Take a seat you millionaire fucks
$2.50 waiting room. LINK MARINES ONLY
Yes sir.
How those sats lookin?
ebin thread
Only 3 more hours until Coinbase trading opens. Think we'll pump right away?
we are all in this together
The dump will be glorious. Can't wait to scoop some more juicy Linkies for under $2.
Blessed thread
some user was shilling 8.5h larp like 6h ago
Taking a seat, yes sir
The FUD is at ATH right now. Weak hands are getting BTFO. Stay strong buy the dips. We're all going to make it.
BRB buying a silver plated lambo
>some big happening for Link
>pumping before it happens
I've seen this before. It's getting priced in. As soon as Coinbase pro hits Link's gonna dump. But it's going to recover right after.
Good luck with that.
Don't swing, just have your other cash flow sitting on the side lines waiting for the dips
$22.00 confirmed
I'm hijacking this thread. This is now the $250 waiting room
you dumb fucks have been FUDing LINK for 2 fucking years to keep literally the entire planet away from awareness, and you expect LINK to dump when the largest retail crypto broker """randomly""" add a (thanks to the fucktard FUD) total """left field""" cryptocurrency to their platform
why do coins dump when they get listed on coinbase though?
LINK/USD pairing opens the enterprise floodgates. You just win.
What is our price target at coinbase release?
$3? $10?
Jesus that is some fucked up level of syntax there bro. Have you done cocaine tonight?
Argh I just have 900 links
not fucking selling until 1000$
Swingers get the rope
you'll get google clouded retard.
the low level dumb nigger NPCs "buy rumor, sell news" everything to death. Then move on to the next "OMG 100x PLZ BUY VERY GOOD SIRS" alt-o-the-day
Who said anything about selling?
I am accumulating, just want to know at what price I should be expecting to continue to accumulate
Tony Stack is the real Iron Hag
Let's do this
fud or no fud, bots and whales are still suppressing the price
>tfw ONLY 6.4K linkies
>tfw ONLY 6.4 million USD EOY
I think I'm gonna cash out around 1K, put the entire 6.4mil into tax free municipal bonds. This should yield a ~5% return yearly, which is $270,000 a year. Roll half of that back into bonds for inflation and I get $130k every year for the rest of my life.
66 > 22
kek is on our side
>The FUD is at ATH right now
Oh wow. Nice renovation.
>tfw she’s not real
How to cute blonde white waifu as Asian man?
$2.50 waiting rook kek. What's next a $2.55 waiting room? Pathetic
bonds are a meme
crypto+real estate+gold is the way to go in terms of diversification. link is a better investment than any of those in the short to medium term anyway.
Don't you fucking slant. Marry your own and dont make deformed mutts.
Marry a hot Asian girl and make beautiful Asians.
Why does everybody hate their race and want to mix so bad wtf?
Buy you fools
I guarantee I'm holding more LINK than any of you queers. But I'm also not a newfag that thinks coinbase pro listings pump the price any more. There will be a dump. And I will rise in the rankings once again. Watch and learn peasants.
Just use your LINK gains to pick up cute northern European girls. You've already got her bud.
>I guarantee I'm holding more
trust me when i respectfully and unironically say you do not
do you foresee a "dump" comparable to the mainnet "dump"? the google "dump"? the oracle "dump"? the coinbase listing "dump"..?
About two years ago i traded my entire stellar stack for link at basically 1:1. God bless you autistic fucks, we're all gonna make it.
>5% on Munis
user, I
i'm sitting on 243k links, with a average price of $0.52 cents
how big is your dick
29,000 Marine checking in... I was once 34,000 but I was wounded in action.
Fuck you my children are going to look like this
Or this
100k links finally. The last 1k was a painfully expensive purchase at 70c. Should have just kept buying!
made my first link purchase a couple days after my birthday in January last year. threw money into it hand over first all the way down to 20c when I borrowed against my 401k and bought a shitload more. thanks, fuckers, you made me rich.
t. lt col + 1 LP
Term? Interest Rate?
How many roasties are you going to PnD Before you get your ideal waifu?
Thinking 15 at least.
>having kids that don't look like you
Lets start with one champ. They're not all that they're hyped up to be.
If you sell you owe tax. If you're a burger and hold for at least a year you get the low low tax of 20%. Never sell, only stake.
This and also they end up making less money than holders
Ross from friends?
50k link here. my fucking god will it be nice that binance bots can't dictate shit anymore. the singularity is nigh and you all fucking deserve it.
i had ALMOST given up hope today after oracle and seeing the whales win again almost pushing it below 2$ i would have felt sick and just sold the thing knowing it would go to 1.4. i am absolutely certain a couple dolphins at least are fucking crying right now after getting wrecked on the coinbase news
>29k linkies
I hope I make it.
Do I have to get in on Linkpool now or does or not matter when I start staking? Also how much should 6.4k staked link net me yearly given current estimates?
>The dump will be glorious
This is posted before every dump. And it's always pitiful followed by a massive pump. Hope you don't wait too long to buy back in!
Use your brain
We all gonna make fren.
Oh my god
Why the fuck do you faggots even bother
What told you? Your faggot meme lines? How many dumb pieces of shit like you got roasted during the last pump exactly?
Just kill yourself if you haven't bought back in - you're going to later anyway.
fucking this
I did this 2 days ago at $2.07 lol. Monero too.
>painfully expensive
Fukken saved
Apparently LinkPool says the relative floor for returns will be 1% gains per month. Assuming this is accurate, if LINK goes to $1k, 6,400 staked LINK at .01% a month will yield...
$64,000 every month...
I only have 500 links, do I buy now or wait for the dip?
You kys for not buying literally years ago
I bought some more instead, I'll kms later
What the fuck. Has everyone here actually made it? I only have 5k but shit I'm never gonna sell (or at least I'll make it to $100
Dip. Trolling aside, this will crash below $1. Especially when this bull run runs out of juice (which should be soon).
But what happens once we hit the top and it crashes to well below $1K? How much will your staked link give you then?
Figured, I'll be dcaing a bit until the dip then go crazy
If link goes to $1k then yes, every person on this fucking board will make it assuming they bought a suicide stack.
It won’t. Don’t try time the market. If you only knew.
Bull run only starts after the halving. Which is still a year away.
Another dump.. What's the fucking point anymore
How the hell do you even make money on Link? Seems to me like the only way would be to run a node.
Ive held off for buying feels like its pointless now since I could only afford 500. Unless it goes dirt cheap again with a BTC crash, am I wrong Jow Forums?
If you consider a couple pennies to be a dump, you're in the wrong market.