Cant even reach 5 or 10 dollars with the news

>cant even reach 5 or 10 dollars with the news

ay lmao

Attached: wojack link.jpg (340x270, 40K)

Attached: 4567345734654.jpg (1034x836, 85K)

Truly pathetic, to be quite honest

>tfw only made 2X my investment so far

Attached: 1560873972011.jpg (1600x1200, 1016K)

Losing faith bros. Google news would have sent this to ten easily in 2017

If you aren't up 1000% on Chainlink it's because you are a newcoiner retard that should just buy a rope.

indeed, might as well buy shitty fantom or 10 into BTC every week.

>Mfw I’m only X6 my initial investment

What a shitcoin.....

Attached: 94162E4B-8018-42FF-89C9-BE5C8A643A14.jpg (412x351, 21K)

Calling bullshit. You are not up 1000% on link. Need some proof

>t. long time top wallet hodler

Fuck off newfag

>everyone that buys after I do is bad
I see holding for so long has mentally impaired you, that 50K link stack won't fix your mentality and in that regard you'll never make it.

Attached: 1558804833452.jpg (711x633, 35K)

Here you go retard. Another 200% or so not shown because I switched from Blockfolio to Delta. Been holding since $0.23.
Pathetic cope. Like I give a fuck what some poor frog posting faggot thinks about me.

Attached: Screenshot_20190627-000334_Delta.jpg (1080x1184, 163K)

Proof of transactions you absolute retard. Any asshole can enter anything they want into folio. Retard

Yeah, I put a fake stack of chainlink in Delta a year ago and have been waiting patiently for the last year to post it in this very thread. Go fuck yourself.

Isn't this supposed to be coffee standard?

>putting folio meme pic
>not putting actual trade
you fucking newfags really need to go back

bought 43,400 tokens June 27 2018 12:20 PM EST (Australia) for 16.96ETH
Current value 314.16ETH

Not him but he is is right you absolute mongoloid piece of shit

please fucking go back you nigger faggot wop

Attached: 1518651248462.gif (80x100, 10K)

Here's two minor transactions I made in 2017 when it was under twenty cents that are bigger than most of your poorfag stacks. I'm not going to post months of history just to make you dumb faggots happy.

Attached: 2017.jpg (719x56, 7K)

Post em you under 6k stack faggot

I’ll go back to your moms stank ass vagina soon, don’t worry

I'm not going to waste my time screenshotting and posting months of transaction history just to prove I have more money than you kek

poor nigger pajeets, sell ur 500 linkies and move on. u need 50k to make it at this point

Okay mini-stack boy

This is some low quality FUD. You need to try harder to scare peeps off, faggits.

Whatever you gotta tell yourself.

Attached: beeh.jpg (277x276, 13K)

post your stack you degenerate

I don't LINK... wine...

I'm up 700% and bought in on the way down from the peak
It isn't that hard

Bullshit, faggot post your address and private key nigger you poorfag fagggot!!

did i do well user 3rd worlder here no tax i wont declare it anyway im up 12x

Attached: linkbuy1.png (1005x557, 61K)

I'm proud of you user

imagine the gains if you held literally anything else