Can someone post the pepe where he is relaxing in his mansion with a tv screen that says the US has declared martial...

Can someone post the pepe where he is relaxing in his mansion with a tv screen that says the US has declared martial law.

Also What is your opinion on LIT?

Attached: images.jpg (289x174, 6K)

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Fucking brown ID dAMMIT

that's what you get for posting shit like this you racist cuck

Name a black country that isn't a horrible shithole.

Attached: race_guns.png (1281x640, 328K)


>pic related

Attached: race_murder_black_countries.jpg (1023x653, 103K)

cut "white" rate in half for spics, pajeets, and sands.

Attached: 1558848982689.jpg (992x768, 118K)

No fuck off

Spotted the nigger saying some shit from a kids movie...kek

Whats this picture from?

I will post it for 10 link

Take down this picture. What the heck is wrong with you?




>systematically drive a race into poverty and generally miserable living conditions over the span of nearly 250 years
>surprised that they commit the most % of crime

Attached: 1561166268428.gif (200x200, 1.53M)


you do realize AFRICAN "americans" came from someplace before those 250 years right?

Any guess where the spearchuckers were from, before their brothers sold them for alcohol and trinkets?

Attached: 1559371040053.jpg (1341x1252, 320K)

Had their ancestors not been slaves they'd be pouring cow piss on their heads and living in mud huts in Africa. Cassius Clay even said "Thank god my ancestors got on those boats" when he visited shithole African countries.

They should be thanking white people for slavery if anything.

>be chink
>come to the US with 2 dollars in your pockets and 0 knowledge of the English language
>be forced to work shitty jobs building railroads and coal mining with 0 safety measures to help you survive
>completely BTFO niggers who had been living here for 200 years in a span of 2 generations
No excuses, faggot.

How are blacks doing in Africa?
How were they doing before Europeans and Arabs showed up?
Where on Earth are black neighborhoods nice?
S. America?
>pic related, violent behaviors are genetic (just like in dog breeds).

Attached: race_mao_gene.jpg (529x1024, 145K)

Okay, so let's say this is true and blacks are more violent genetically.

If we went in with crispr and snipped out that gene, you'd still hate them and call them niggers. That's the racism part and you're searching to justify hate scientifically

Attached: 1558477100408.gif (2970x2483, 859K)

I think he was referring to the pepe but this is even better. Thanks.

>video removed
#JewTubed again...

>If we went in with crispr and snipped out that gene
THAT would be racist.