Well shit, FUD won't be as fun anymore

Thanks a lot Brian. In case you were wondering, I am in the top 120 wallets. I also FUD on reddit as much as possible. And as a ETH/ANS moonfag, I actually got my presale email from a fellow user. Congrats on Coinbase, fellow marines. This will be my last post using this trip

Join me in procuring a Centurion card once you make it :-)

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Other urls found in this thread:


>thanks a lot Brian
well shit, what did I do?

Dude fuck off already

Shut the fuck up Brian

that you chuck?

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I was bandwagoning onto your threads with anti link shilling, $0.40 feels just like yesterday, time flies.
The end of the LARPera is among us, it has been a pleasure FUDing link with you sir

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Based uncle, I knew all along. You enjoy yourself in retirement now

>This will be my last post using this trip
Thank fuck, you've been an annoying cunt for months. Please don't come back in any form.

you guys think something in the billions will moon to $1000. you guys are really stupid and it makes me happy to know so many people here hold all their $ in 1 or 2 alts like LINK and BSV.

A centurion card but a fat babby with goggles

I'll always be here kiddo, have sex

Ruined the cheap linky train sirs

FUD threads are unequivocally essential for the accumulation stages of chainlink, uncle and every other look fudster are based as shit

Salute to you, fellow marine

I accumulated 150k at ED and then had to sit through this retard fudding with a TRIP for fucking months. I want my time back.

Um, your card is expired.

Crypto is the future, nocoiner. Id like to thank you in advance for buying my bags at the top.

1 trillion market cap is nothing, our prize is a 1 quadrillion cap in 10 years. Roaring 20s 2.0 is about to begin, fudbro.

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Oldfag you son of a bitch! You scared the shit out of me a year ago right after I bought in.
I really appreciate all your work though. I
have a tiny stack but I'll be a whale in a few years. Thanks man.

Fudsters do the dirty work, we don’t feel good about it but it needs to be done. There was only a handful of fud threads to deal with in a day anyways

No one takes tripfags seriously. You would have been far more believable just being user.

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The amount of times my bumhole clenched whenever you fudded. Nearly fell for it in the beginning. Then I joined the fud army and got banned a number of times on Reddit. It’s been a pleasure marine. Your posts have been capped throughout my journey for posterity. Thank you for everything.

What "needs to be done" faggot, I'm not a brokefag wagecuck putting my cuckbucks into Chainlink each week, as I said I bought all my LINK on ED and then had to sit through 2 years of stupid fud bullshit

Astro tier larp is back. Another pump incoming.
>t. 850, and still care about your mental health

Very selfish user, true marines work for the fellow marine beside them, all marines must make it for the futuristic goal

I envy the early link buyers who got in under .50c
What I would give to step in a time machine and go back in time to fill my bags with cheap chainlink

remember when I kept telling you you were my buy signal?
I bought everytime and made so much money
based fudder

Whatever you bought under 50 cents, you still think it wasnt enough.
t. only bought 5k at 20 cents
It was an uncertain time for crypto

Lurker here, why do Fudders fud? Why try to keep the price low, is it so they can accumulate more?

fuck you faggot you had your chance

Why did I just call you a faggot?
Answer this question user and you shall know everything.
Fucking Faggot

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2 years is a long time. what would you do to pass the time?

Based UncleOldfag. You helped us all get a lot of cheap Link and caught so much shit for it. Thank you, and good luck to you bro.

Can you do the Astro trip so I know I'm not crazy?

Fuck you you already fucked up a while ago no one gives a shit.

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wtf I love uncle oldfag now

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sanjeet go get goat we sell for 56 chanlinks it go to 100000 in july

Calm down. I’m an ICO fag and I understand your disdain but it’s time to let the newbies in.

They're coming..... another ath in usdt $2.54

You have never made a difference with your posts. Your FUD was horrible, low IQ garbage and you're definitely a poorfag larping as what he thinks a rich person would sound like.
Just stay user from now on, and get help for your attention seeking disorder.

See, that’s exactly where you’re wrong.

>hey Jow Forums im not a market maker
>i just bought a bunch of some shit and watched it grow



You are such a fucking faggot

Wasn't talking to you faggot. How's that?