Will Chainlink reach $5,000 per LINK by 2030?

Will Chainlink reach $5,000 per LINK by 2030?

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that pic is retard

total fud

too much thinking involved to be a good meme

try 2023 for iso 20022

Wait what. No one said we would be reaching those type of prices

$5000 by 2030 is FUD

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Who cares about 2030 man? There is money to be made today! Check this bad boy out called Vid it's going up every day! See you on the flip side.

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>$81,000 LINK

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Ok, enough with the $1000 LINK meme. What are some realistic estimates for LINK eoy? $5?

r u new

hey what if i told you in the past that bitcoin would have a 200 billion marketcap

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5-10, it really depends on the market and whoever is manipulating it

LINK taking over the world. VID looking good too

what level of domiance is the last row at? 62%?

>related cryptocurrencies

definitely not john titor. there's no way in hell PIECE or VeChink will still be around by then

You're right, clearly link will be valuated at around $215,000 each by the end of 2040

>the most bullish estimates for LINK put it at $124k sometime in the next decade
>beyond that it will only be measured as a percentage of world GDP

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LINK is going to be a top 10 coin, I wish I had enough LINK to be financially independent, but oh well. I'm just glad to be a part of the ride. I think if this bull market is real, we go to $20, crash down to $3 during bear, and then finally begin a slow climb to $100-200.

John Titor was just a soldier

try top 3 retard nulinker

try top 1
link will flip btc in a few years

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top 5 ez
btc going to at least 4trill
this means at least $270 Minimum at the very least ground level rock bottom

Is it going to dump or pump with the coinbase exchange? My gut says dump because of the selloff to normies. Can someone disabuse me of that?

that is likely the year that SWIFT entirely utilizes the core of their service with LINK oracles.
it will be a slow transition but 2023 seems about right for full adoption.
LINK will continue to break ath's until it finally just goes hyper parabolic that year.

$81,000 is fud

At this rate VID will reach 10k in 2-3 months lol

Updated version

>Too much thinking involved to be a good meme

Yeah all the scary numbers are there as a filter to scare away brainlets

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awesome ty fren.

These things are out of date before I finish making them... fuck this is a wild time

try $81,000

Fucking nulinkers



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It's going to get harder and harder to pump a chart out while staying accurate as time goes on
$1k EOY is FUD

Can someone update this shit

Disregard, i'm a fucking faggot

*tips fedora*