This is it. This is your chance if you missed Link. Youve just been given another chance. 2 cents for a major next gen platform doing juggarnaut volume.
This is your chance if you missed Link
Other urls found in this thread:
Am I going to make it?
>FTM, but no VIDT
Only partially going to make it.
FTM will cover having no vidt
why go ftm if i can go vidt or holo
indoctrinate me
someone spoon feed this user the pasta bin, I don't have the link
Here you go fren
You either just successfully dumped your bags or made me a part of the future elite
I'll buy you a lambo if this ever reaches $2 friend
the one week discord shill scammers, will dump there vidt in a few days, dont buy this shit
I'm not selling below $1 fren
so why not holo over ftm
That pastebin will go down in history
Truly legendary
retard newfag here, but how do I buy FTM?
How new? Do you hold any crypto? Or are you a no coiner with Fiat only.
I have almost 11k, will i be able to afford an apartment in my country? (About 100k)
fiat only, depressing considering I work in tech. All my life I ignored the BTC and others hype. I'm actually retarded
>tfw I missed out on the big ftm pump
I'll never learn
I think it's the best we all agree we'll not consider dumping this under 1$
>not all in FTM
Seems like you have 4 unnecessary shitcoins
if you work in tech you should be able to figure out how to buy a coin
>buy btc and transfer it to binance then exchange it for ftm
>or get eth, go to idex and exchange that eth for ftm
You’re brain dead if you buy this Chinese scam shit coin
already mooned. buy und. binance soon.
>already mooned
>40M market cap and literally 2 cents
call me when it's 50 cents EOM and then we can say it's mooned user
I have 3 buddies who work in tech and none of them are into crypto at all. There's actually surprisingly few "tech people" in crypto. Most people got into crypto because of drugs not because of tech. Especially the early guys.
I can't wait for VIDT to nosedive and wreck all the pajeets on this board
Buy ETH on coinbase and then make a binance account. Transfer your ETH to binance and then buy FTM.
Nose dive to what? 5 million. It doesn't matter, its a product - it will continue to go up unlike whatever scam coin you talk fundamentals on.
>missed link
the only people who missed link will be those who buy at >$20
We knew of it I guess at the time we just didn't believe in it, I was also youngish back then like 13
I guess most people had heard the name but nothing else. I heard about bitcoin around the silk road bust but never looked into it any deeper because I was not interested in drugs at all and all I had ever heard about it was that people used it to buy drugs lol. Kinda sucks, I could be rich if I was into that type of shit lol. Basically I got fucked because I wasn't normie enough to have any interest in stupid normie shit like alcohol and drugs.
I sometimes wonder what have the autists of Jow Forums done with the millions from btc
There's no ETH pair nigger.
My friend's friend's brother was one of those. I never met him, but apparently the guy was a bit weird, didn't know how to act around my friend's gf, but a nice guy regardless.
Used some of his money to help my friend make it as a photographer.
That did nothing but convince me you are a fucking non-white.
> Muh "phds".
Get fucked bagholder.
Ya, I imagine 90% of biz as antisocial weirdos