Ama faggots

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When will you fuck off back to plebbit?

I've been here longer than you faggot.

Fucking please help me out user. I'm poor as fuck and lost my job right before the bullrun. I'm actually a decent trader but too cautious to get anywhere with an account as small as mine. You could absolutely change the game for me. Please user

nice shield

Is the Masonic connection about Chainlink true?

I don't know but it's very interesting.

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double eagle of the old german ways or nah?


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>double eagle
i have a friend who has said he would sponsor me to get in. have never taken up the offer. well met lad. i know and have done enough for others that if i am ever in dire need, i know how to ask for help.

so, just between people who are on a mongolian basket weaveing forum, what brings you out this eve

I'm not a Mason you stupid fuck. Just fucking with you

This is now an O.T.O thread.

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What is op pic

Mason Parser here

>implying you wouldn't say that.
i got ya ;)

templar cipher

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And what do you personally do with your knowledge of it?

Self satisfaction. Oh and the earth is not a planet.

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When will the old men alts (SC and DGB) roar back?

Any chance for removing kebap from the west? A new crusade? The retaking of Constantinople?

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LINK price in 2021?

Wtf r u about what brings u here

what constitutes self satisfaction for you? what do you mean by earth is not a planet? do you mean to say it is merely an egregore matrix broadcast from the hexagon on jupiter?

there is no historical literature which proofs that knights of malta and all that york or scottisch bullshit existed befor 1750. only real freemasonry is blue lodges up to 3 ranks.

but im here with you my brethren. your old man also have the problem of not remembering enough and read out of a book?

>Oh and the earth is not a planet.
Ok, it's late. Time to go to bed once the weird faggots are on.
