Has everything needed to pump

has everything needed to pump

>normie exchange with all trading pairs
>low market cap
>low sats
>muh DAG
>supports neo, eth, bnb
>memes and justin sun-like shilling
>300,000 TPS
>biz's support
>Binace has a huge bag of it and will pump it to the moon

Why haven't you gone all in on FTM?

Attached: 3513.png (200x200, 12K)

How much to make it?

I'm all in personally.

Post screen shot of your bag FTMarine

i got 1 million is that enough??


Attached: E08FA2F9-8EA2-4F2E-B497-05276D6E8703.png (1242x2688, 421K)

How does it feel to be a future Millionaire user? At what price are you selling?

I only have 33k is that enough to make it?

at least 200k to make it user

Well I’ll be sitting okay then. Enough to keep investing in shitcouns and making gains.

good stack none the less, just hold

any price under .04 is basically free

How many needed to make it?

its mooooooooooooooning
alt season is back
get into the best alts

You forgot VIDT

No VIDT? Lmao

Just brought 10k
Vid-t & Fantom the official chad combo

Attached: fago.gif (498x498, 386K)

You literally just said 200k was enough, you don’t know shit

Based and dubai pilled

take your meds user

im in bois