
What is it doing?

Attached: Stellar-Logo.png (1516x962, 530K)

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Youre literally gonna tend those bags for 3-5 years before you can hope to see any serious ROI. Even then the tech market for it might be full.

Yeah IBM is just going to sit on its ass while Google and other tech companies scoop up alts with partnerships

This is our only hope. Notice the stealth smart contracts which effectively kills any need for Chainlink. Also, people with an actual education are working on it.

being shit

Jed mCCaleb is a fraudster. Stellar code is stole from XRP

>actually being this dumb

>actually being this dumb

I was literally 100% all in Stellar in 2017-2018 but let me tell you now its done and will be buried with other post-ponzi era failed prototypes. There are so much better projects now

Those are some hefty bags you got there

Attached: bagholder.jpg (355x355, 38K)

Stellar is original code. XRP stole from Bitcoin.


t. 90k bagholder

XLM is an amazing project but this space is driven by hype and IBM is having none of that lately.

Probably nothing as usual.

Attached: IEMH9521.png (1620x599, 541K)

will it ever recover?

preparing for take off...

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at 12.12.37 AM.png (1296x696, 147K)

Xlm and xrp are the worst performing big name coins of 2019


Holy shit Ranjeet, Raminya needs you back at the shitting hole

>yfw you could’ve 1:1 to LINK at many points over the past 2 yrs

>tfw when I bought xlm for $0.02, held over the top, wanted to an hero, then traded my stack for link (which I had watched since ico) in Apr. '18
Feeling pretty comfy now

Good lad

Attached: 2BA71759-8517-4E81-B8A5-08F3322E8E02.png (500x500, 242K)

IBM has ditched Stellar in favor of Hashgraph, look at the authors:
They even called Hashgraph “a partner” and will shill to their clients.

IBM is a zombie corpse of its former self. It’s coasting on the aura of its former glory. The leadership is inept as fuck. There’s no vision... nothing differentiating itself from anything else out on the market. Everything IBM does today is just a copy of what some other company does and not even as good.

>What is it doing?
Dying, its a shitcoin

You and me buddy 120k xlm here....

Kek i have:

25% btc
25% eth
25% link
25% xlm

Guess right longterm play would be to ignore fud and swap some of sick gains from upper 3 into xlm but Im to big of pussy :/


Attached: 1515515765881.jpg (1024x768, 68K)

Yeah only times I acually amde big money in his clownmarket is holding for 2y+ or swaping shit that mooned for shit thats fuded to ground and wating 6m+

U have nice stack there but I would be scared to to go in stellar atm just stick to xlm you have fuck it....

Yeah, this. Fucking roastie CEO.