Bitcoin is living on borrowed time yet again...

Bitcoin is living on borrowed time yet again. Fees are increasing at roughly $1 per day and will continue to do so until it reaches $35 just like last time. Fees are at $4 now. so you have about 30 days left to dump.

Attached: fees.png (381x673, 17K)

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4 dollars per transaction for the most secure and liquid digital asset is fine. Retard nano shills think the point of crypto is for buying coffee. There is no reason to spend your rare digital assets that appreciate instead of your fiat or stable coins instead. Prepare to have your ass blown wide open by libra while bitcoin will remain unaffected

fees are incrementally increasing. tomorrow they will be $5 next day $6 so on and so fourth until it implodes. enjoy.

$4 is okay but $50+ which we'll see in the coming months or years isn't. You just switch one jewish intermediary for another (miners). Of course save haven bla bla digital gold bla but fees are gonna become excessive no matter how you spin it

even at $4 that kills small transactions. the higher the fee the higher the bar gets raised. eventually it would only be practical for moving thousands of dollars. at that point it's little more than a remittance system for banks and whales. not digital cash as described in the whitepaper.

why arent the bitcoin developers fixing this?

Nah it really fucking ain't okay in 2019 if you really think about it. Especially considering how long it takes to actually transfer. Especially considering how many faster cheaper alternatives exist

muh lightening

but why is this happening?
couldnt occur at a more tragic time

this will be fun.
>$4 fees are perfectly fine! it's a store of value, after all
>$10 isn't that bad
>$50? to move $200k that's amazing!
>$100? you shouldn't move your bitcoin anyway

the increasingly high fees are proof no one is using LN. if they were using it no one would be transacting on chain anymore.


Attached: C72F9EA0-02C6-41CD-A71B-14C73FE989FB.jpg (1200x545, 75K)

with how it's developing, you're not supposed to transact with any bitcoin unless you plan to invest in it and cash out sparcely (i.e. for retirement). Whitepaper is totally irrelevant at this point since it's definitely not digital cash - throughput, fees, tx speed etc... is still pretty much how it always was, while the demand followed an exponential curve

keeps the ponzi going as small holders get their balances frozen due to the fees being higher than their balance.

How's it feel missing the greatest rally in years? It'll correct one day, right?


They will clear on the weekend

They will clean on the weekend also high fees will force people to move to segwit wallets for lower fees

>implying i have no coins
33k links and 666 zecs, im sitting comfy
and btc = myspace
REDACTED = facebook

kek, reminds me of pic related. Small holders will definitely be squeezed out of the market entirely. Meanwhile the only thing reaching 1 mil will be Bitcoin's mempool

Attached: 1386351369814.jpg (960x686, 270K)

Because fixing it means less fees and less hashrate and thus becoming more vulnerable to 51% attacks.

Not to mention the problems a hard fork would bring.

>btc = myspace

the #1 sign you're talking to a retard, right here

>invest in bitcoin in robinhood
>fee free
>can sell instantly

This. We need lightning now. Anyone know where to check its progress?

Yep, when coinbase is +$2k its time to exit the market


>plebbit spaces 2x
You need to go back

Attached: 5DC6DFFB-E8C8-487C-971F-9164ADCC91DA.png (616x3132, 265K)

That guy is a sub 90 iq king of the brainlets who believes in numerology and has been consistently wrong with his btc price predictions lmao

He made $400k off parlays in 2 weeks, numerology is definitely real, he has called terrible shorts, ill give u that

He's a decent sportsbetter who is bankrolled by charging other morons exorbitant amounts of money to teach them Chinese astrology

>Numerology is real

BSV is superior in every way except price

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-26-18-33-33-1.png (1440x964, 102K)

So you didn't read the white paper
Stay poor


New blockchain can be copy pasted.

I just market sold into Link

because its not a problem
if you can afford an amount of bitcoin where 5 dollars is meaningless to you then you deserve to be left outside.

nothing will ever surpass btc

The Stinky Linkies are comin'

imagine being so fucking shit that people would rather pay 2,700x more to transact on the BTC network instead of your shitskin network, pajeet

>4 dollars per transaction for the most secure and liquid digital asset is fine.


Attached: dumbjak.png (205x246, 5K)

>There is no reason to spend your rare digital assets
Literally the only real difference between bitcoin and litecoin is that bitcoin is older.
That's an extremely weak reason for the valuation difference.

This is what really makes me think. Bitcoin holds it value due to being bitcoin. The next few years are going to be extremely interesting.

>but why is this happening?
>couldnt occur at a more tragic time
Holy fuck the stench of newfag on some of you fuckers. It's time to go back.

The white paper is wrong by calling bitcoin electronic cash. The first few years of Bitcoin has just been people realizing that spending these coins is not their best use, 10000 btc for pizza, etc. When you spend them you lose opportunity cost of price appreciation in the future, its why hodl is more than just a meme. Greshams Law, there is no rational reason to spend your rare bitcoin that goes up when you have the option to spend your garbage fiat first. This is not digital cash

Look at the level of cope of this poor bag holder.

Imagine having to pay $4+ every time you made a credit card purchase no matter the value

>Imagine having to pay $4+ every time you made a credit card purchase no matter the value

>Is completely ignoring how long and how expensive international bank wires are.

Money is the original social network. Crypto is not actually about the tech. Its the biggest mistake to think that. This is all social network effect and brand recognition, litecoin and modern coins like nano will always be behind bitcoin and it has nothing to do with the tech. Just get onboard because at the end of the day bitcoin will be the global reserve currency of the entire world and other cryptos will be pegged to it for spending purposes

who cares. bitcoin will be a store of value first and foremost like gold. the tech is shit for transactions

You are too brainlet to realize that even your nano shitcoin will fall prey to the same symptoms even if it can do 1 billion transactions a second. Why the fuck would you spend one of your rare fixed supply nanos when you could spend a stablecoin with direct integration in your phone and to all your friends as businesses easily? Silicon valley coins will crush any coin whose value case comes from payments

imagine being so poor that you cant afford a $35 fee to transfer the worlds greatest stores of value ever invented.

just gas yourself you fucking fiat kike shill

2019: Various cryptocurrencies are achieving mass adoption in numerous industries for their nuanced application of blockchain technology as a means to share and communicate data via transactions.

We've got different projects that are literally inventing new industries that will be worth billions and billions of dollars, like DeFi. All the largest companies and strongest governments are incorporating blockchain technology, often through the use of public networks, to automate operations, catalog data, build more intuitive communications system, so on and so forth.

Imagine thinking none of this matters, and instead you're maxing out on the "better Bitcoin" shitcoins. Just like in 2015, the best altcoins are the one with the cheapest/fastest transactions, right user?

BSV/NANO/DASH/DGB/insert gen 1 shitcoin here maximalists are never going to make it. We'll all be chilling on mars and they'll be waiting for their Earth shattering pump.

Bitcoin Cash has some ideological value (though I don't agree with BCH at all). Litecoin has value as BTC testbed. Monero and Grin have value as legitimate privacy currencies. But if you're banking on a coin whose major purpose is to be a better Bitcoin, without being geared for or even capable of contracts and data transaction, you'll be off as bad as any normie nocoiner.

lol nothing is imploding brainlet
whitepaper said nothing about fees, it's still digital money, but keep crying over what YOU define as (((cash))) lmao