my sat value is literally fucking rekt. alts are dead forever aren't they?
My sat value is literally fucking rekt. alts are dead forever aren't they?
Depends on which alts you're holding.
imagine buying worthless mickey mouse tokens instead of Bitcoin, the only cryptocurrency that actually fucking matters.
We tried to warn you for fucking months and in your arrogance you shooed us away. How's it feel, cunt?
comfy with link
I remember reading some guy saying that altcions are just to blind you from the real coin (bitcoin.) It's really coming to surface lately.
altcoins are nothing more than a tool to trade with retards to increase your BTC stack. This has been true forever but it's taken a while for retards to begin truly understanding this. The best part is by the time they see the light, their shitcoins have amortized to 0 and they've got no more skin in the game unless they want to buy BTC at $13k
user stop this is scary
What's really scary is that the moment you finally give in and decide to sell, is when they will bottom and go on another tear
pretty much this.
im getting excited for when btc starts going sideways. joocy pumped up btc will make alt trading very profitable again.
>altcoins are nothing more than a tool to trade with retards to increase your BTC stack.
I've always view this from the start. BTC is the hardest money ever fucking created.
I got massively caught out by this BTC pump and I couldn't exit my alt positions in time.
screw btc
fucking shitcoin
what a fucking faggot holy shit u fucking virgin
t. 0.01530181 BTC holder
You laugh now but that 0.01530181 will be valued at $15,000.00 soon enough.
no it wont
if the market isnt retarded bitcoin will be dethroned
lol i hope so. then id have like a million plus dollars. whatever 3btc is worth
Look user, I bust my ass at work while my wife was given some bitcoins by her father while he has 20 some. I'm the most jealous faggot in the world right now watching them both get richer. So I would love bitcoin to be dethroned very much you bet your ass.
aww salty bagholder lashing out
it's okay I'm sure mainstream adoption for your generic shitcoin #501 is coming soon! mainnet!
late adopter cope
nothing will ever surpass bitcoin
This is such keyboard fag bullshit
If/when alts pump there would have been an identical post claiming everyone warned us the BTC was old too slow and bound to my left behind
Theres another timeline where that happens and you're a faggot in both of them
in the very near future blockchains will have real world applications and people will consider using crypto as real world currency.
And when they do they will not be using bitcoin and paying $50 and waiting 2 hours for each transaction faggot.
>not holding coinbase alts
lol never gonna make it. also, fuck coinbase and the whole god damn system
My problem is I'm convinced bsv is gonna BTFO bitcoin, I still have half a btc just in case
whatever makes you feel better about picking the losing team, shitcoin bagholder
oh yeah they're gonna use your generic shitcoin #750 instead