How would the American economy react to Bernie Sanders being elected president?

How would the American economy react to Bernie Sanders being elected president?

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The jews would fucking HATE that, the market as a whole would probably dip by 30+ percent

the market would panic sell


Would basically be the inverse of 2016. Markets would be expecting a Trump victory only to be terribly surprised by Bernie.

it depends on whether the Republicans hold the Senate or not

if Bernie wins but Republicans keep the Senate, it'll be four years of nothing getting done, and the market will move sideways

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It would react by having 5.2% additional income taxes levied on all income levels as well as new taxes on dividends, estate, probably a VAT federal sales tax and a new 7% federal payroll tax to complement whatever your current state payroll tax is (mn here, also 7 I think)

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my prediction would be a shock crash in the stock market, creating short-medium term economic contraction, but in the medium-long term his policies would result in a more stable economy and flatter distribution of wealth

Stocks would instantly pretty much be obliterated, by the first month in it would be down like 30 percent, bottom out, and then slowly dip further down from there

Here is current

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Instant collapse. The only reason we aren't already in a depression is because Trump won.

Negatively. He wants to tax Wall Street for college loans. He'd tank the market, as people take their cash off the table to protect it.
But, it would be pretty damn positive for gold and other non-stock related investments.

And no, that money would not go to crypto for a safe harbor, don't be stupid.

Luckily, he has no real shot. Biden is the chosen candidate. It's obvious - and Trump is going to blow him out in epic numbers.

I would move out and renounce my citizenship unironically

>this is what Spergiebros actually believe

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His presidency would kill GDP and job markets. He doesn't know how to govern, and he's a socialist, and loves his gibs.

People would move thier money out of the country immediately. Most of his proposals call for like 75% tax rates on middle class Americans. His policies would attack and scare the shit out of all American companies. Major companies would probably start firing employees and immediately moving overseas.

bitcoin goes to 1 mil unironically

I don't know i think americans maybe ready for biden.
They might prefer a boring presentable president by now.

Trump has a PROVEN track record of a super strong economy and bringing dead jobs back. Biden isn’t going to win dude.

theres a reason why this guy has so much support on reddit and zoomers.

>protip hes a fucking cancer

>His presidency would kill GDP and job markets

that's essentially what i said, in the short term

BERNIE 2020 there is no other choice, this man is the president in the timeline I'm jumping in to, everyone else can have fun in hell world

Enjoy your 75% tax rate. I’m not kidding

Wow, trump actually getting credit for anything other than watching tv.

You're implying enough people here make enough money to even pay 30%, let alone 75% - for anyone to give a shit. Fuck off boomer

Trump has done some good, especially with trade. The media freaked out, because teh market freaked out, because they freak out over everything, but he's been making moves that have strengthened the economy. But god forbid they give him credit for it.

I don't know what the fuck he's doing re: Iran, but as far as trade, he's been the strongest leader we've had in decades.

>pay for college
>Jew gets elected
>makes you keep paying for college again for the rest of your life
You deserve him.

why should I want a guy that wants to give boomers free healthcare and forgive student loans?
How is he going to make me more money?
Cause it looks like he'd do the opposite.

it would crash to rock bottom

It's going 1M either way

not how it works, go read his policies you are spreading false information; realize the current tax system is super broken and the only ones benefit the most are assholes like bezos that can legally navigate the system so amazon pays zero taxes on a trillion dollars in revenue and even get hundreds of millions back in tax refunds

More upset poor people = more crime
They're gonna get it one way or another, might as well be nonviolent.

Agreed. Trump is great for the economy. Any other president, left or right, and we would be at war with either North Korea, Russia, or Iran. Probably all three

hes a worthless faggot who has never done fucking shit in his life but profit off his government job and connections.

he has literally never worked a day in his life. ever. all he does is protest, then get elected to congress, then use his connections to hook up his wife who embezzles millions while he gets kickbacks from lobbyists. the absolute definition of a soviet communist party member. he should be hanging from a noose on the washington monument

>the current system is corrupt
>so the new jewish system with more more government control will be less corrupt

Socialism in leads to more poor people in every single instance.

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>the new jewish system with more governmental control
you sound like maybe you couldve used some of that free college, no offense; what a sad regurgitation of a distilled-down conspiracy talking point with no basis or actually any meaning to it

you are voting against your best interests. abandon fake populism. tax the ones with the financial incentive to fuck you over.

>Here let me not refute anything about the negatives of more government
>and project how YOU'RE not making an argument!
lmao I'm glad you're poor

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I do, Trump doubled the Standard Deduction which cuts lower class taxes by $1,000 right off the bat. People who were making ~34k a year just got a 10% tax reduction. Bernie will increase MY taxes, not the rich's. I don't know how you could possibly by his lies with an IQ above 93.

fucking crash to zero.

>he actually believes this

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you're talking about "projecting" and then said you're glad I'm poor; wtf are you even rambling about, nothing about what I said implied I'm poor (not that it matters I'm not lol) but even if that's supposed to be an insult it really isn't; people are poor generally because they are born that way and economic structures keep power entrenched. everyone should have freedom from financial slavery and for that matter a real education, god knows this dumb conversation wouldn't be happening if they did

It's true. It's not like he's doing great things, but there's a lot of false optimism that came with his election. Fucking kys you sub 80 IQ faggot.

I literally don't give a fuck who's president It's all a kike scam

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You're right, except for the Biden part. It's going to be Warren. Screencap this.

>blah blah blah you're wrong about meeee
You literally assumed I had no degree because I don't want to pay for yours. If you can't understand that someone is just putting you through the same fallacies you're committing as a form of insult then you shouldn't be speaking about politics you should be reading a book.

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never said you didn't have a degree, I said you sound uneducated because you are spouting bullshit like someone that reads a little too much Jow Forums and not enough books my dude. I like that you started typing in proper punctuation to sound smarter all the sudden though lol

I said UPSET poor people.
I'd gladly be poor under true socialism.

Me too doing nothing for something is a great deal problem is it doesn't make any sense

Absolute Cuck

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>probably a VAT federal sales tax
Europoors are getting kiked hard with this bullshit. VAT is daylight robbery and we all know it.

Banks would get paid out to again.

Imagine thinking that low taxes and increased government spending will work forever
Trump victory will demolish the market

Stock market suffers 70% collapse in a week and bitcoin goes to 3M in seven months

>Thinks a child molester is a boring presentable president

You have to go back

>we arent in a depression

Yeah tell that to the hordes of homeless here in Tampa, and my landlord as Im already back rent foe the month. Not in a depression, nigga please.

>cutting off your nose to spite your face

I know your retarded kind will admit that Europe isn't socialism but that'll never stop you from deferring to them about how great a success socialism would be and I have to say I agree.

I too wish we could be like western Europe and pay 50% or more of our income even at middling wages-and an additional 20-30% tax on every purchase we make-to pay for the children we collectively aren't having, the hospital visits we rarely need because we're not fat or the drugs we don't pay to develop, the military and police who stand idle etc.; better to just be in debt forever no matter what than have a say in the matter. We shouldn't look at what market conditions lead to high prices to begin with, we should just give as much money away as schools want

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>there is no other choice
But there is

Probably new economic crysis as the bubble will burst again, irrespective of who is POTUS.

What a pathetic exaggeration.

>reddit homo retard detected

I'm pretty sure he was referring to Biden there