Tfw when sold at 12k

>tfw when sold at 12k
>tfw only made 400 usd

Attached: 1514428922527.jpg (1663x791, 538K)

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>tfw only made 38 dollars

Attached: 1504588297009.png (967x954, 554K)

Lol I made $450 arbitraging alone yesterday. How the fuck are you so poor?

yall never learn how to hodl

i'm 18 nigger faggot.
also i only bought btc to buy acid off the markets
coinbase held my shit for a ridiculously long time but i ended up making money. bought at 8k

Attached: 1561180983359.jpg (1024x898, 290K)

Every fucking time I come here the very first thread is a pink wojak doing drama. I love this board

My wallet is in an iron puzzlebox locked in a safe that's buried in the woods

>also i only bought btc to buy acid off the markets
lmao enjoy your prison sentence

I'm making like $10k/day lately. Still haven't sold a single sat

Attached: bought the dip.png (1150x1538, 141K)

Meant for