate a safe* return over time and then live on only some of that return, being ready to decrease your expenses if there's a bear market or depression

Then maybe read

I am not an expert and probably not much smarter than the retard telling you to buy gold but this made me wonder if stocks are even more overpriced than we all thought... And potentially going to continue to remain overpriced for some time..? I'm not sure how to react to it, honestly, but it makes me afraid to go massively stocks, as I was planning to go something like 90/10 stocks/crypto if I ever make it with link

Maybe look at all weather or all season portfolio discussed by Ray dalio and Tony robbins, or look at the permanent portfolio. The latter should include some gold- I wonder if modifying it to include some crypto would make sense.

As for me, I want to get some real estate but buying us real estate seems icky to me as the sentiment seems to be running in favor of rent control in every place where appreciation happens. Thus, even if I pick some good properties in some good states, I am afraid I might have to diversify out of them if their value ever goes up much. Maybe that's fine- continually invest and reinvest into low prices housing, or perhaps try to get into commercial real estate... I don't know but 33% in good sounds fucking insane. Even 33% in btc would make more sense to me


the gold meme is hilariously dumb. Sure, buy some gold coins because they are comfy and make a nice *clink* sound, but you maybe have noticed that gold doesn't pay dividends nor does it have any tangible value aside from looking pretty and use in electronics.
>hurr durr sonny when SHTF everyone will be lining up to buy your gold coins
imagine being this dumb.

nah basically op is a fucking moron and is literally if you have that kind of money, you give somebody a job that makes both of you benefit... he's just a fucking moron.

im buying all the RE that's going to fire sale. Going to be a jewlord and profit off all the spics and niggers like the boom booms do!

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lol fucking retard, you realize the federal reserve can drop this entire crypto market off a cliff in the blink of an eye if they wanted to right?
OP is high IQ, nothing is safe (fiat/crypto/stocks/real estate) from having a massive dump off, especially crypto. Physical gold and silver is the ONLY asset on the planet that will provide sustained generational wealth through the decades. Not to mention gold and silver can MOON in a hyperinflation financial meltdown, the jews wont tell you this, but silver and gold can literally only go UP in the long term, thats why they hold gold and silver and hoard thousands of tons in navy seal protected, guided missile systems and IED booby trapped nuke bomb withstanding vaults

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If you make it why not just put 5 mill in savings accounts and live off interest? At 2.5% APY that's 125k a year in interest. You can't make it on 125k a year for free?

stfu boomer

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Why are you people so retarded?

If youve made 10 million dollars YOUVE ALREADY MADE IT. Your first order or business should be PROTECTING a decent % of that 10 million dollars. So putting 33% in gold is basically a no brainer.

Then you have about 7 million dollars which is still making it amount to dab in other shit. BTC, stocks, real estate...whatever.

But to say 33% is too much to put into gold is backwards thinking because youve already made it so why in the fuck would you want to expose your entire net worth to dollar denominated assets which will implode at some point given that we are 22 trillion in debt.

Because in a currency crisis youll be fucked. You need to put a % into gold and silver, so when the dollar hyperinflates you arent fucked.

If you lived in Venezuela 8 years ago and had decent income/savings....and you didnt put any into gold and silver you are now FUCKED. If you bought 1,000 ounces of silver and or 20 ounces of gold you would not be fucked

He isnt retarded. I mean if I end up having 10 million from Link I would have no issues putting 500k into bitcoin maybe even 1.5 million. But id be fucking retarded to not have at least 1.5 million in gold as well.

where the fuck do u store that much gold?

This same guy has been shilling SHINY BOOMER ROCKS in chainlink threads for the past year. I remember him

fucking doomsayers.

Fuck you newfag zoomer

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You can EASILY store a million dollars of gold yourself. 600 ounces of gold is nothing.

It isnt doomsday you fucking retard. If youve made 10 million bucks your first orer of business is to protect it.

If I have 10 million dollars the last thing on my mind would how do I turn this into 15 million at least initially.

I mean whats the point then? Ok you make 10 million off Link.....YOUVE MADE IT....theres no real need to get to 20 million, right? Sure im not saying dont start a business or invest a decent chunk to try and get to 20 million, but you need to protect a certain % of your windfall gains and not just fucking throw it in some mutual fund with some kike running it.

Btc is a store of value boomer. The world is soon going to abandon your shiny rocks in favor of the next evolution of money

anyone who doesn't know who you're talking about is a pathetic nulinker

How did you obtain said brick in the first place dumbass?