Binance alts are kill?
Binance alts are kill?
Camden Jones
Zachary Diaz
Yup best bet is to buy ETH now for any chance at recouping sats
Landon Torres
Binance is dead.
Joseph Lewis
-10x on alts inbound.
Luis Stewart
capitulate all your alts into link while you still can
Hunter Sanders
Too many holders have ETH to sell, the ICO boom of 2017 is still holding 25% of their ETH reserves buy something scarce
Sebastian Butler
Is selfkey scarce?
Brandon Green
Yep, ETH oversold on the BTC pairing. Hoping it will get pumped soon.
Jaxon Ross
whats a reasonable target?
Elijah Smith
BAT and Link should be pretty good buys. They are going to be this years ethereum and xrp